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No stories here but GG on your videos. You're quite the prolific Quake 2 historian! 
Dondeq2 Is The 'join Railwarz' Anon 
Nehahra And Mindcrime 
Can somebody still get in touch with mindcrime? I remember he had 5 more nehahra maps that were almost finished.... 
Yeah those maps are mine, some of them might see some form of release sooner or later, probably most never will.
Mindcrime is findable on twitter if you look for Jack Kincaid. 
u can contact him via FB here: 
Guys, how do you define the jams themes?..

I know I'm nobody here, I limit myself to download maps but some anon in /vr/ had a silly idea, making Doom e1m1 as a house, and we thought furniture is easier to do in Quake...

What do you think?.. 
Idea For 2019 
Would be great to have a large scale survey of all the different Quake communities. (just the first game)

Something akin to the Steam hardware survey mixed with a bit of gameplay statistics. Would be cool to have something that helps us understand how many people are playing each iteration of the game. MP, SP, mods what engines etc.

Would love to hear ideas if anyone is interested in this info. 
Sounds Cool. If I'm Being A Little Self-serving... 
Multiple Choice Q:
Do you coop
-how many people?
Do you DM
-how many people?
Favorite vanilla weapon
Favorite vanilla monster
Favorite vanilla powerup
Favorite vanilla gameplay mechanic (buttons, doors, button hunt, key sequence, trains, etc.)

Type-In Q:
Favorite SP mod
Favorite MP mod
Favorite mod weapon
Favorite mod monster
Favorite mod powerup
Favorite mod/SP gameplay mechanic
Most Memorable Map (list the first 3 you can think of, one in each blank below)
Favorite Theme (e.g. describe it such as brown stone, metal, copper, teracotta, city, etc. or name a map such as honey, sepulchre). 
Q... those are interesting questions but I was thinking less of specific gameplay elements per se and more about engines, mods and modes.


Do more ppl play SP or MP?
What is really the most popular source port at the moment?
Coop numbers would be interesting. 
That's a tough question to be fair, since it's not really formalized. It's basically a matter of whatever idea that gets randomly dropped here/on Twitch/on Discord seems to get people the most interested.

That said, I dunno if you'll find any takers for the "Doom e1m1 as a house" project here (sorry). But you guys are more than welcome to try your luck at making a Doom themed speedmap: 
It has to be well timed too. Not after the start of another event, within +/- a week of the end of an event, typically after. 
Arx Renata 
I found this little and beautiful map made by Siledas while i was searching in quaketastic's files. Maybe it has already been shared in discord but i didn't see it posted here:

The readme says that this is his first map ever but it's really well craft with good attention to details. And the zip file also comes with a cool start map :)

I recorded a playthrough if anyone is interested: 
I played an earlier version of this. Looks like some nice upgrades. Will check it out. 
I played an earlier version of this. Looks like some nice upgrades. Will check it out. 
I played an earlier version of this. Looks like some nice upgrades. Will check it out. 
I played an earlier version of this. Looks like some nice upgrades. Will check it out. 
Spirit's Quaddicted Summit 
Spirit has posted an inquiry on Quaddicted's forum to gauge interest in A Weekend in Quaddicted's Future. This will be an online discussion tentatively scheduled for this Sunday December 16th:

"to focus on the shortcomings of the site and grand visions plans for the future? I have lots of ideas how a vastly different system could ensure that new releases are available in an instant, automated tools can become way more powerful, etc."

Take a look here:

Looks like Zulip is the platform of choice: 
Protocol Vs. BSP2 
Could someone explain the differences here?

Do they work together or are they completely unrelated? And what are the differences? 
protocol 15 = bog standard vanilla software Quake network protocol
.bsp = bog standard vanilla map format
protocol 666 = enhanced network protocol that allows for higher entity counts, even in coop over a network, among other things
.bsp2 = enhanced map format with support for higher limits for geometry, vertex count, face count, leafs.
protocol 999 = ultra-enhanced network protocol that allows for playable level size beyond 4096x4096x4096. I believe up to 8192 at least if not double that again.

protocol 666 will still render beyond 4096 but once the player reaches there wierd stuff starts happening...sort of like walking all the way around the world to the other side.

Basically, if you default to compiling with -bsp2 parameter and running with protocol 999 on everything in an engine that supports .bsp2 (QS/QSS, FTE, DP) then everything should JustWork(R). Older engines also required some sort of -zone 4096 command when running the engine but I believe it isn't needed now.

Why is there protocol 666? Because mappers love torches.
Why is there protocol 999? Because Orl. 
Spike will probably come in now and tell us that that ain't the half of it.

Basically protocol affects netwotk packets and how many entities you can handle.

.Bsp/.bsp2/.psb(don't worry about it long abandoned alternate to bsp2) affect how much stuff you can have in your level. 
Why is there protocol 999? Because RemakeQuake in 2010. 
8192^3 is the playable volume in Quake. 
Great info thank you! Makes more sense now. 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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