Posted by Mike Woodham on 2013/03/22 09:36:50 |
As close to being finished as it will ever be, the end is not as originally planned but it is still playable.
Only tested in Fitzquake. Some music switches missing in the last map so you will either put up with it, or not play it :)
Not all short-cuts bring reward, and if you play on hard AND find the runes, you will get a nominally different ending.
UPDATE: quaddicted mirror: https://www.quaddicted.com/filebase/fmb_bdg2.zip |
How's This SleepwalkR?
#26 posted by - on 2013/03/23 22:11:56
#27 posted by negke on 2013/03/23 22:54:31
Can you please change back the color of your name? Otherwise I'll confuse you with Spirit.
#28 posted by - on 2013/03/23 23:17:47
When you get to map2 this happens:
(finally beat map1)
Haha, Negke
#29 posted by mfx on 2013/03/23 23:50:58
good one!
#30 posted by Spirit on 2013/03/23 23:54:06
I just tried to make mine look like negke's but func did let me.
Spirit, I Like Mine
#31 posted by mfx on 2013/03/24 00:01:05
...and just finished those maps.
Mr. Woodham, it�s a pity that this will be your
last words in Quake(hope not)
Tight battle it was, died nearly 30 times, and
never felt frustrated.
Pity it is.
This should be posted on the quakeone.com forum too really, surprised it hasn't been already.
#33 posted by Drew on 2013/03/24 00:38:31
#34 posted by Vondur on 2013/03/24 08:05:50
rather nice set of levels, feels epic and with nice gameplay and exploration.
Is This Officially The First Map Of 2013?
#35 posted by affine on 2013/03/24 12:30:45
Awesome! Will Play Now!
#37 posted by than on 2013/03/24 12:42:25
For some reason I didn't check the news page and thought this was an old map that had been spam bot'd to the top of the forum. Wasn't until I clicked on this link in #tf that I found it. What a nice surprise!
Finished Start
#38 posted by than on 2013/03/24 13:38:14
was fun, but I swear I've played it before... has it been released before as another map?
I uploaded a demo, but fell in lava and died nearish to the end. Actually, I noclipped out of lava a couple of times because falling in lava really fucking sucks, and I'm a cry baby pussy. Other than the lava, it was quite easy on normal, but with a couple of surprises. Looking forward to map 2 :)
Here's that demo:
#39 posted by than on 2013/03/24 13:40:10
one thing I didn't like was the gold key. Maybe I was just being lame, but it seemed as if it was possible to jump across to it quite easily from the shelf with the torch of death on it, but I kept getting snagged on something. I think it's best to make things clearly out of reach, or just allow the player to take shortcuts if they have the skills to do so.
Good 2 Mins Of Fun!
#40 posted by Orbs on 2013/03/24 13:45:48
it is possible to get it from the shelf at the beginning actually. I didn't get to the point where I could use it, I died in the lava a little later on.
#42 posted by JD STONER on 2013/03/24 23:20:40
Feels Epic
#43 posted by sock on 2013/03/25 18:10:48
Finally found some time to finish the second and third map. The amount of work that must of gone into these maps is amazing. The rockwork feels amazing in places and the variety of space and encounter design is top notch.
The death arena in the first map is cool, nicely done and when the music changed it just felt epic. I liked all of the music and even thou you offered the choice to turn it off, it stayed on!
My favourite has to be the second map, the climbing up and around the structure, crossing chasms of lava and that bridge! I still have a screenshot you posted of the YA bridge and the design is amazing. The use of secret locations in the second map felt better to me, I liked the idea of looking over ledges and wondering how places connect. The extra monsters on the intermission screen was a very nice touch.
Do you have plans to release the map/progs source files?
Nice, But With Mixed Feelings
#44 posted by negke on 2013/03/25 22:29:43
I agree it's pretty epic. Strong 'overwhelming dungon' vibe, and it looks awesome, oozing with atmosphere.
While it's great visually, unfortunately I found it to be lacking in the gameplay department. The levels don't have much variety. I made the mistake of playing on hard skill which probably made this worse. For the most part the gameplay, especially in the second map, consists of grinding through hordes of hellknights, ogres, and more hellknights. And for a long time only with poor weaponry. This became very tedious after a while. And then the player gets strapped of his gear after each level so the whole grind starts awew in the next map.
More varied monster placement would've helped a great deal, with a couple of additional custom enemies perhaps. More fragbait inbetween, and possibly more powerup action or a new powerful weapon.
I like the interconnected layouts and the shortcut opportunities, although I felt a little bad when I used them once or twice - as if I had broken the map. But it's cool since it adds some exploratory feel to it as well as individual play experiences (provided one doesn't get lost).
A bunch of very nice ideas in the levels. Some really good secrets. The guardians.
On the technical side, there are a few shortcomings, signs of a rushed release. For example, no pak; the palette.lmp, I believe it's the gamma patch?, should've been left out; the bsp names didn't have to be this complicated - a simple onlyents compile would have solved the problem (we did explain it here).
Then, it would have been possible to optimize the maps for staying within standard limits without much hassle.
But nevermind. I mean, I know you were sick of it and just wanted to get it out - we've all been there at some point. It's pretty cool you managed to finish and eventually release this thing after all. Thank you. :)
I Find It Hard To Believe
#45 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/25 23:08:31
That there are no screenshots!!!
#46 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/26 15:07:32
These are serious maps, not for the faint-hearted. A bit rough around the edges, and a few gameplay flaws, but I really like them:
Good stuff:
+ A lot of good gameplay on hard skill - solid, relentless, but usually fair.
+ Nice that you get all the weapons but they reset to maintain the challenge.
+ Fair use of Quoth monsters for a change.
+ Layout and progression is crazy, possibilities to take shortcuts and skip sections is really good - disorientating but adds to the interest AND replayability.
+ Good mix of epic designs and tighter interconnecting bits.
+ Very good secrets.
Bad stuff:
- Some lava bits far too easy to die in.
- A few gameplay traps too hard and inhibit first time playing.
- More health was needed in some areas.
- Had a slightly scrappy feel to some areas and some texture combinations.
A good swansong I think :)
Another Story, Another Time, Another Place...
#47 posted by Mike Woodham on 2013/03/26 21:48:43
Quick response:-
Some secrets are hard: if they we all easy they wouldn't be secrets, would they. Admittedly, two in This_Garlic were particularly hard: jumping through the red window, and shooting the imp blocking the way to the quad(or just jumping onto him). Not intuitive I agree.
Couldn't run the demo of the slaughter room problem; all the entities showed up but the brushwork was invisible? Maybe a Darkplaces problem but I only use Fitzquake.
On This Onion, you can jump to get the gold key early if you really want to - no deliberate snagging points there
Trigger_bastard vs impulse9 (I had to try to vary it a bit on such a big map)
No plans to release the source directly but the progs.dat can be decompiled (there's nothing in there that you guys can't program more efficiently than me but if there's something you want, just let me know)
There was no way the map could have been this big and stayed within all limits (just look at the terrain for a start)
Seems to be more + than - enjoyment, so I am happy. As long as one other person gets something out of it, I feel pretty smug :)
#48 posted by Mike Woodham on 2013/03/26 21:53:01
By the way, your explosion sprites worked a treat. I used them at the Vermis death in This Onion (the second one, when it sinks belkow the lava is particularly effective).
I also used them when the Guardians explode although that doesn't work quite so well due to timing, which I never got quite right.
Mike Woodham
#49 posted by anonymous user on 2013/03/26 22:05:17
@Couldn't run the demo of the slaughter room problem
Yeh recorded in DP, the monsters stay on the upper bridge and dont drop down
178 And The Rest
#50 posted by Mike Woodham on 2013/03/26 22:32:53
If you jump up to the area that is behind the silver-key door before getting the silver key, the push triggers and monster jumps are turned off. If you then drop down into the arena, and activate the monster spawning, they cannot get down to the arena and you will have trouble killing them - you can do it from below but it is not as planned, and your sense of enjoyment and wonder will be diminished :(
Other than that, I also just noticed that Darkplaces does not do fog the same as FitzQ, so it doesn't look as pretty. And also, the 'dead' ogres are not placed correctly on the floor - they still work but don't look right.
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