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Good Question Adib 
You would think that the people I'm referring to would take your reasonable perspective, but that's not the case. Here in Canada, on national television, a professor with a PhD actually said "It is not correct to say that there is such a thing as biological sex." Not gender, sex. This was actually just brought up in parliamentary proceedings this week because it's directly relevant to some very unfortunate legislation that probably WILL be passed, and then it may actually be illegal to simply conduct research in biology. Lol. Reminds me of Lyshenkoism in Soviet Russia.

You are giving people the benefit of the doubt and I understand that. I also don't want to exaggerate the problem because I tend to take, as one colleague of mine put it, a "Jeremiad view." However, after more than a decade in the higher education system I can confirm to you that many of the most educated people in the humanities and social sciences, at least in Canada, are as anti-scientific as any evangelical creationist, just on behalf of left-wing ideology as opposed to the right-wing ideology of evangelicals. The level of disingenuous ideological bullshit has reached insane heights and I can hardly imagine that even the medieval Catholic church took things this far, except possibly in the case of Galileo. Canadian evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker's book The Blank Slate came out more than a decade ago and it was incredibly controversial merely for summarizing scientific consensus on these issues. Since then the problem has only gotten worse. Who needs reality when you have bureaucratic power? 
Biological Gender/sex 
is also not defined so distinctly, you can have males with XX chromosomes and women with XY chromosomes. You can also get XXY, XYY, XXX etc ad nauseum.

People who like to draw clear distinctions are being narrow-minded, whether intentionally or through ignorance.

I think there's definitely a current backlash for transgender issues recently since there's a lot of people creating new genders on the fly. I personally think there should be a different term altogether for it.
To say you're a girl in the morning and a guy in the evening isn't being gender-fluid. It's belittling to real transgender people who typically feel a dissonance between their birth gender and their psychological gender. 
Ionous said he would be organizing quoth jam in June 
I Agree With Fifth 
Also, I tend to agree with John Carmack on some political issues: people should be judged by their productivity and talent above all else.

Politics are largely pointless, despite their effects. 
On Topic

I'm surprised he was able to pull off that brushwork. 
not exactly changing the subject.

Quoth Kell Jam sounds fun. Make sure to require the latest version of Quoth, whatever the heck it was called. (2.2?) 
Thanks Pulsar 
Glad to hear it.

DF Retro on Quake 2, mentions a bit of Q1 as well. 
the thing that i don't like is people seeking to ruin other people lives for symbolic acts or "wrong" opinions, like the guy who landed a satellite in an asteroid and everyone was talking about the shirt that the guy was wearing.

shit like that makes me more hostile to proggresivism, the social justice zealotry

the social justice orthodoxy (rejection of the science)... i don't know. there are a lot of those. science is not THAT popular, they're ideologues, not really social scientists. 
i want to clarify

what i tried to say is that i don't see that the problem is so bad. after all there are a flat-earthers, creationists, climate change deniers. there is one that says that the sun is merely a few hundred degrees hot, i don't remember the name. there is a lot of weird shit and conspiracies. the social sciencies also have that kind of stuff, but worse because social sciences are not hard science in general. 
Flat Earth 
Has the cooler closer sun thing, because in their perspective the world is a disc. 
Wait, What Are We Talking About 
Oh right map jams! 
yeah, sorry

i should finish my small map for the QUMP jam, it's nearly done in all its smallness 
Small Maps 
Ahh...the bane of my mapping fame is my inability to create small maps. Would that I would gain legitimate use of my handle through proliferation rather than obscurity of maps.
-said every closet-mapper ever

Good job keep it up! 
The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance

heard about this a couple years ago, but I was under the impression it was a sequel film. 
Looks neat killpixel! 
I Think So Too :D 
In the year one million and a half, humankind is enslaved by giraffe. 
How Did I Miss To Post That Pic, Jfc?!? 
Favorite Mod? 
Quick poll:

What is your favorite underemphasized mod? Don't answer with something like Quoth or AD. The point is underemphasized, the underdog mods no one/few have heard about. 
I remember playing a mod at one point which was a wave combat sort of thing - you'd go into a single arena and fight endless waves of monsters to try and get a good score. I actually quite enjoyed it. Don't remember what it was called though :( 
I don't think I've ever played any Quake mods other than Quoth and Arcane Dimensions. I played Quake very little after Quake II came out and didn't come back to it until years later. 
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