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Jobs & Mappers Wanted
Need level designers for your amazing new mod? Or are you a game developer looking to hire? Maybe you just heard about some job at some company, and want to pass it on to the gang here at Func. Or you're just doing some fun little one-man project and want a little help from a level designer. This thread is the place to announce paid positions at companies, unpaid positions on mod teams, or even just ask for a few maps for your mod.
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Blood Evolution [EDIT]

Posted by Killes [] on 2015/01/07 20:46:45
Ok this looks interesting, on UE4 :

Seems hes pretty serious and potentially has some skills/experience to make this real.

Heads up for anyone from the old Transfusion team and other interested, he's looking for help. 
If Only I Knew How To Make UE4 Maps 
I loved Blood. 
The thing about remaking Blood is, we don't have the game source, and thus we don't really know the values. Blood has 3 armor/damage types, there are instanced damage, splash, and damage over time. Every monster has varying health and armor values by difficulty. Such things can be extrapolated, but it is a lot of work.

Also, nothing demotivates a team like uncreative work - recreating someone else's work. No matter how much you love it.

I want to be excited, but I must admit I was put off by the mention of Interceptor, ROTT 2013 was rather horrible in many ways, and completely failed to "get" the game.

Blood is one of those IP hills to die on, it has so many components critical to its character... 
And On That Note 
I was laid off today. If anyone is aware of a project that could benefit from some remote QA, be it game, site, service, program... 6.5 years experience, 70+ games with over 50 developers and 12 platforms. Basic test execution, on up through test engineering and managing the testing of an entire title. Been on everything from Angry Birds to Ryse.

If you just need some additional eyes, or want a full test plan, a suite of cases, and even standardized bug formats for your community and beta testers, I can help you out. 
Sorry To Hear That 
but impressive resume! best of luck finding something 
Also, nothing demotivates a team like uncreative work - recreating someone else's work. No matter how much you love it.

I think Remake Quake got remarkably far, in hindsight. A lot of creative levels, a pile of new QC and things like BSP2 came out of it before it evaporated. Sure, there was a lot of hubbub about it, because we released too much stuff in a pretty early phase of development and there was just this wall of nope. It died before things had a chance to mature and be ironed out. Think how much other games changed between their early phases and the eventual release.

There is room for creativity there. Lots of Quake and Doom map remakes exist.

The entire team just needs to be aware what exactly it is they are going to make from the start. Otherwise you get several people trying to make different games. Remake doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. To some it means "spiritual successor" (but agreeing on what the spirit is in practice is hard), to others it means "same gameplay with different graphics/monsters/levels." And I think there are more possible definitions than that. That's why it's hard to do a remake and yeah, it is probably not a smart thing to get into, all things considered.

Doing a "game in the vein of" is much more realistic, but the trap there is that you're attempting to capitalize on the nostalgia/retro thing and that might not generate as much interest as you think (how many people actually play Quake?), unless you have a prototype or something that is actually good and can stand on its own.

I'm interested to see how e.g. RetroBlazer and Strafe will do on kickstarter.

PS. Trying to recreate 30 levels is gonna be suicidal no matter what. How many games have 30 levels today. A dozen is already a high mark to hit. 
Depends On The Game 
I just submitted one with 131 levels ;) 
Procedurally generated? 
Guess What 
I Guess... 
... you gonna apply fo the job offer ;) 
I already did... 
If Someone Here Ends Up Working On Strafe 
I'll be 100x more interested. Cool to hear they're serious about getting same real old-school mapping experience on board!

And that jobs page is the first example i've seen of web 3.0. It changed my life. 
So Good Luck... 
.. for the candidates :) 
I Break Together.. 
Surprisingly Enough 
think I got what "neue B�ro in Frankfurt" means. 
Pass Up You Out, Mfx 
You want but not go for the hounds 
Nah Spirit 
i just spider around.. 
OTP - Ouch. 
It Shall Be So: 
Old Devs feel unrespected but soldier on.
New Devs are enthusiastic but are surprised at crunch.
Management are regarded as idiots but experts at somehow bumbling through. 
Oh Really? 
I think we create more shit posts shitposting about spam than the spam does

how about we just ignore spam from now on? 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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