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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Portal 2 <3 
Do want. 
Portal 2 
... wow... looks impressive ! 
Torchlight 2 Has Co Op 
I'm sure I'm not the only Torchlight 'fan' (okay, it's not my favorite game but it is a good bit of fun) and I'm sure it'll tide Diablo fans over until D3 comes out. 
Mhh (I Is Drunk And Eating McDonald's. Filth) ((see, New Topic)) 
Just Say No 
keep the faith ... or keep losing it because it is DOOM (it's meant to be a cold war joke not a religious one) 
Hail Satan 
Oh Wow 
I read the few last posts and had the mental image of Doom4 being about a religious war with the Taliban fighting Cyberdemons 
is there a way to do the unreal->UT combo without actually owning UT, just Unreal? 
what do you mean? 
there's a way to run unreal with the UT engine, but the guides i've seen always say you need to have UT installed first.

but you end up copying all the Unreal files over anyway.

i have the Unreal cd but don't own UT, so i was wondering if there was a way to, instead of copying Unreal content into UT, to copy the UT engine to Unreal (assuming i could find an upload with just the UT engine of course).

i only ask because i've tried to play unreal again with the DX10 renderer plugin, but there's like this really weird mouse lag that makes the game unplayable. i was hoping the UT engine fixed that, since it was more recent. 
If you get this:

Effectively you have the UT equivalent renderers (well actually they are improved UT renderers but same thing). IS this what you are after? 
and it also fixes the mouse lag! thanks! ^_^ 
The Opengl 
works best for me but the d3d is also much approved. 
Deus Ex 
Argh I had forgotten just how fucking awesome this game is!

After all these years, it still has one of the most intelligent plot-lines I've seen in a game, its not scared of being complex and the characters are all very nice shades of grey as opposed to the typical "good guy - bad guy, or guy with a chip on his shoulder" you find in pretty much every modern game.

I'm on the final level/mission right now if I remember correctly, and I really don't know who I want to help/trust. A lot of games that give you this sort of choice at the end are very binary, to be the good guy help A, to be the bad guy help B, etc. All the choices I have discovered so far are,again, very grey in that regard, and it really comes down to what your own personal views are.

I'm hoping that the game won't fall into some horrid contrived ending where it doesn't really matter what you decide to do, its been so long since I played it I really can't remember. (No Spoilers!!) 
horrid contrived ending

nope :) 
Deus Ex. 
Daz is correct. One of the very few games that lived up to what it promised. 
I'm Sold 
Staff position is full of unpaid overtime and job insecurity? As opposed to freelancing?

StarCraft 2, still great. 
One Button Arthur 
One Button Car Game 

Enviroments and scenes look amazing. Gameplay looks moronic but kinda fun. Seems to be running at about 0.5 FPS in that clip though. 
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