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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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Ok guys, what are the chances of putting this into Quakespasm:

QuakeForge uses shader magic to simulate the look of the software renderer... 
I don't see the difference between that and changing the texture mode using gl_texturemode 
the output pixel colour uses quake's colormap like in SW rendering (which is a lut basically that combines texture pixel colour with the lightmap)

It really makes a big difference imo 
There's a subtle difference in that a GL engine, even with a gl_texturemode change, calculates lighting by doing a multiplication of texture colour by lightmap intensity.

The software Quake approach uses a lookup table but the result of the lookup is constrained to colours that are in the Quake palette, whereas the GL multiplication can produce results that are not in the Quake palette.

For a truly authentic look you'd also need to use the software Quake miplevels, since once again these are constrained to colours in the Quake palette but GL's miplevel reduction can likewise produce colours that are not in the palette. 
Oh ok, so the lighting being restricted to the palette? Fair enough. 
I would really like to see before and after shots on that. 
(because I have no idea what kinn is looking at) 
+1 Simulate Software Quake 
i think that would be great, I really like the look of software quake... it just seems more surreal and gritty. 
Random saw this

The QuakeSpasm developer said that I'd need a full version of Quake for the music to work.

Bacause of the shareware is limited to only what is inside pak0.pak file - music resides outside it so the engine ignores it.

I am 99.9% sure that the Quake shareware came with the CD audio, can check if you want me to. You could unlock the full version with just the shareware disc so the CD audio had to be on the disc.

So there is no reason to block CD audio if someone does not have pak1.pak. 
There is one important difference between software and GL: 
That's the first show that shows the difference pretty clearly. Winquake seems much sharper and harder due to the way the palette has to cope with gradients. 
also....models have minlight in software? 
IIRC models are minlighted to 5 in order to avoid a check for division-by-zero in an inner loop.

The MDL lighting is almost completely different in software in general; it just doesn't use the same calculations as GL did, although I don't recall specifics. 
Yeah, in software, mdl's have minlight. From this comment, it sounds like the reason for doing that was an optimization:

#define LIGHT_MIN 5 // lowest light value we'll allow, to avoid the
// need for inner-loop light clamping

I'm not sure if this is the only difference. The code for determining the light level of each mdl vertex in software quake is structured a bit differently than glquake. These are the relevant parts of sw:

And glquake: 
QuakeForge uses shader magic to simulate the look of the software renderer...

Hmmm - we're not really about geewhizz effects.

I do love these effect sort of things ... but the code belongs in separate patches and/or forked projects. 
I Don't See It 
unless.. are you talking about the banding from lighting? why would you want that, it looks shit. 
I can see where this conversation is going.

I'll just leave it at that, and say that yes, quite a few people do actually like quake's original 8-bit aesthetic, and have done for some time. 
I like the 8bit feel. It's difficult strokes for different folks. :) 
Dev Build 
if anyone wants to test a dev build, there's one here with some neat features:

@Bloodbat: this has a new gamma implementation that should fix your gamma issues
@LeopolD: I didn't get around to adding vid_borderless, but did add something: set vid_desktopfullscreen to 1 to make fullscreen mode use sdl2's new "fullscreen deskop" mode.

Other stuff:
-it has the glsl-accelerated mdl renderer. Szo reported an issue where some models are rendering black on his AMD card, still working on finding that bug.
-"game" command tab-completion
-demo pause support 
Cause Of The Missing Runes. 
I found the cause of my missing runes: if I die and click the mouse to respawn (and presumably load the last save)...the runes are gone, this behavior doesn't seem happen when loading from the menu or using F9 to quickload. Hope this helps fix it. 
I reproduced it this way:
"map e1m7", grab the rune, then "changelevel e1m1". save. get killed. click to respawn, you will still have the rune.
Restart the engine. Load the save, you will still have the rune. Get killed, click to respawn: this time the rune is gone.

I think this is the same bug mh was talking about, pretty sure there's a fix on inside3d, so I'll have a look at integrating that. 
Runes Runes Runes Runes Runes 
Almost certainly it's the same bug.

I've personally only observed it with the "kill" command (and have a hacky workaround for it there) but that doesn't mean that it doesn't occur elsewhere or have a different source. 
Re: Dev Build 
svn'd up, working fine here on my OpenBSD box, and gamma works, thx! 
Quakespasm Feature Request 
Have you lads had a taste of HRTF? Aka binaural audio. In case you're unaware, it's a form of surround sound which can be played through any standard ear/headphones and soundcard. It's available in zdoom/gzdoom, where it's rather amazing to hear. There is a version available in the form of openal soft. Any chance of integrating that into quakespasm? 
I will have to try that in gzdoom. yquake2 also has an openal backend:

Can't promise it will happen; the Quake sound code is a pain to work with so it might be a fairly substantial project. Also, I've found it's important to mix all the sfx at 11025Hz, otherwise you lose the "classic" sound (the Quake sfx clip a lot when mixed, but it sounds ok if the clipping is at 11025Hz). But it could be an optional backend of course. 
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