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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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If you talk about vanilla e1m7 it works fine for me on QS 0.92.0 
Works For Me On 0.92.1 Too 
maybe you have corrupted pak or something ? 
yeah vanilla, no mods or anyfink. SDL2 version if that makes any difference 
Just tested E1M7 in 0.92.1 with the SDL2 exe and it loads fine. 
Weird, I've never seen that error before.

Check the md5 hash of pak0.pak, it should be one of:

Combining Two Rogue Fixes? 
Today I played the MP2 (Rogue), and I ran into a problem.

We all know that elevator in R1M7 is broken, and while Seven made a fix, it was done via progs.dat file.

Few years ago, I asked someone to interpolate the Rogue buzzsaws movement, so Necros made a quick fix. The problem - it was also done via progs.dat file, but the game can use only one progs.dat file at a time.

I don't have any experience in QC, but is there any way to "combine" the two fixes? I have source files from both fixes - BUZZSAW.QC from Necros, and a folder with many QC files from Seven's fix. I hope someone can do this, here are the files: 
Instead of asking people "please do this for me", which will most likely be met with a resounding "no", ask "how can I do this?"

I've found an apparently very clear tutorial that will guide you through the process of making your own progs.dat. It seems quite simple. Looky here: 
Necros Did It On His Own 
I replaced the BUZZSAW.QC from Seven's folder with the one from Necros, and compiled using the default settings in FTEQCC GUI. Result is that Seven's fixes work, but Necros buzzsaw fix is ignored. It would seem there's more to this than just modifying BUZZSAW.QC file.

And I didn't actually ASK Necros (or anyone) to do this, I just reported the problem and Necros explained it and made a quick patch. 
Well pickle my pangolin, that was it - my pak0 was scrozzled, with a different checksum to what it should have. Which means some data on my hard drive became corrupted, which is worrying!

I re-downloaded from Steam and all works.

Cheers cheps. 
R1M7 elevator works fine WITHOUT the buzzsaw patch, but the moment I add it, the elevator breaks. 
I Can Do It 
All qc must be subsumed into the collective.

I can't open your zip, 7zip says its corrupt. Maybe try putting it on quaketastic. (see screenshots thread for login+password)

What's wrong with the elevator? I never noticed anything on my last playthrough. Granted I think I was 14 at the time.

Buzzsaws interpolation:
Do you mind sending me what necros said to you? Also, are both progs.dat files in your rar? I can decompile the progs to find out what all else he did to it. I've become a qc comparison junky of late what with AD absolutely doing everything better so of course I had to update my own personal mod to add some awesomeness. 
Weird Indeed 
Well honestly, "I hope someone can do this" sounds a bit like asking people to do it for you... ;) Anyway, this thread is dedicated to Quakespasm and people here are not too fond of off-topic, so you should move your problem to that thread instead:
I wish I could help more but I know about as much QC as you. 
To Qmaster: 
Check this out. Few hours ago, I tried compiling Rogue progs.dat from untouched Rogue source code (QC files). Guess what? Elevator doesn't work. I can't explain it, since the elevator DOES work with progs.dat located in original PAK0.PAK straight from the Rogue CD. Is it possible that Rogue CD contains different version of the PAK0.PAK file, with some kind of fix?

Necros said:
"The buzzsaw doesn't actually move in the normal way. What it looks like (only from looking at the QC) is you make a func_train or something that the player can't see. Then you target the train with the buzzsaw. Every 0.1 seconds, the QC sets the origin of the buzzsaw to the targetted train. This is why it doesn't interpolate, because it's not supposed to-- the QC call is setorigin."

Necros patch:

Seven's fixes: 
(Seven's fixes still corrupted, I don't know why, here's a direct link from QuakeOne) 
@ToMaHaKeR - Is This A QuakeC Help Thread? No It Is Not. 
Post your QuakeC questions in the following thread, which is a Quake help thread:

Your hipnotic buzzsaw issues have nothing to do with the Quakespasm engine. 
Told Ya... 
You'd better listen to Baker this time if you don't want to piss people off. 
Bug: Some Keystrokes Are Ignored In A Certain Situation. 
System, ubuntu 16.04, running latest quakespasm, quakespasm executable (does not occur in quakespasm-sdl2) lauched from terminal without any parameters.

Replicating the bug:

Upon load of the game, new game is selected. *Just* before the console retreats all the way to the top the tilde key is pressed and the console comes down again.

Here is where the bug occurs, the console, instead of staying down, goes back up. Now every time the console button is hit, the console will drop, then return back to the top.

This also affects other keys, if you then hit escape and go to "new game", when you're prompted "Are you sure you want to start a new game", the game will accept no input.

Alt-Enter is locked, so I can't quit the game, Escape is locked so I can't return to the menu. All I can do is change terminals (ctrl-alt-F1) and kill quakespasm. 
I reposted it to the bug tracker, hope you don't mind:

I have seen it before and IIRC it was SDL1.2 sending invalid key presses, but it would be good if QS behaved better if possible instead of locking up.
Good that SDL2 is working properly though, that was my experience as well. 
Heh, It Was Avoidable 
I've been using the 1.2 up until this point in time because for some reason my system (or quakespasm) wanted 32 bit SDL, vorbis and mad libs.

I didn't have them installed because I've been trying to avoid system bloat. I've installed them now though. Fingers crossed it won't break any of my other games :) 
weird, I'm having trouble reproducing it at the moment. The last time I saw the bug was a year ago or so, but I don't run QS on linux very often, just when testing releases really. I am also on Ubuntu 16.04 with all updates applied, and using the unity desktop.

Just to double check the SDL version you have, mind running this?
dpkg -s libsdl1.2-debian | grep Version 
The command you supplied tells me its not installed, the version I have installed is 1.2.15+dfsg1-3 according to synaptic.

I just looked up what dfsg meant, apparently its debian free software guidelines. Now I wonder if the dfsg version is behind the non-dfsg version. 
It Was I All Along 
I'd just like to make the following correction. Over a month ago , post #2571, I reported a problem with Quakespasm and the latest Nvidia drivers cause an ungodly texture blurring scenario, and I was curious as to why nobody else was experiencing the same issue.

As it turns out it was my fault. I did a complete uninstall/install of Nvidia's latest Windows 7 drivers, totally clean. The problem was gone, so I can only conclude it was a certain graphic setting I had used within Nvidia's control panel, but which one it was I don't know. Or it may have been something else entirely.

But either way nothing is wrong with Quakespasm, nothing (as far as graphics are concerned) needs fixing, and I apologize if I caused any time wasted trying to figure out a problem that was never there. 
Antialiasing - Transparency 
Is the culprit responsible for Quakespasm's blurry texture scenario when using the latest Nvidia drivers. Avoid using that setting. 
CPU Usage Goes Nuts When Minimised 
OK, when minimised, Quakespasm's CPU usage shoots right up to use over 20% of my CPU, and my fan kicks in to overdrive (happens the same whether I'm in fullscreen, then alt-tab to windows - or in windowed mode, then I minimise the window).

I'm using the SDL2 version. 
I implemented a lightmap format change that may help the AD start map performance on your Intel graphics system:

1. unmodified svn r1371
2. new lightmap format (GL_BGRA GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV)

I wonder if you could test these two buildson your system and report what FPS range you get in ad1.5's start map for each build.

link to source code 
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