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Quakespasm Engine
This engine needs its own thread.

Feedback: I like the OS X version, but I have to start it from the terminal for it to work and can't just double-click it like a traditional OS X app. I'm sure you guys already know this, either way great engine.
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I just took some screenshots of extreme resolutions that maybe illustrate the reason behind the current behaviour: (it looks like the conback is just scaled to fit the window width/height exactly, then it's scrolled up).

Also note that when you start a new game the console starts fully closed and then opens all the way up, so it would be weird if it used a different stretch factor when half open. 
yeah i get why it's done this way now, avoids a lot of potential problems. my idea wasn't to change the stretch factor but rather just not stretch anything at all and instead align the texture to fit the bottom of the screen and overshoot it at the top, as if it were dropped down a bit by default. stretching should only occur when it is necessary, which it is only for aspect ratios narrower than 16:10 so you don't end up with a hole dropping down from the top of the screen instead of overshooting it.

that's the way i'm gonna try to code it for myself as soon as i figure out how, but right now i think i'll stick with baker's idea. this change probably doesn't justify the effort on your part and could cause a lot of unexpected problems down the line, and i don't want you to have to deal with that because of me. you've already done a lot :) 
I'm Only Happy When It Rains 
Is that software? Amazing. 
Is that sock's unfinished AD map?
Did he finish it? 
Qmaster, yeah it's sock's map, it's not released yet though. The screenshot is in QS_Spike with the r_scale cvar. 
I Love Sock's Maps 
can't wait for sepulcher, that screenshot makes it look badass.

@eric i saw your name in the credits for tfuma, which is actually my favorite of the bunch in ad. it feels way more interactive than the others and is probably the best looking map using the base style ever created. giant robots are also a plus.

how did you and gavin split work on that map? are you responsible for the ambush at bottom of the slime pit? :P 
looking at all these screenshots i'm imagining a alternate past where this shit was all vanilla. 
Transparency Depth 
Is there a way to get multiple transparencies to overlap properly? If I have 3 transparent brushes overlapped, the engine treats them as see through. Maybe there is a bug when the alpha sum is greater than 1.0? Using water alpha of 0.4 and *glass textures. 
Winquake Style Weapon Draw 
is there a cvar for it? 
for a quick fix, "scr_ofsz -2" (haven't done proper testing to pick this but it seems close-ish)

We really should add a proper toggle.. I can't stand the SSG hiding completely behind the status bar. 
That Seems Close Actually 
Is there any way of having QS having strafe work more like Mark_V and Winquake?

Currently the strafe value feels far too jerky. It's easy to tell the difference between QS and Mark_V/Winquake by holding forward and then hitting strafe left/right.
QS seems to allow too much travel sideways when going diagonal. 
@Qmaster, I Feel Your Pain 
Proper depth peeling in quake is rare. I hope that it becomes less rare in the future :( 
Has Quakespasm got original Quake movement, or has Mark V got the 'real' movement? Or none of them? 
afaik the only thing QS changed is it made "always run" equivalent to holding the run key, whereas in winquake, "always run" is slightly different (I think?)

Fifth, did you have "always run" on when comparing QS/MarkV/Winquake? were you holding shift/run? 
A Work Around. 
I made a slight change to this in my source, allowing the player to bind capslock to commands (in this case +speed).

That way if +speed behaves differently to "always run", any differences can be mitigated by using capslock.

(of course the frustrating thing with this is the console is case sensitive for most commands) 
I use always run.

The QS implementation is basically like holding shift to run. You are correct, using always run is a different feeling to holding shift (even in Winquake).

Not sure if this is a bug. It would be nice to have an option to have this operate more like Winquake. 
It would be nice to have an option to have this operate more like Winquake.

cl_forwardspeed 400
cl_backspeed 400
... in autoexec.cfg. 
Quakespasm Realms Not Saving 
I'm playing through on NM and my realm progress isn't saving, using latest version of Quakespasm. Is this a known bug? 
Hi Quakespasmers. I stopped by here because someone mentioned a "Beef Thread." I didn't know there was a "Beef Thread!" So I decided to go look for it, but I stopped in here too.

I see FifthElephant is asking about the "Always Run" thing being different. I actually made a post about this on my FvF forum which goes into detail describing WHY it is that way, so I thought I would post a link here for those who are interested (especially for FifthElephant, because he is my BESTEST buddy! >:D Hi FifthElephant!) 
It's Completely Preference 
After playing Quake for 20 years I am used to the default behaviour. Maybe it isn't in the design goal of the engine and an option wont be included.
I find strafe jumping harder in Quakespasm as the movement is too sudden and jerky. 
I think I may have suggested in the Mark V thread that "Always Run" could be made to have 3 different settings in the menu: OFF, ON, and ALL.

ON would be the standard old setting that doesn't affect side speed, for people who have just gotten used to that.

ALL would be doubling the movement in all directions, including the side speed.

Unfortunately, Mark V changed it so that "Always Run" is ON by default, using the old method that doesn't affect side speed....

I dislike that settings, but could always just ignore it -- I prefer to be able to sidestep really FAST to dodge those rockets. But changing the default so that it's ON is just awful; now I have to make extra settings just to get back to normal. (Yeah, I've complained about this in the Mark V thread already, heh.)

But perhaps Quakespasm would be interested in my idea of 3 different settings for the menu option, for people who prefer it the old way. More user control is usually a good thing, even though I really, really like the way Qspasm has implemented "Always Run," with the full speed in all directions, and having the +speed key still be useful to toggle you to a slower pace. 
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