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Fitzquake Mark V
I wasn't planning on doing this mini-project, it started as an effort to address some Fitzquake issues, fix them the right way up to Fitzquake standards (i.e. do it right, once and properly versus continual releases) and donate it back.

FitzQuake Mark V Download:

Short version: Eliminated most issues in FitzQuake thread, most issues I can even remember hearing of ever and marked every single one clearly with a very minimal implementation.

It may be the case that only metlslime and Quakespasm and engine coders may find this engine upgrade of interest.

Features: 5 button mouse support, single pass video mode, external mdl textures, alpha textures (like RMQ), record demo at any time, rotation support, video capture (bind "capturevideo toggle"), console to clipboard, screenshot to clipboard, entities to clipboard, tool_texturepointer, tool_inspector (change weapons to see different info), clock fix, contrast support, fov does not affect gun, gun displays onscreen, Quakespasm wrong content protection, external ent support, session-to-session history and .. (see readme).
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I tried to make autosaves and autodemos subtle, however they aren't subtle enough and "get in the way" more than I find acceptable.

The need for autosave is a bit dubious, but spawned from the frustration of playing one of the map jam maps from last year about 2/3 way through and dying without saving.

Both features only ever maintain a history of 3 and use about no resources.

That being said, I need to put them in the "background" more. No one wants a pointless autosave of the start map in the save menu, for example.

Demos: Autodemos are more important than autosave. Demos are the one thing everyone wishes they recorded, but never do. But like autosaves, no one wants to see 3 random autodemos heading the demos menu.

I'm about as conservative about features as they come, so you know if I'm complaining about a feature I coded, I intend to remedy.

Only one kind of polished engine exists: the one that does things you want but keeps it out of your face and let's you focus on playing the game. ;-)


Shadows are a tricky topic and so is what should save to config.

I haven't thought too much recently about what saves to config, but I'm leaning towards everything except server vars (temp1, samelevel, deathmatch, coop, noexit + friends).

I also have a plan to make it so Mark V will tranparently interact with a non-Mark V config.cfg as to not wipe, for instance, DarkPlaces settings. Of course, likewise this plan doesn't have any need of other engines behaving similarly.

You can already see part of this plan in action. The WinQuake version of Mark V has all the standard WinQuake stuff and the OpenGL Mark V has all the GL stuff. Yet, you can run each engine back-to-back and change stuff and never be the worse for wear and no settings ever get lost. 
Got One 
Just noticed: In your latest build, the save bug is back. You cannot see saved games in the load game list. 
Quickload Without Quicksave 
Something else:
If you press F9 for quickload when there is no quicksave present in the game/mod folder, game freezes (should rather give some error like "no quicksave available"). 
Music Still Doesn't Work For Me 

The implementation in both Dark Places and QuakeSpasm work though. 
map autocomplete should always be able to autocomplete from the id1 directory IMO regardless of which game directory you're in. 
_glow GL Version 
No, the 2015-04-14 mark_v.exe doesn't render the _glow fullbrights. Only dx8_mark_v.exe does. Not here at work, not at home, not in my notebook. This time I tried other gl_texturemode settings to see if anything changes. Nothing. It's a mistery. 
"Not here at work, not at home, not in my notebook"

Bug reports by Dr Seuss?? 
Yes, I know I should be working instead of using my workstation to test Mark V. Just trying to make sure it's not my system. Or maybe it is, some configuration Baker is using and I'm not. 
Feature Request 
Support for the RRP maps would be cool. I wrote some notes on the required limits here:

Looks like the remaining ones to raise in MarkV are just:

I did a quick test, and the maps all load with those three raised.

Bug: entering "v_cshift" in the console with less than four arguments crashes the engine.

Also if you do RRP support, make sure to get the AllocBlock change in my linked post above, it's a 3-line change and telefragged.bsp goes from loading in about 10s to 1s. 
@nightfright --- excellent catch there about the behavior of trying to load missing save game file. It never told the map loading sequence to go away! Fixed!

1) When the mp3 music doesn't play, what does it say in the console? Usually it says something like "Track: music/track02.mp3 not found" or "Current music track: music/track04.mp3". And does it say "external music ON" when you go to the Options menu?

I want to verify those aren't problems.

What I will do is add some very precise messages for the mp3 startup sequence to indicate exactly why it will not start into the next build so I can get this working for you.

2) Could you do the following:
a) load your map that should have the _glow texture working
b) type "textures" in the console
c) type "copy"

And paste the whole log in the thread at QuakeOne you made:

@fifth re: map autocomplete ... I agree about the map auto-completing from id1 even if gamedir.

@nightfrightre: saves not in load game menu. What are the names of saves not showing the load game menu? Type "folder" and there should be saves like s0.sav and s1.sav sitting around? 
Baker... Mp3 Stuff 
It *does* recognise that a file is there (even in the older versions) as it does say "Current music track: music/track04.mp3"...

I thought it was a driver issue and now the sound on my pc is broke (only will play sounds if headphones are plugged in!) 
Also External Music Is On 
I tried both off and on to see if that fixes it, no dice. 
Can you zip up your textures and the map and upload the thing? There could be something non-obvious going on here like an alpha channel or the lack of one, or even the draw order. I still need to log so I can see what your machine has. 
ericw's vcshift observation fixed --- --- I rewired the command buffer to be more precise and to support multiple command buffers. Clearly, I need to completely mimick id1 with that and set missing arg pointers to an empty string or something.

@ericw -- thanks for the reminder and pointing out the limits. I had eyed the alloc block enhancement in Quakespasm a few times, but hadn't thought about it lately. 
Manual Saves 
Trying with your very latest build on my PC at home, there seem to be no issues with manual saves after all. I will verify this with the machine I use at work (where I had this glitch) tomorrow.

I intend to intensify testing this build with a complete Nehahra playthrough next to see if there are any major issues. I've been waiting for a long time for being able to play this addon with an up-to-date port. 
@fifth -- what is your volume and bgmvolume cvars set to?

In Mark V, if you turn down the volume, it also turns down the background music volume.

So if you have volume 0, the background music won't be making any noise.

I'm trying to emulate a no cd-drive scenario and the MP3 music is still playing. 
There is a link to my test here:

Just unzip it somewhere and replace the execs with your latest ones.

I posted my console right below, at QuakeOne.

@Baker - Haaa! 
dx8_mark_v.exe is loading the glow:

128 x 128 maps/dm3.bsp:tech05_1
16 x 128 maps/dm3.bsp:tech04_3
128 x 128 textures/sfloor4_2_glow (R)
128 x 128 textures/sfloor4_2 (R)
64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:sfloor1_2

mark_v.exe is not:

128 x 128 maps/dm3.bsp:tech05_1
16 x 128 maps/dm3.bsp:tech04_3
128 x 128 textures/sfloor4_2 (R)
64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:sfloor1_2

Check the filename ...

The current download,, has the names are mark_v_c.exe and dx8_mark_v_c.exe

I want to be sure we are working with the right version. 
Something weird, though.

As I look through your texture list you posted at QuakeOne, I see this:

64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:sfloor4_4_glow
64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:sfloor4_4
64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:comp1_7
64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:comp1_3
64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:comp1_6_glow

Now the sfloor4_2_glow isn't there.

But I notice the other _glow textures are there.

I'm trying to think what circumstance could cause that particular texture to not load, but all the other _glow textures would load.

This is very inconsistent. 
However, only textures with an (R) next to them have been replaced with an external texture. 
Check to ensure that the exe name is, in fact, mark_v_c.exe and dx8_mark_v_c.exe. 
Here is pretty much the same zip you gave me but which only the current Mark V gl executable in it but includes the other needed files.

Download that, unzip and double click the mark_v_c.exe and type "map dm3" in the console. 
It works!

Sorry, I was running the Beta 6 from #667, not this latest. Both GL and DX versions are showing transparency and fullbrights.

Actually, DX version darkens the transparent parts of a "{" texture a little. But GL version is perfect and it's enough for me.

About what you say at #688, the glows are inside dm3.bsp, not external at the /textures folder:

64 x 64 maps/dm3.bsp:sfloor4_4_glow

Don't know how they got there, though, since iD doesn't _glow their textures. Maybe it's a texture generated in memory by your code to fullbright iD's stock textures.

Anyway, thanks for the attention and congrats for this engine. You have some great software here. 
I'm happy to see it is working for you now, that's the important part!

Now, if I can get MP3 working on Fifth's computer, all the known true "bugs" are resolved.

And then I can focus on tidy-ups like observations above about autosaves, map completion and such and rounding out the feature set for Rubicon Rumble support. 
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