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Fitzquake Mark V
I wasn't planning on doing this mini-project, it started as an effort to address some Fitzquake issues, fix them the right way up to Fitzquake standards (i.e. do it right, once and properly versus continual releases) and donate it back.

FitzQuake Mark V Download:

Short version: Eliminated most issues in FitzQuake thread, most issues I can even remember hearing of ever and marked every single one clearly with a very minimal implementation.

It may be the case that only metlslime and Quakespasm and engine coders may find this engine upgrade of interest.

Features: 5 button mouse support, single pass video mode, external mdl textures, alpha textures (like RMQ), record demo at any time, rotation support, video capture (bind "capturevideo toggle"), console to clipboard, screenshot to clipboard, entities to clipboard, tool_texturepointer, tool_inspector (change weapons to see different info), clock fix, contrast support, fov does not affect gun, gun displays onscreen, Quakespasm wrong content protection, external ent support, session-to-session history and .. (see readme).
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Both of the above mfx maps are fixed with the change in CalcSurfaceExtents.

This is another bug on jam3_ericw:

I didn't do the best job explaining it, but in the "reference rendering" (winquake.exe from id, fitzquake085.exe) the zombie is solid black.

unmodified 64-bit builds will change that particular zombie to be lit up. With the change I gave in RecursiveLightPoint, rendering will be corrected back to black again. 
Some Pending Checks From My Side 
Rendering issue with transparent liquids fixed (using build from post #701).

Some minor stuff I noticed:
- On PNG screenshots (NOT ingame), the statusbar gets screwed (kinda white) if you change its transparency (scr_sbaralpha).
- Centered messages (such as the ones you get when you are about to enter one of the vanilla Quake episode selection chambers) sometimes have weird copper arrows/triangles at the end of each line. Will provide screenshot later, currently dunno how to reliably reproduce.

Played through the first Nehahra episode without any problems until now. Will keep you updated about my progress. (BTW, forgot how hard that addon is, even with nomonsters 1.)

Back in February/March 2014, I also had a Mk V playthrough with several mods and encountered some problems there. Will check if they still exist with a recent build:

Freezes in "Castle Rapture", but managed to continue by ignoring the knights at the beginning

Soul of Evil
In the "Morbid Manse" (soe2m5), Mk V crashed many times after obtaining the gold key and approaching the fitting door. Continuation possible by skipping the problematic area with noclip.

The Altar of Storms
Game crashed whenever a succubus tried to resurrect a corpse. Only workaround: Kill any succubus before engaging any other enemy 
Beta 8 
Windows OpenGL | DX8 | WinQuake

Changes: GL version wasn't polyblending powerup shift rights. Shadows tweak targeting Warpspasm. Aesthetic auto-complete and startdemos changes. Demo rewind visual oddity with weapon fixed. 

Your post made me think and he's what I did: I reenabled autosaves but they do not show in the save game menu ever.

If you get a crash in any map for any mod, grab all the auto-saves and the most recent autodemo and zip them ;-)

The nice thing about autosaves is they are available when you least expect to need them!

Mark V cycles auto-saves in a rather logical fashion so they should be spaced out a couple of minutes apart. 
re: PNG shots and alpha channel

I reupdated the upload for beta 8 and it strips out the alpha channel. Let me know if that fixes the png shots. 
Centered Messages 
Here is the thing with the "copper arrows" I have been talking about earlier.

No clue where these are coming from, but I know they don't belong there... :P 
Zip up a demo of it -- or the autodemo. I tried to recreate it. I'm very curious. I should be able to reproduce it by watching the demo. 
Why is your HUD so misshapen? 
Demos And Savegames For "arrow Issue" 
Fair enough, here are some demo files and savegames:

Mk V centered msg issue (120 KB)

I just recorded the part after my last quicksave, right before the message appears. Mind that I updated the Mk V a few times while playing this episode and kept saving over it. However, I also had this issue already right after starting a new game.

Regarding my HUD:
I see nothing wrong with it. I made it transparent and rescaled it a bit. ^^ 
Ha! Loading the save game makes it happen. And it displays in the demo.

This is the best weird bug report ever because I can reproduce it.

And what a nicely formatted bug. It conscientiously displays the arrows in a very considerate way that is pleasing and flows well with the text.

I'll have time to examine probably this evening sometime (small chance I won't be able to do this this evening). But this will be fun to unravel.

My best guess: something about the saving and loading of the save game files. But we will find out! 
Like I said, it can be you reach this spot in E4M7 and you don't encounter any issue like this at all. Then again, it's possible that the episode selection messages on the start map already look like this. Well, at least you seem to have fun with it. xD

Other than this, my full Quake playthrough turned out completely fine with the latest build(s). Now on to some of the mods I listed above. 
It appears a fix I may have acquired from another engine (not any of the ones discussed these days) in the load game procedure may be the origin.

Save games is fine. Load games with newlines within quotes adds a "bronze arrow". 
The strength of that modification was that it would be resistant to special characters in the save game files doing screwy things.

One possibility is there is another piece to this modification I missed and failed to implement it. (Another possibility is that the other engine had this weakness, but I have difficulty believing that.) 
Ne_ruins Crash 
Altar of Storms (ne_ruins):
Game STILL crashes when a succubus resurrects any mob. Additionally, game only runs if you use -heapsize command (I used -heapsize 512000, and even then it still gives you some console errors).

Demo and savegame for ne_ruins crash (46.5 MB)

"Castle Rapture" map checks out fine on test playthrough.

Soul of Evil:
soe2m5 doesn't cash when approaching Gold Key door with the key.

Hope I'm not giving you too many headaches, but I really love Mk V and hope to contribute to a flawless release. 
that bronze arrow wouldn't happen to be a \r would it?

"message" "first line\r
hurrah for dos-format text files.
(quake's \r support is non-standard anyway)

its stuff like this that annoys me:
"wad" "foo.wad;c:\noonar\"
kaboom. :s
typically coupled with:
"message" "my wonderful map\nsorry about the bugs"
nrnnrnagh! now my hud is going to bug out.
"message" "and now mr bond
you die"
AWERUIWEHWEHF!!! you just totally screwed up my parsing! DIE YOU RETARDED BUGGY MAP/SAVED GAME!

there's no way to cope with this properly, you can only use hacks and assumptions. 
It's An \n 
Sound Playback 
Another issue: sound.

Got this while playing the first mission of "Scourge of Armagon".

Needless to say, I am not using any sound mods. 
Hope I'm not giving you too many headaches

Not at all! I want Mark V to work great.

I added sounded warnings from another engine and apparently the sound warnings. Apparently those should be for developer 1 only.

re: newlines

I'll just use the same assumptions that Fitz 0.85 uses and if someone has special characters in the save, that's just too bad.

ne_ruins is known to have unusual resource requirements. 
Beta 9 
Beta 9 - Windows Open GL | DX 8 | WinQuake

1) Extra .wav warning messages only print if developer 1.
2) New lines are saved in same games the same way as FitzQuake 0.85 instead of writing binary. Stops the "bronze arrows". 
Sound Issue 
I think I should have elaborated on the sound problem a bit more. The thing is that those sounds are actually not played back. And that is bad because it affects stuff like weapons, e.g. the laser gun. The gun remains silent when fired. Among other sound sources. That sucks, so I guess more needs to be done than hiding the messages... :P 
I play Hipnotic and those sounds play for me and they do so without error or anything.

Where did you get your hipnotic from? CD? Steam?

I'm trying to think of how you could be having this problem and I'm not?

Cross checking against FitzQuake 0.85, it looks like those warnings print in Fitz 0.85 and the sounds shouldn't play.

What does FitzQuake 0.85 do?

I want to get this solved! 
Hipnotic Source 
I never owned Quake or any of its mission packs on Steam. My PAK comes straight from an original disk dating back to 1997. However, I dunno if the Steam version used a different .wav format. I don't remember having that issue with Mk V r15.

Regarding ne_ruins:
I am OK with adding parameters, but the reproducable crash with succubi resurrections sucks. 
Nice to see this engine still being actively worked on, I think you've added a ton of useful features. I did come across some possible bugs though. OS is Win 7 64 bit, GPU is AMD 6870, driver version 4.12.

1. Demo rewind/fast-forward controls don't appear to work with any of the recent builds from the last few days. Thought it might be something with my PC or config, so I tested an old build I had from July 31 2012, and the controls worked fine. This was tested when using the playdemo command as suggested in post 84 of this thread.

2. 'Give' commands used multiple times as part of an alias or chained together with semi-colon separators don't seem to work. For example, the following alias -

alias giveall "impulse 9; wait; wait; wait; wait; give h 999; give a 999; give c 999; give s 999; give n 999; give r 999"

- will only perform the impulse 9 function and nothing beyond it. This alias works in most other engines I tested. I tried using "give 3; give 4; give 5" etc instead, but that didn't work either, even when entered in the console rather than executed via an alias. Other commands and cvars chained with semi-colons did work; eg 'sensitivity 99; volume 0.8; r_drawviewmodel 0' or 'unbind enter; toggleconsole'.

3. Another weird behaviour was what happened when using the 'give q1' etc commands for runes. Try the following in order:

a) impulse 9
b) give q1 (or any rune)
c) impulse 9

On my PC, the 'give q1' command results in all weapons except the one currently active being stripped, and using impulse 9 again will only give back the rocket launcher and lightning gun.

4. Not sure if it's a bug or intended behaviour, but the gamma and contrast cvars operate within a more limited range than other engines. Usually I'd use a gamma value of 1.3, but unlike FitzQuake and Quakespasm, Mark V doesn't seem to permit gamma exceeding a value of 1, leaving the game looking excessively bright on my monitor.

Also, is it intended behaviour that vid_hardwaregamma 1 permits use of both gamma and contrast cvars, whereas a value of 0 only permits access to contrast?

5. I can confirm the presence of the WinQuake crash when switching to 1920x1080.

I hope you don't mind if I make a few feature requests as well, though I know you're currently working on polishing up what you currently have rather than adding anything new.

1. The text editing features in-console are terrific and this is something I always miss when using non-Source engine games, but would it be possible to add the common ctrl shortcuts such as ctrl+left/rightarrow, ctrl+z, ctrl+a, ctrl+shift+left/rightarrow?

2. The 'apropos' command from DarkPlaces and FTE that lets you search for any console commands containing the specified string, perhaps renamed to something more intuitive like 'find'. I think this would fit in nicely with the kind of usability features Mark V specialises in.

3. Again from Darkplaces and FTE, a 'true lightning' cvar, that stops the lightning gun's beam from becoming detached from the gun when looking or moving around.

4. From DirectQuake and FTE, separate cvars for each of the screen tinting effects (pickup flash, damage flash, quad damage etc).

I have a few others but that's probably enough for now. Let me know if you need more info about my PC or config when investigating those bugs. 
@nightfright --- I'm committed to getting your problems with hipnotic and ne_ruins solved. I'll do some thinking and investigation.


1) Demo rewind. Works, uses arrows keys now instead of pgup/pgdn. A Macbook Pro doesn't have PGUP or PGDN and since both Qrack and JoeQuake use the arrow keys for those functions, I decided to reluctantly change those keys to be more multi-platform friendly.

2) vid_hardwaregamma 0 --- I don't currently have gamma implemented for that, only contrast.

3) WinQuake vertical resolution > 900 = crash. Yeah, hard limit of renderer. Will work in future versions via scaling.

4) would it be possible to add the common ctrl shortcuts such as ctrl+left/rightarrow, ctrl+z, ctrl+a, ctrl+shift+left/rightarrow? Sounds reasonable ;-)

5) Give stuff. Will investigate and fix if needed. 
About SoA Sound Issue 
Baker, please disregard my report about broken SoA sounds. I checked again and realized I had a custom PAK in my MP1 folder with resampled sound files after all.

It has nothing to do with your port - after removing that file, everything works fine. My apologies for the confusion! 
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