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Jackhammer 1.1 Public Alpha Is Out!
Jackhammer is a brand new level editor for games with a quake-style BSP architecture. The aim is to develop a convenient cross-platform tool capable of incorporating the best features of existing editors, such as Valve Hammer Editor, Q3Radiant and others. Despite Quake and Half-Life having been released a long time ago, the large community have arisen around, still developing mods and games on their bases. However the existing editors suffer from fundamental disadvantages their users are well familiar with. Jackhammer does aspire to be the universal level design tool for classic games. But not only the classics! The editor shall become a key development tool for the Volatile3D II engine, that is why its second name is Volatile Development Kit.

Jackhammer is being developed since August 2013, that means the editor is quite young. Today our team is ready to present the latest public alpha - new version 1.1.500. Despite not all the ideas being implemented and not all the functions being completely error-free, you are already able to download almost fully functional version of the editor, install and evaluate Jackhammer in action. Please don't forget that alpha may contain some issues. We are interested in a vast testing of the editor and grateful in advance for your comments and suggestions. In addition, you can provide Jackhammer with financial support, donating funds for the further development.

This version supports Quake, Quake II, Quake III, Half-Life and their modifications.
Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux.
Supported architectures: x86 (32-bit), amd64 (64-bit).

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Quake 3 Support 
Oh wow. 
5 Minutes Of Nosing Around 
Some nice quality of life changes and fixes here. Nice! I'll be making another Quake level with this thing and I will be able to give proper feedback after that. 
Donated. Thanks for all the hard work guys, your editor is great! 
Working Great, Slight Niggle 
It installed and worked right away on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux.

Configuring took me some time to figure out on the previous version, so here is a summary of what I did for editing Quake 1 maps.

I created a game Profile for Quake in Tools -> Options -> Game Profiles tab.

I put the included quake.fgd file in the Game Configuration files list. I added the appropriate directories into the Directories subtab.

I added a texture wad file and the palette in the Textures subtab. The Quake palette is in the quake subdir of the Jackhammer distribution, named quake.pal.

I used a pak tool to extract the mdl files from the Quake paks and placed them into a progs directory that was a subdir of the Base Game Directory I set in the Directories subtab. Now I can see the models while editing. (It would be great if Jackhammer could pull them from the pak files directly, but I suppose it's not necessary.)

This is the necessary part of the config setup. I wanted something more, though.

I set up the Build Programs so I could launch the map compiling tools and the Quake engine from the editor. This worked well enough, until I tried to do it the second time.

* Linux gave the error message:
"File exists"

This happened because it tried to copy the newer file and replace the older one. I would like it to replace the older map file and not stop with an error.

I would in fact prefer to be able to run an external build script from the editor instead of the built-in sequence of commands. It's easy enough to just export the map file and run my own scripts from the terminal, though, so this is not a big usability issue.

However, how are you supposed to edit and test a map multiple times if you can't copy a newer version of the map file on top of the old one? Please advise. Or fix :)

Finally, I have no idea how to edit light colors. I could paste the color entry as text via the paste command in the Object Properties dialog, but is there a way to edit the color key and values in the Jackhammer editor at all?

It's looking great despite these small niggles. I'll be eventually working on an actual map with it, as soon as I've sorted my other priorities out. 
Color Values 
"is there a way to edit the color key and values in the Jackhammer editor"

At a guess I'd have to say that just like any other editor that uses FGD files you will need to modify the quake.fgd file by hand and add in the flags there (just once, then it's there forever). Once you do that then it's as simple as changing the light entity's other values. 
Yes, Edited The Fgd 
@Quaketree, yes that works. Thank you.

The Quake.fgd that comes with Jackhammer doesn't have all the light options that are in, for example, the Trenchbroom's one, so I copied some from there. Then, I added the line below by myself in the Light baseclass definition. I don't know if there is a way to specify a triplet of integers, but a string works well enough in practice.

color(string) : "Light color" : "255 255 255"

Nice to see the editor color the light entity icon according to the light color.

I thought that I can probably work around the map file copying restriction by creating a little wrapper script for qbsp that renames the map file after compiling the bsp, for backup purposes. I'll do a little write up about this and other little helper hacks later (after proper testing), in case anyone else might find them useful. 
Be Careful With Custom FGDs 
If some features are missing from quake.fgd, this means that map compilers provided with JH don't support them. But other quake compilers may not support JH's output map format (220). So, to use such features as colored lighting, you need a map compiler that supports mapversion 220. I believe there are some, since many people were already using VHE for Quake.

If your OS can't overwrite a map file, there is probably an issue with access rights. There is also an "Expert" mode similar to VHE's where you can create your own command pipeline, including a delete file command before copying. 
Reasons To Use Over Trenchbroom? 
So I am curious.. What mountain of epicness does this editor have in comparison to TB? Not asking about quake 3 related stuff. That is pretty sweet though. But curious how is the brush editing and mapping.

There any good videos of this editor in action? I was sold instantly with Trenchbroom. Wondering if this one has similar editing wizardry... 
You could just grab it and give it a go for 20 minutes. :)

It's basically Worldcraft/Hammer. If you liked those editors, you'll like this. 
I Never Installed And Ran Trenchbroom 
Only saw a couple of screens and videos. Was not impressed, since I personally prefer editing in 2D-views. Jackhammer is a VHE-like editor, for those who got used to its look-n-feel. 
Danget my lazyness has been detected! Then again I was never much a fan of those editors.... Still need to keep an open view for new tools. 
2D Views 
...but I hear Trenchcoat 2 will have 2D as well. 
>Trenchcoat 2 
Qbsp from tyrutils compiles the 220 map format just fine, and the associated light program handles colored lights. There is one snag with tyrutils, so I thought to write it down here in case anyone else is on Linux and wants to use these tools.

You will have to modify qbsp a bit if invoking it directly, because it misinterprets full paths beginning with a / as options (to be fair, may be that is thing you do on Windows?). This is a one-line change in the tyrutils source, and I should in fact mail a note about it to the author.

Diff for qbsp.c:

< if (szTok[0] != '-' && szTok[0] != '/') {
> if (szTok[0] != '-') {

This shouldn't be an issue on Windows.

I'll set things up to my liking with the expert mode as soon as I find it. Thanks for the response. 
"...but I hear Trenchcoat 2 will have 2D as well. "

That might be true, but the Trenchbroom 2 beta hasn't seen a new build dropped since mid-September so ... maybe give this a go while you wait. :) 
Re: Be Careful With Custom FGDs 
I think that the issue is twofold. First that different compilers use different entity spawnflags (especially where light and detail brushes are concerned) and second that the FGD that comes with Hammer is, aside from the parts that add models and sprites, set up for the original Quake compiler parameters. Colored lights, detail brushes, sunlight and so on are not supported in the FGD that ships with this version. As such I wouldn't really call it a custom FGD so much as an updated one.

While not a huge problem (Smart Edit can take care of it with no problems but that can be a lot more work for the mapper if they extensively use the extra features added by more modern compilers) and replacing any modified FGD with the one that Hammer shipped with is dead simple as long as you make a backup of the original FGD before you start to fiddle around with it.

I would save the "Custom FGD" moniker for one that has values other than the defaults rather than adding in features used by most modern compilers. So for, example, lets say that a mapper almost always uses _sunlight (or light from torches for that matter) with a slightly yellow tinge in a map, it's much easier to tweak the light parameter(s) in the FGD once instead of doing it for every instance of that entity. 
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