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Tyrutils-ericw V0.15.1
Hey, I got around to setting up a website for my branch of tyrutils: (complete with lots of screenshots of different settings of AO, sunlight, etc!)
and making an "official" release of it.

Nothing major changed compared with the last snapshot (may 1st), but a couple new things:

* .lux file support from Spike, for deluxemapping
* gamma control with -gamma flag and "_gamma" key
* rename -dirty flag to -dirt for consistency
* fence texture tracing is now opt-in only with the "-fence" flag.
* light should run a bit faster

This doesn't have lit2. Not sure what to do with that, tbh.

If there's a demand for it, I was thinking I could make a tool that upscales all textures in a wad by 2x or 4x, and adds a "-2x"/"-4x" suffix to the names. You could then manually get the higher-res lightmap on certain faces by applying the upscaled texture, and lowering the texture scale to 0.5 or 0.25 in your editor.

The only real disadvantage of this hacky method over lit2 is more face subdivision by qbsp. This isn't great, but it shouldn't be an issue if the hack is used sparingly (and bsp2 can be used if needed for higher face/vert limits.)

Anyway, enjoy, I hope this is pretty bug-free.
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Hang On 
Turns out it wasn't compiling with the ericw qbsp at all in either version. I usually just hit yes whenever JACK warns me that prt wasnt made since I know my test map isn't sealed.

Not sure what's up. The output says almost nothing to the compile dialogue. Just says the compile path and path to file which are correct and nothing else.

Do I need any sort of compile parameter to compile 220 map format? Already tried the usual admin privileges. 
Ya going back to tried and true txqbsp modified by mh and it compiled just fine.

Hmap2 Works Too 
Does anyone else have trouble with using JACK, valve 220 format, and the tyrutil's qbsp? Light and vis work fine for me but not qbsp. Qbsp produces nothing and gives no output. Must be something wrong with my setup but not sure what. I'm not seeing anything obvious in the docs about compiling for 220 .MAP format. Sorry for the multiple posts but this is wierd and I really want to be able to use all the awesome features ericw has added. 
Hm.. there is no special flag for compiling valve 220, it should just work :/ 
Just Work (c) 
Got it. Mirrorinside working too!! Yay! I manually draggedndropped the .map onto qbsp amd it gave me a couple errors for missing dll's.

Needed to download:

And put into same directory as qbsp.exe. I guess it has to do with Windows 10 missing some VisualC packages. 
Experimental Build 
Is giving me some wierd gray patches where walls aren't getting drawn...tried changing the brush work significantly with no effect. I can send you my .maps if you'd like? 
Sure, I can check it out. 
Pics included to show the problem spots. Let me know if you can't find where they are. 
This is awesome. 
Error Message Related To -bsp2 Vertices? 
Hey there,

My next map is approaching completion. I'm working on the beta build and just recently encountered a few errors when compiling that seem to have been alleviated with the use of bsp2 format.

The first time unfortunately I did not record entirely but it stated something such as: Error: " many vertices... try compiling with bsp2..."

Now this was most certainly not a leak. The map is sealed, there are no warnings of entities exposed to the void, no pointfile, etc. and using bsp2 fixes the problem. When I compile now with bsp2, the map compiles with vis and all is good.

However, I cannot replicate the original error message. If I remove -bsp2 the compiler reports error:
" Q_assert<v1 == edge->v[1] & & v2 == edge->v[0] failed."

Using bsp2 gets rid of this error as well and all is good. Now, I'm not sure what this error is, but the first message was a lot more useful and allowed me to fix the problem on my own, which is great. Maybe this error message should say something similar.

Backslashes Missing Sorry. 
The error reads:

"13:C:\projects\tyrutils-ericw\qbsp\ Q_assert<v1 == edge->v[1] & & v2 == edge->v[0] failed." 
The current code to detect if bsp2 is needed isn't very good.. I think those crashes just mean that the map needs the -bsp2 flag, but qbsp didn't detect it properly. Improving that is on the todo list. 
Mostly a bug fix update:

- light: add "_sun" entity key to configure sunlight in an entity instead of worldspawn. More than one "_sun" entity is supported.
- light: add "_falloff" light entity key to configure light falloff in map units. Only supported on linear (delay 0) lights.
- light: add "_spotlightautofalloff".
- light: fix light cutoff on curved surfaces
- light: adjust -soft to fix regression in 0.15.10
- qbsp: add "_mirrorinside" key for mirroring the outside faces of bmodels so they are visible from inside. for func_water, or func_illusionary fences, etc.
- qbsp: fix CSG issue with overlapping off grid brushes
- qbsp: fix HOMs introduced in 0.15.10, which were caused by an attempt to fix leaks-through-solids in 0.15.10. To re-enable the buggy code that may fix leaks through solids but add HOMs, use "-contenthack"

Thanks for everyone who reported bugs and m-x-d for the contributions to light :)

Btw - I want to rename the project at some point, any suggestions? something that doesn't have my name in the title, haha. 

or LUMEN for short 
Just call it tyrutils-0.16 to confuse everyone and annoy tyrann (if they're still alive)

I'll have a look to see if the bugs are fixed for me yet, fingers crossed :)
Also, what's the purpose of _sun on an entity? And the purpose of having more than one? 
Yay Thanks 
Lame Name ideas:
Wizann (ericw the wizard + Tyrann)
Map2Bsp (lame i know)

I had been using an older light it seems for the black faces bug. I'll let you know if I run into anymore bugs. 
Yeah - it's time to bump the version to 0.16 soon. I don't want to use "tyrutils" since that makes it sounds like tyrann endorses the tools, I think I have a good name idea though.

I'll have a look to see if the bugs are fixed for me yet

Also, what's the purpose of _sun on an entity? And the purpose of having more than one?
Just convenience, really - figuring out _sun_mangle is a pain; this way lets you target an info_null to set the sunlight vector. It doesn't enable any new features that you can't do with the worldspawn keys, currently.
However, there are some things that would be easier to do with sun settings on entities, one that comes to mind is having a targetname to make them toggle-able (you could totally fade the sunlight with QC if that was implemented.)

Having more than one sun entity is for when your skybox has 2 suns on it. :D 
YAQC - Yet Another Quake Compiler 
Has anyone done this name yet? I've used a lot of "Yet Another X" software over the years.

Other ideas:
QTOOLS - already used for a few projects sadly, but not quake ones.
func_compiler - ???
ericutils - because I know you mentioned not wanting to, but it's TRADITION, DAMMIT!
W(X) - WQBSP, WLIGHT, WVIS etc. Another name reference but a subtle one.

There have been a lot of different tool packages over the years. Most of them have been branded with their author's name, sadly.
It's hard to be creative about something so clinical. 
I can't pretend I'm an engineer or anything, but the urge to come up with cute names for things was irresistable, so I spent a few minutes doing a little research.

Your toolset is aimed at letting people prepare their architectural designs for a Quake, so how about "Strand" or "Tendon"?

I tried working in some reference to Tuned Mass Dampers at first, mainly because I like the phrase, but nothing catchy or meaningful was forthcoming. Maybe somebody else can run with that. 

Believe, BeLieVe or Be_Lie_Ve (Bsp, Light Vis)

Quandary (because you have so many options in LIGHT utils!) 
Quake Is Brown, So 
BrownBrush (bsp)
BrownEye (vis - eye, visibility, geddit?)
BrownStar (light - starlight I guess) 
Brown eye? really??? hahah 
CLEric (compiling & lighting from Eric)


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