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The NetRadiant Level Editor
NetRadiant-custom is continuation of NetRadiant, based on GTKRadiant, which supports numerous games, with some emphasis on Quake.

win32 build
win64 build

Simple install instructions are included in q1pack\q1pack.txt
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Also Quality Of Life 
If I'm using the face tool in 2d view to move and I want to deselect it takes 3 escape key presses? I cant even just click a different brush to edit a face?
Seems like a massive waste of productivity time 
Another One Here I Think, Fifth? 
* alt + m2 in camera: orbit around clicked point

Latest release notes. Haven't tried it myself. 
- Smart selection of brushes in 2d viewports

Out of curiosity, in your version, are repeated clicks cycling through all the brushes under your mouse? Or does it only ever just select the brush at the "top"? 
A Good Strateg To Select In 2D Views 
Is to select the smallest face under the mouse instead of the topmost. 
- Clip tool use in 3D viewportal .. Works with clipper bind.
- Clip tool allowing brushes to be split .. Has a bind and preference.
- Smart selection of brushes in 2d viewports .. Tunnel selector with m1.
- Abilty to select and move caulk faces .. "Shift + a" selects all ?
- Object orbit in camera mode .. "Alt + m2" to orbit around clicked point or "camfreefocus" binds.
- Face tool .. Ctrl + m1 for quick selecting faces in 3d for texturing. Quick deselect from modes would be nice. 
- Drag and drop .. Entity creation in camera with m2 double click 
Component Mode 
Can generally be avoided with alt + m1 or just m1. Faces can now also be selected directly and indirectly in 3d (tb style) with alt. Scanning changelog and mouseshortcuts.txt should reveal most possibilities 
"Out of curiosity, in your version, are repeated clicks cycling through all the brushes under your mouse? Or does it only ever just select the brush at the "top"? "

it only ever selects the top brush, I recently updated to the latest version (dec 13th build).
If I use caulk mode on I can select through the ceiling but it only goes through to the top room, makes sense but doesn't seem smart enough IMO 
- Clip tool use in 3D viewportal .. Works with clipper bind.
yep, working in the latest version, which I didn't have

- Clip tool allowing brushes to be split .. Has a bind and preference.
Found it, shift + return

- Smart selection of brushes in 2d viewports .. Tunnel selector with m1.
Ah, didn't think to just smash M1 until it started to select something below. Odd, thought it'd be a modifier but ok.

- Abilty to select and move caulk faces .. "Shift + a" selects all ?
I cant seem to get this working at all. Seems to just be deselecting to me

- Object orbit in camera mode .. "Alt + m2" to orbit around clicked point or "camfreefocus" binds.
That works, nice.

- Face tool .. Ctrl + m1 for quick selecting faces in 3d for texturing. Quick deselect from modes would be nice.
There's already "c" for deselect but it's functionally identical to escape, would be nice if it was used to clear everything. 
ignore that, I'm clearly a muppet 
Changing Default Texture Scale From 0.5 
Any way to get default scale to be 1? Also, any way of turning off texture lock? 
Any way to get default scale to be 1?
Settings->preferences->brush settings->default texture scale

Also, any way of turning off texture lock?
You should have toggle buttons on your top bar for texture lock and texture vertex lock (???)

By the way are you starting the program up in quake 1 mode? 
Great Updates 
Texture lock and vertex lock are the little lock icons on the toolbar or bindable, Edit->Shorcuts and you can search by typing.

Caulk .. You can middle mouse click the texture in 3d or select texture in texbrowser then "shift+a" to select all brushes with that texture. Not sure if that's what you're after there.

Some of the binds aren't ideal for constant use, "unselect" I bound to where I rest my hand.

Scale you can set in Edit->Preferences

Handy tip.. right clicking the toolbar icons (caulk etc) applies that texture to selected brush. Same thing can create func_group and make detail/structural. 
Kinn, starting in Q3 mode.

WW, the middle click thing shift a thing is interesting, not sure what I will use it for yet but its neat.

You guys have been genuinely helpful. Any way of getting netradiant to show brush edges? I like removing them but I work mostly with them on in TB. 
Camera->Render Mode->Textured+Wire
also Display->Textures->Render Mode->Nearest for nice pixel units 
overpronounced 3D workzone @negke: it is distracting imo too; how to make it being not and recognizable over any background?
- Ability to select back-faces of brushes in 3d view
in which mode?
- Clip tool allowing brushes to be split
m1 doubleclick either, besides respective command
- Smart selection of brushes in 2d viewports
SleepwalkR's strategy appears to handle more cases well, comparing to depth sorting; will try to think of it, not a simple change
- Abilty to select and move caulk faces even when caulk mode is on
i'm strictly against of selecting/editing hidden stuff; though ctrl+shift+a and QEtool resize modes do select them
- Object orbit in camera mode
one more orbit is on Tab
- Ability to drag and drop entities
where, from where, why?
- moving objects in 3d view locked on the y-plane and have z-axis as a modifier (and then locked on the y-plane)
what is y-plane? isn't it how it works now?
If I'm using the face tool in 2d view to move and I want to deselect it takes 3 escape key presses? I cant even just click a different brush to edit a face?
normally you need face components mode only for complex moves; QEtool m1/alt+m1 should do most things;
alt+m1 objects selector was a quick hack to get this ability w/o changing and confusing whole stuff; might worth to try to make component modes nonmodal, as overall if feels like an imporvement (not w/o a couple of drawbacks tho) 
Video: Spiral Staircase 
Selection highlighting in camera window doesn't look quite right in the latest version: 
Which OS/card/driver is this?
We had the effect with ancient Intel @ windows, solution was to disable it ( workzone).
Does it look alright in previous version? 
Yes, it's an old Intel HD Graphics 3000 on Windows 7. The previous version installed on this machine was from May 2018 so it didn't have the 3D workzone feature. All the download links on GitHub seem to point to the same version.
I've disabled the workzone display for now.
Odd that a seemingly simple feature like vector lines would break like this, regardless of (older) hardware. 
I see. The not simple part of the feature is specific drawing, when flush with surfaces plus depthtested.
So there are polygons with glPolygonOffset and GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY; the latter isn't popular and likely not handled by old Intel driver. 
I tested the UV tool, and it's very cool - allowed me to fix some areas that were very very hard to do previously. 
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