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New Q1SP (AD) Forgotten Sepulcher

The next big release for Arcane Dimensions is finally here! This a technical masterpiece and a monster of a map with roughly 60k brushes. All beautifully realized by Simon, and made possible through the engine updates by Eric. Please take note that you need AD 1.5 and the new engine provided in this thread to play the map. I would also recommend reading the ad_sepulcher readme for further information.

** this map requires a new engine and AD 1.5 **

New Quakespasm / Quakespasm-spike Engine

Map file:


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This One Is Amazing! 
I played it about a week ago I think, in the middle of the night, therefore I didn't go back to explore more. I'll leave it for another time.

PS I enjoyed every bit of it.

But here are the demos: 
Haven't had time to play it yet. I want a good couple hours so I can finish it in one sitting...if that is even possible.

Like the text inventory idea. Ooh that screenshot! Ok, now I have to play this....sick day? 
Again The Same Error 
Couldn't spawn server maps/ad_sepulcher.bsp

This error occurs for some maps. Especially with those, whose file name are in the form of "ad_*.bsp". 
Again The Same Error (continued) 
Sorry for mentioning the technical details.

Engine: QuakeSpasm 0.92.1
Tool/Installer: Quake Injector 
Learn to read.

From the OP:

** this map requires a new engine and AD 1.5"

New Engine Quakespasm / Quakespasm-spike 
@Mugwump, play nice, Han did say he was using the QA injector, which probably does not update clients! I know some people here at func are abusive to anyone new, try not to join them!

@Hans, its likely you need the new QS client (links in header of this thread) and you will also need AD 1.5 and ad_sepulcher. It is not something easy to setup with the Quaddicted injector. I will be doing a new zip file with all patches and maps together soon. 
Speedy Gonzales 
Too big to just jump into when I have an hour
I want a good couple hours so I can finish it in one sitting

The map can be completed easily in 30mins, just don't keep going back for secrets, just search as you go. There are even speedruns of the map in less than 3mins. Also either side of the map can entirely be skipped, if you run straight for the exit. 
I Admit 
I could have been nicer, though to be fair the warning about the new engine(s) is also stated on the Quaddicted page, which indicates that Han didn't read the instructions completely.

BTW, I totally missed that Sepulcher was originally an ode to E1M3! Now that I know, I can definitely see it. 
Ha, no us completionists probably need 3 hours to find all secrets and kill all enemies. 
3 Hours?? Pshhh, That's Nuffin' 
During my first playthrough before my quicksave corruption problem, I probably spent at least 5 to 8 hours in it and explored only about 2/3... So much to see and do, that's crazy! Delightfully crazy.

Best part of Sock's post is speedruns in less than 3mins. Huh... 
Christ's Balls. E1M3 The Way Id Did It?? LOL. 
223:15 !!!

This is amazing. It's not a map, it's not an episode, it's an EXPERIENCE. This is FPS "exploring a strange new (familiar!?) world" at it's best, and it's realised in Quake of all things. 3 hours 45 fucking minutes in a Quake map and it was captivating the whole way (well apart from 2:45 of that being trying to get into the chapel outside secret lol, I got there in the end!).

This, although a collaboration, is pretty much PEAK SOCK. Can it get more SOCK? More interconnectivity? More alcoves? More details? More marked secrets? More unmarked secrets? Probably not.

I dunno what else to say. Tiny criticisms... Ending arena was a bit of an abrupt transition from explorathon to arenathon, I'd have prefered an area inbetween. No under-lift secrets. Could have done with slightly more monster variety? That's it. Everything else, just great. 
But there is an under-lift secret. 
Well Fuck You. 
Not enough underlift secrets anyway. 
Tisk tisk. 
Up To 46/50 Now. 
Such secret, much wow. 
I guess I'll try and be the odd one out and do it in 30 minutes. Demo incoming. Hopefully. 
Well, just finished.

skill 3
28/50 secrets
472/498 kills

What an incredible level. The single best Q1SP I have ever played. Granted, I haven't played a whole lot, but everything was there in this one. The consistency in the level of detail, monster encounters, and secrets was honestly just staggering. And I only got 28/50 - but I did want to try and go somewhat fast. I was especially happy about the narrative. It was refreshing to play such a visually and logistically polished map that also included some hint of story with the tomes and warriors scattered about.

Died 3 times. The third was a bit unfortunate; I had not recently quicksaved. I give more feedback in a few comments in the demos. 
Looks Awesome, Can't Wait To Play It! 
Some quick questions raised from the README etc.:

1) what was the map in before it was converted to GTKRadiant? As a long-retired mapper it was not clear to me how GTKRadiant really sped stuff up. Also, later on you list Quark and SDRadiant. Is Quark the original editor? Is SRadiant a variant of GTKRadiant?

2) what's going on with AD version numbers? How many updates has 1.5 had? A request: can we be clearer with the versioning? Either call the first update to 1.5 1.6 or 1.5.1 if you want to go all Semantic Versioning, but as things stand there's a lot of confusion. (and this readme references AD 1.60!)

3) Exactly which limits were raised in the custom QuakeSpasm builds, and from what to what?


And finally a quick "lol" at your UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS MOD/MAP TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION. When's the last time you saw a CD-ROM? Does this mean DVD-ROMs are OK? :P 
Limits are discussed in #1661 and #1662 here: 
there's a lot of the quake remix maps over there , some of them just for vanilla q

and some for the other mods /rmq-quoth,

maybe it is a time to adopt those maps to ad_

Oh Boy! 
Download at 95%, 98% 99%%%!!


Here goes! 
Lot of fun exploring. Loved it!

Can't believe I only have 47/50 secrets...ugh! And is there supposed to be a lich fiend boss? I can't find him. 305/308 kills on normal skill. A couple critiques below that should be taken very lightly and some maybe even tongue in cheek.

Favorite features:
*Boils, boils, boils!! Such a cool little guy. Is a monster_swampling just a stationary boil or do they go by another name?
*Planet room...neato! Liked the attention to detail in having the 7 historically significant moving objects in the sky from which we get the names of the week (only moving stellar objects visible without a telescope).
*Tree well ring secret.
*Fog usage.
*The rain!!!

Didn't care so much:
*A bit long. ( is alright)
*Every alcove is detailed and started to seem a bit over the top. I mean don't get me wrong, this is a masterpiece, but I think a few more areas with less detail or at least less jagged brickwork would have helped to break up the...
*Similarness between areas made it repetitive.
*Rounded corners on the new particle effects.
*Not enough variation in rain sound effects. A few ambient_rains here and there would have been nice.
*The doors with particle effects on red runes were deceptive...if they are important enough to be that fancy...they should probably open. Wasted so much time hunting for buttons around each one and wacking the snot out of them.
*Breakable windows weren't color coded.
*Breakable windows didn't have gaps/cracks in all of them.
*Crackless/gapless windows weren't transparent and so had no other indication of being breakable due to lack of color-coding/cracks/etc.

*Several alcoves with only a ring on the floor and its particle effect but no goody or trigger secret.
*After axing the 7 fiend bodies, there was another fiend to axe and it said 7 more to go...but I didn't see any more.
*Some alcoves don't open on lower skill settings, is it not possible to have different enemies on different skill settings with a trigger_monsterbreakable?
*I never found a way to open the cavegate under the bridge near the book talking about ogre idle noise. Noclipping shows that its entrance should actually be at the other end under the small pool in the area at the start of the gold key courtyard (closer to the fishing ogre #2) but I couldn't figure out how the grass block floor under the puddle was supposed to open, not even after opening it up in an editor to track down the logic??
*A few hidden alcoves with goodies in them didn't have trigger_secrets...trying to keep secret count at a magic 50?
*Rain sound effects can sometimes synchronize and sound a bit wierd.
*Teleport sound effect in the room with the super deep pit lured me in multiple times to an insta-fall-death trigger. NOT COOL. At least you could have hurt the player and teleported them back up (Serge Jaeken did this and it was great!) or just get rid of the teleport sound. 
Oh And 
Bugs? (Cont.):
*After killing the tarbaby kraken children, nothing happens other than a message...I run all over kingdom come to kill these and...then what? Did I miss something?

Anyways, great map!! 
Windows 10 Problems 
First, Many Thanks to the incredible people who continue to create these wonderful maps!!!!!
Second, also many thanks to all the contributors providing (mostly) useful tips!!
Third, I have read the readme.

Fourth, Windows 10 with all the latest updates WILL NOT run the 32bit version of AD. Therefore will not run "Forgotten Sepulcher". I feel the chances of Microsoft fixing the 32b issue is slim. SO- could you add a 64bit version as well? (AD 64b works fine on the same system even without "compatabilioty mode").

Thank You
No problem running the latest admod engines on the latest Windows 10 here, testing both quakespasm-admod and quakespasm-spike-admod. 
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