#26 posted by vb on 2004/11/10 04:08:43
sock's work is amazing
 Just Checked This Out...
#27 posted by Blitz on 2004/11/11 01:03:17
This is fantastic work on the Q3 engine. It could pass for a UT2K4 map easily.
Obviously alot of work went into the alphablending and it looks great. The rock formations are excellent -- not a misaligned or oddly shaped brush to be found...and that is no small feat in a Quake engine to have rocks like that and not have any weirdness.
The atmosphere was very enveloping and the custom sounds fit seamlessly into the environment. I really did feel a sense of an ancient mystical power or something lurking just beyond...very well done.
The thing I was most blown away by was the model/texturing work on the trees!! I know you didn't make the base model sock, but that tree texture is outstanding, and the trees were perfectly organic looking. In the readme I also saw that you went out and photographed the sources for some of the textures yourself, which again, is unbelivable considering how well they came out.
I can't comment on gameplay yet because bots don't work (obviously) but I'm hoping someone will throw this bad boy up on a server so we can have a func_msg/#terrafusion match on it.
Outstanding work sock -- this is the best Q3 map I've seen yet.
 Online Server Available
#28 posted by sock on 2004/11/11 07:34:18
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback on the map. About 90% of the textures included in the map were taken with my digital camera. It took me several weeks to get all the images together from various locations close by to where I live. If anyone is interested in how the textures were put together, there is source pack with various PSD,PSP files on my site.
If anyone wants to test out the map online with some friends, it is available on the PQ bunker server.
Pop by the PQ channel and ask for the password etc. You will need the latest ver. of OSP and PunkBuster installed.
 Looked At This
#29 posted by DaZ on 2004/11/11 07:56:04
A couple of weeks ago and yeah its amazing work, technically and visually inspiring.
As blitz said, the rocks and trees look great, and all the blended texture layers really bring home the look of an overgrown jungle temple, lovin' it hard right here :)
Now give us doom3 maps! :D
#30 posted by Blitz on 2004/11/11 19:13:14
Let's set a date to play it -- some time when everyone has a little free time and we can have a jolly 'ol fragfest.
Any day is good for me any time after 7PM GMT. Suggestions from anyone else interested in getting a game going on this?
#31 posted by Vondur on 2004/11/13 18:02:14
just got to see this Level...
sock u rock!
 How Is Today?
#32 posted by Blitz on 2004/11/14 06:32:41
How is today for everyone? Can I convince you to play in about 9 hours from now? (it's 6:30AM here) I figured people are probably off from work and what not, so let's GAME!
#33 posted by Leone on 2004/11/22 01:02:40
I think it's a very very nice piece of work and something you can be proud of Sock. You've stated very clearly goals with the map, and most certainly you've achieve them. It's not really very good to game on, but it will stay in my "wow!" collection along with Chatres and a few others ;-)
#34 posted by sock on 2004/12/04 06:23:59
Leone, thanks for the feedback.
#35 posted by yoyo12 on 2007/04/01 18:58:15
#36 posted by yoyo12 on 2007/04/01 18:58:24
#37 posted by yoyo12 on 2007/04/01 18:58:30
#38 posted by yoyo12 on 2007/04/01 18:58:31
#39 posted by - on 2007/04/01 20:48:51
#40 posted by metlslime on 2007/04/02 00:53:24
the map is that good.
 Pyramid Of The Magician
#41 posted by stigma on 2007/04/22 07:58:32
What could one already say about this map but the words perfect?
If you have played this map you would notice one thing no other quake3 map can compare to this beautifully done map.
P.s personally I don�t think I seen any better of map then this in all years I played quake3, hl,cs,hom,bf,q2,doom,fear, rtcw/et ,ss, many others
The setting is just totally awesome the layout is also connected perfectly the rocky cliff detail awesome the layout and hidden places on this map what really makes this truly a fantastic map. That just little part of this map the hidden rooms around this map and at top of temple sweet the forestry of this map beautifully done hidden switches on this map done great the flow of this make also perfect. The teleport excellently made
The grass and ground textures connect perfectly together and them mushrooms and plaints perfectly done the trees on this map really nice the top and bottom levels made great
I did see just 1 little thing next by the temple on 2nd level on right side looking down to the fps drop a little beside that this map is Perfectly done
Only thing I could think of that this map is missing is beautifully done waterfall splashing over rocky areas of this map somewere.
Man I can�t wait to see his other maps done like this damn this is good map!!!!
I would rate this map way over a top 10-level map.
 Lucas Mann
#42 posted by can't tell you on 2008/05/06 21:57:46
dous anybody know where lucas mann lives and can you tell me?
 Lucas Mann
#43 posted by can't tell you on 2008/05/06 22:00:11
and if you Know his phone # please type it up thanks
 Wait A Sec
#44 posted by gone on 2008/05/06 23:50:24
do you need Jorge Lucas or Michael Mann?
make it clear plz
#45 posted by gb on 2008/05/07 03:39:49
speechless. unbelievable.
 Lucas Mann
#46 posted by - on 2008/05/07 23:50:06
He lives in New Zealand. His number is 1-800-382-5633