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A New Quake DM Map By Maric
A simple, small, space-floater-castle-thing. It is dressed out in Kell's textures (mostly) and should hold 2 - 4 players. Thanks for all of the suggestions in the Mapping Help forum. Thanks to inertia for making suggestions on much needed changes.

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From The Screenshots 
I see Maric didn't take any of my item placement advice :( 
Some1 Put It On A Server Plz 
preferably euro
Id like to play it with vondur

we need server! 
Some1 Put It On A Server Plz 
preferably euro
Id like to play it with vondur

we need server! 
speedy like newbies... ;) 
I see Maric didn't take any of my item placement advice :(

I simply used the old screen cap, I used all of your item placement suggestions. The clip brush is still up top though, it is there as a "block" to crush a quad-camper, shoot the Quake symbol on the ground and the upper tower flooring makes stupid bug go squish. I tired Kell's suggestion and could not rid the map of strenge lighting / shodow issues on several of teh brushes.

-I did get the archive wrong, I am used to zipping up Q2 folders... Had a brain-fart and made an oops! Sorry about that.

-I'd be happy to revisit this one to fix the balancing issues, I did not get a lot of response inititially so I figured I'd let it go after making the changes that were suggested (sans the sky-box bit, it seemed like either option had its ups and downs).

Nice ideas text_fish, it has me thinking... Someone else suggested an SP feel to this one. After all, this was just a little diversion fro m th SP stuff I am working on, hmmmmmmmm...

Thanks for the feedback. 
Ah.. you should update your screenshots so people like me don't get mad ^_^

But thanks for taking my suggestions. 
Maby Someone Want It :p 
waypoints for Maric two maps and more other tree in this new pak if u want take a look at my forum... 
Maby Someone Want It :p 
waypoints for Maric two maps and more other tree in this new pak if u want take a look at my forum... 
If you do a revision, fix the rocket ammo box at -16 -720 -170. It doesn't appear in fuhquake/joequake. Didn't try any other clients.
And I vote for a small room in the grenade tower with perhaps a YA. The red box outlined on the far right of this photo in Text-fish's post
Very fun map as is though. 
Maybe it's a NQ specific bug? Almost all the DM players play QW. 
Ignore that, people tell me it's happening in QW too 
Ah.. you should update your screenshots so people like me don't get mad ^_^
Now why would I want to do that? After all making folk mad is a normal and fundamentally appropriate use of the int4rw3b isn't it... No? ;-)

waypoints for Maric two maps and more other tree in this new pak if u want take a look at my forum...
Thanks Trinca, [dumb] Now what bots are these waypoints for? [/dumb] Can you provide me with a link for them / the mod please?

If you do a revision, fix the rocket ammo box at -16 -720 -170. It doesn't appear in fuhquake/joequake. Didn't try any other clients.
And I vote for a small room in the grenade tower with perhaps a YA. The red box outlined on the far right of this photo in Text-fish's post
Very fun map as is though.

I am going to do what you suggest (I love the new room idea) and just release it as a new verison (read maricsq1_2a or some such) rather than replace the original. And thanks... 
Btw, I do all of my playing and testing via fitzquake080.exe Quake just looks and feels right to me in that engine. 
Try This! 
they run in fuhquake and ezquake very easy i�ve made for your both maps... i start with a comand line like this!!!

@ezquake-gl.exe +gamedir fbcakt -24bits -mem 128 -zone 2048 -listen 16 +set vid_displayfrequency 85 -mem 16 +serverinfo maxfps 85 +match_auto_record 1 -width 1024 -conwidth 576 +gl_smoothfont 1 +gl_consolefont "trinca" +deathmatch 3 +timelimit 10 +map maricsq1_1 +viewsize 100 +exec_team.cfg 
Don't test a deathmatch map in FitzQuake. FitzQuake is a netquake client, whilst deathmatch is played using quakeworld clients like FuhQuake, ZQuake, MQWCL, etc... For starters, the player movement physics are completely different between netquake and quakeworld, so that alone is a reason to use an actual QW client for map testing. 
Oh... I had no idea. Thanks and will do. 
Map Feedback 
The map looks very good, your previous mapping experience definately shows in this one, solid build quality. Unfortunately this map is not without problems. There is very little reason to be on the lower levels of the map, I think you should put a YA or some powerful weapon on the lower level to encourage player movement there.

The yellow light textures are very overused, you should try using more light textures to introduce more variery. The rocket ammo box at -16 -720 -170 is dropped out of the map. Make the void always kill the player. 
on what servers can I play it? 
Void Killing 
Dunno if it's still a problem or if I missed something. But I remember some readme.txt in my head where the map author said that he placed 3-4 trigger_hurt in layers on the floor of the map. So if the first one didn't work, then one of the other will kill the player. Hope this helps? 
I love void maps in general. The textures and structure are good. The flow of space is stellar. I agree that the map needs some interior space inside the structures. I'd like them to small hallways. Do you have any high res versions of these textures?

hey Maric did u test the bots? 
hey Maric did u test the bots?

Not yet, I have not had two spare minutes to rub together for the last couple of days. The same goes for the next week or two... Its all busy working goodness but it will certainly keep me away from gaming goodness for awhile... AND I just got Burnout:Revenge for the Xbox... with no time to play. All work and no play makes me go something something. 
:) o.k dont work much is bad for heathy... 
hey Maric, atleast work slowed you down a little, otherwise we`d be looking at marics_362b by now :) 
can some one gimme a link to
one that works 
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