#11 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/05/22 02:22:52
Good to know it gave you few minutes o�fun! As for the ejm3-I will probably disappoint you. I do not feel like I am going to ever finish this map. It really means tens of hours of work, you know. But if I find someone who likes the start of ejm3 and would have time to finish it, I wouldn�t be against this idea.
#12 posted by Trinca on 2006/05/22 10:31:55
come on dont be lazy ;) go for it! we got time... we can wait ;)
#13 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/05 05:28:56
And yes, important! Start game playing map sg13, because sg13.bsp is the first level of this mini-epizode. I should make write it more clearly in a documentation.
#14 posted by Jago on 2006/06/05 16:25:10
Tens of hours of work isn't exactly much...
#15 posted by Trinca on 2006/06/06 01:34:24
jago is right... go finish the map dont be lazy!!!
#16 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/07 11:19:51
Maybe I really should think about finishing the third map. Can you, guys, give me some tip for a epizode 1-like maps so I could get some inspiration? (I am playing BBelief by M.Worch again now for example) Thank you.
 The Way I Learned To Make
#17 posted by HeadThump on 2006/06/07 12:35:25
more intricate brushwork was to recreate maps from the 100brush contests. Since the map files came with the two packs, it was easy to have the examples on hand. Also at 100 brushes those files did not tend to be difficult to decifer from sorrounding structures. I still like to keep my z-plane clean and straightforward so when I go back to an old map, I have no problems understanding the layout.
 Base Pwnage
#18 posted by Sielwolf on 2006/06/10 07:45:26
Jaromir, havent played your maps yet, but definitely finish the third map !! (i keep them for when i�m in the right mood :)
i think two of great base maps i have played so far are Hexameron: Phase One (pbrsp1.zip) and The Final Threat (apsp1.zip).
#19 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/10 10:56:04
Ok. I will certainly try these bsps (downloading now) if you say they are good, but my third map is actually not "base-style" map. That kind of e1m2,e1m3,e1m4 feeling was on my mind rather. You will see while playing it:).
PS: What exactly do I need to play GL quake? Compatible graphical card? Some special dlls?
#20 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/10 11:20:57
Well, APSP1 (The Final Threat) really is perfect. It uses fine ikbase texture pack from Fingers. But pls do not expect something like this from my Spligate Complex 13, which is my first bsp ever.
#21 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/10 16:29:53
WOW! I must praise another levelpack! I see there is no point in trying to build perfect levels anymore. There is Quoth already and is unbeatable. Must play (but you probably did...).
#22 posted by bambuz on 2006/06/11 14:53:09
did you play Lost Chapters?
 Or Sorry
#23 posted by bambuz on 2006/06/11 14:54:36
it doesn't contain any tech stuff.
#24 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/12 01:24:20
Lost Chapters? No. Will you provide me an adress to download pls?
 Lost Chapters
#25 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/12 03:11:38
When I try to download (tried 2 times) zip from Kell s homepage, file is damaged, other download sites (mentioned in discussion about this mod) do not work at all. I would love to play it, screenshots (with great new monsters used in Quoth too) are tempting, just have to find where to obtain it...
#26 posted by Spirit on 2006/06/12 03:20:55
 Lost Chapters Again
#27 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/12 13:29:55
What to say? These ones are perfect. Starting from excellent "start map", new monsters to unique mapping ability of the master-creators (Necros, Kell tc). Absolute must-have.
 Zerstörer Modifications
#28 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/06/26 16:14:58
If you think there is not enough ammo, play In Ovo with Zerstörer modifications (file dml6prog). SUpershotgun and nailgun are replaced with much more powerful/better looking weapons which make In Ovo much easier!
 Jaromir83 / GLQuake
#29 posted by Jago on 2006/07/02 02:49:52
1) Remove opengl32.dll if you have it in your Quake dir
2) Download and install FitzQuake
3) PROFIT!!!
 Good Oldskool Maps
#30 posted by Sielwolf on 2006/07/07 10:23:31
The first one is a nice base with good progress, the second map has more diverse fights and again well done progress/layout. A good point is the use of spawn traps: challenging but not overwhelming, good job.
Only thing was, I like to play maps from scratch without weapons from previous levels, and the second map is very tough that way, it�s not possible to kill the zombies(no explosive weapon in the level), but it is doable, took me a "few" tries ;)
The visuals etc. are nothing fancy but as long as the gameplay�s there I don�t mind.Thanks Jaromir.
#31 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/07/09 15:03:08
Sielwolf really pleased me by recording demos of both In Ovo maps (available for download here http://rapidshare.de/files/25209227/in_ovo_sw.dz.html).
Will anyone else do, please?
 Review Posted:
 Fog In Horror Trip Level
#33 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/07/29 09:25:13
Try playing ejm2 using Fitzquake with parameter "fog 0.05". It adds a bit of atmosphere!
 High-res Base Textures In Slipgate#13 Level
#34 posted by Jaromir83 on 2006/07/29 10:23:58
Also do not forget to use new high-res base textures (DebaserTextures_v1) for sg13. Enhances the look of it greatly!
#35 posted by Jarmir83 on 2013/07/25 17:40:19
recommended game to play these levels in:
"Bastion" (better monsters/weapons)