#26 posted by
JneeraZ on 2007/12/04 11:24:31
As a visual note, the scale seems a little off. That barrel with the fire inside of it is HUGE. :)

Scale In Quake...
#27 posted by
generic on 2007/12/04 14:04:03
Isn't an easy thing to get right. Check out the size of the lockers compared to the door next to them. This is a DM map, though. If it were an SP map, there would be a lot more griping >:)
Keep 'em coming!
#28 posted by
xDeadLy on 2007/12/04 19:42:04
generic_maps ;)
Spirit: Yes, i must call $mapname.txt, u've reason, i'm stupid :/
golden_boy: Yes, this is true.
I hope do better.

#29 posted by
RickyT33 on 2007/12/05 10:32:08
Is worth it. Sometimes you have to ask on this website two or three times before you find some volounteers! But if you nag and nag a bit, you'll find some people. Some of the feedback I have had on my current project has been very helpfull indeed. For starters the map was leeking, I hadn't even realised before because it was still allowing vis to run!! There was plenty other stuff to improve aswell, too much to mention, and I wouldnt have thought of it myself!!
BTW - I havent played your maps, Deadly_sp, but I always look at your screenshots and you have really good style!! You never make maps using the same sort of theme, always an inspired theme and look!! Quite inspirational use of textures - I think I might have to run some reaperbots around one or two of them some time ;P

#30 posted by Baker on 2007/12/06 08:02:45
QuakeOne but..... i dont know, it's not yet published.
It's been news'd now. Less news, more news per news item.
(Except Yellow No. 5 who news'es whatever, haha)
Anyway, fine looking maps you've made lately.

Ah .. No Edit Got Me Again
#31 posted by Baker on 2007/12/06 08:03:19
Oh vell.

#33 posted by Baker on 2007/12/06 09:32:06

Hey Baker
#34 posted by
xDeadLy on 2007/12/06 12:28:27
U r on IRC, i would like speak with u :)
#29 Thanks u very much ! CAn u help to me as beta tester for my next level? hehehe
See u!

Yeah Man
#35 posted by
RickyT33 on 2007/12/06 16:56:30
I'll happily look at your maps if you like :)
I have had my last two releases and the one I'm doing at the moment looked at by a few people, so hopefully I'll be able to give some good pointers/opinions, but my technical advice might not be up to scratch... There are mappers/players who used this MsgBoard who have very good technical experience, so try and give maps to them aswell ;-P
I would send your maps to as many people as possible for testing!
My email is on this website! - Send ZIPPED file straight to me whenever you like!
I will reply with an email with comments.
Ideally you want to send multiplayer maps to people (Guinea Pigs) who can test in multiplayer games, maybe 2 or 3 people, then they can send you a Demo file to watch - probably one of the best ways of examining the map - try it in action!!
I could send a demo, maybe with some bots (will that need custom progs to VIEW the demo anyone??), but im sure the real thing would be better...
I have always made singleplayer maps, and love watching demos people send me!

#36 posted by Baker on 2007/12/07 02:45:45
U r on IRC, i would like speak with u :)
I don't IRC but you can send me a private message over at QuakeOne.com and I always respond to them.
#37 posted by
Trinca on 2007/12/07 21:52:37
zommgg to say bad stuff so many replys... in other releases... so few coments... most of you guys suck!!!