#26 posted by nitin on 2008/03/09 03:22:12
model interpolation should be a must :)
anyway, it is usually a cvar.
And I second the mp3/ogg thing.
 Are You Guys Sure About +mlook?
#27 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/09 09:38:53
i just ran sleepwalkr's port, and afterwards looked at config.cfg, and +mlook is definitely there.
#28 posted by nitin on 2008/03/09 09:40:39
doesnt stay on for me without auoexec.cfg
#29 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/09 09:49:07
can you confirm whether it's at least saved to your config.cfg? If not, is your config.cfg writable?
And, just to check, are you running in windows?
#30 posted by nitin on 2008/03/09 10:10:46
windows here.
only entries showing up in config.cfg for mlook are :
bind "\" "+mlook"
bind "MOUSE3" "+mlook"
 Oh And Config.cfg
#31 posted by nitin on 2008/03/09 10:11:01
is writable
#32 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/09 11:13:55
that's really strange... fitzquake starting with version 0.80 should add +mlook at the very end of the file, right after "vid_restart", when you quit.
The only way i could see it not happening is if you always start the game in id1, and then use the game command to load a mod, and then quit (since the config.cfg will be written to the mod dir in that circumstance, but the next time you load the game in id1, it will read id1/config.cfg)
But surely you sometimes start and exit the game without leaving id1.
#33 posted by nitin on 2008/03/09 12:47:00
never used the game command in game, always use it in the command line when I want to use it.
#34 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/03/09 12:49:23
"Actually, I think there are a few people that don't like it because the animation starts looking a bit weird and some of us are so used to those anims it's like playing street fighter or something - you know all the timings and stuff.
Still, it's a good feature to add, but I hope it's a cvar. "
I agree entirely. I would want the option to turn it off. I like the chunky animations.
#35 posted by rj on 2008/03/09 14:01:19
i'd call it 'jerky' :P
i was very used to the original animation by the time nehahra was released, but after first seeing interpolation in that i thought 'damn that looks fucking awesome' and haven't really looked back since. i can't play without it now!
 So All You Mac Users Go And Play
#36 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/03/09 14:39:31
The Hand That Feeds You. With coloured lights.
;-P :D
 RE: Interpolation:
#37 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/09 23:05:17
I started adding it in fitzquake mainly to satisfy other users. I'm one of the people that was accustomed to the 10hz animations, and when I saw interpolation in engines, I didn't like it. A small part might have been the unfamiliarity, but a larger part for me was the situations where the interpolation fails miserably, such as NG muzzleflash sliding back and forth, the "spinning" torches, the SNG collapsing onto itself when you stop firing and it tries to turn 180 degrees in a single frame, muzzle flares when monsters/players shoot at you, etc.
But, in the process of implementing it in fitzquake, I inserted various small hacks to address these problems. I think it looks pretty respectable now. So it's a feature I will probably use myself from now on.
There are still some subtle issues that are inherent to linear interpolation which could only be improved with something like bezier interpolation, and only solved with skeletal animation.
There are also issues related to the fact that you always end up getting the next frame from the server later than you like. As a result, all engines that I've seen (including fitzquake) end up animating things 50ms late when interpolating. Since this is most important when someone is shooting, and shooting is one of the places where i automatically disable lerping, it's not actually a big deal. But an ideal engine design would involve the server sending the next frame as well as the current frame, so the client knows what to lerp towards.
#38 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/09 23:08:10
and you're sure that all your other settings are getting written to id1/config.cfg? The "Last Modified Date" on the file is recent, the "vid_restart" is there down at the bottom, etc?
If so, i'm stumped... I don't see how a different configuration, hardware, OS version, etc. could have any effect on this. :(
 Shift Key, Wasd
#39 posted by steven_a on 2008/03/11 13:16:36
Nice ;>. I have some bugs..
* Can't bind mouse keys in the controls menu (though the default mouse keys - fire, forward - work fine).
* The shift key (run) gives problems. (After setting up wasd in the controls menu) holding shift, then pressing any of the custom wasd movement keys... there's no movement. Without shift, they're fine. Funny, cause there's no problem with shift+any_cursor_key.
Also... press and hold w (moves forward) press and hold shift (runs forward) release w (continues to walk forward!, even after releasing shift)
* resize screen with minus key, after a couple of sizes, it goes blank (but this feature sucks anyway)
Fedora7, SDL-1.2.12-1.fc7, xorg-x11-apps-7.1-4.fc7, linux-2.6.23, usb mouse , NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.01-pkg1.run
Will try compiling from source and check things out.
#40 posted by steven_a on 2008/03/13 11:56:34
How do you compile it ?
#41 posted by Spirit on 2008/03/13 12:13:37
Unless someone makes a makefile you will need http://www.codeblocks.org
Codeblocks should be able to export a makefile however I could not find the option to do so.
#42 posted by amoe on 2008/03/18 13:12:07
Nice work! Any work on Linux Quake clients is very much appreciated.
#43 posted by steven_a on 2008/03/23 04:40:59
.. Installing wxWidgets-2.8.7 and codeblocks-8.02 wasn't too hard. (I'm suprised by the codeblocks IDE - It looks great). The project now compiles nicely though i still have the bugs. Spent a while trying to export a makefile too, without luck.
why would fitzquake be switched to sdl?
 Meant To Report
#45 posted by HeadThump on 2008/03/23 06:38:31
Spent a while trying to export a makefile too, without luck.
back to Spirit the same thing from my end. It imports and exports windows project files without any problems as well as .dev files from that other IDE built around lcc, but no make files.
"The main goal of this version is to allow Fitzquake to run on all major platforms."
What bugs were those again?
#48 posted by negke on 2008/03/23 10:54:03
I can't get it to run on Gutsy despite having all libsdl stuff installed apparently. Clicking the executable doesn't do anything. What am I missing?
#49 posted by Spirit on 2008/03/23 11:58:29
Try starting it in a terminal, maybe there is some error message (not likely but worth a try).
./fitzquake in the quake directory.
#50 posted by negke on 2008/03/23 13:20:17
"permission denied"