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"New" Q2SP: Citadel V3.0 Released
Hello everyone, long time no see. Some of you may remember Citadel, a Quake II unit that I released in 2007 (version 2.0 came out in 2009). Two years ago, having noticed that my levelpack had disappeared from the web, I decided to bring it back to life, but this is more than a re-release. Citadel 3.0 contains two more maps than the previous version, bringing the total to nine (eight regular levels and a secret level). All the old maps have been revised and re-compiled, with more or less evident changes in visuals, layout and gameplay. For those of you who have never played it, Citadel is an old-style unit featuring a wide range of entities from Ground Zero, The Reckoning, Zaero and Lazarus, along with completely new entities. I hope you will enjoy this levelpack, comments will be most welcome.

Download Citadel for Quake II (31 MB)


VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Citadel is not compatible with Knightmare, because it contains special entities that are not recognized by the custom engine. If you play Citadel under Knightmare the game will apparently work, but at some point you will end up stuck since critical entities are missing. If you have Knightmare installed on your computer you can still play Citadel: carefully read the instructions on how to setup the game in the correct way.
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Is there anyone willing to make an idiot-proof config/executable to make this run on kmq2? 
"Is there anyone willing to make an idiot-proof config/executable to make this run on kmq2?"

It's not a matter of .cfg files, what would be needed is a new kmq2gamex86.dll incorporating the new entities. Some years ago I talked to the author of Knightmare about this subject, but things didn't evolve past the hypothesis stage. 
Goddamn, apparently I was playing this 10 years ago. Will give it another go. 
As Soon As I Finish My Jam9 Map 
Totally streaming this. One of my favorite releases for Quake2, with added levels and polish? I'm in. 
I'll Be Playing This Tonight Using The Yamagi Source Port 
It seems to work with most mods and custom maps I've tried so far. I'm confident it'll work with this custom unit, and if not, I know the devs will be quick to make it work =)

Thanks for making this Andrea Rosa; the screenshots look awesome! Long live Quake II! =) 
Best Quake II unit.
Played with YamagiQ2 
Without the source to recompile, this is useless to everyone but win32 users. 
Without the source to recompile, this is useless to everyone but win32 users.

The source will be available soon, stay tuned!

Also, version 3.1 with 100% Knightmare compatibility will be released in a few days. 
One of my favourite Q2 units, I am really looking forward to play this enhanced new version! 
Citadel is now fully compatible with Knightmare. The download link has not changed:

Also, the source code is now available (courtesy of Knightmare) 
Will need to give this a go. Need more quake2 SP maps! 
Very Yes Indeed! 
So nice to see more content for the 2 of Quake. :3

I'm trying to make a 5-map SP release for Quake 2 in time for the 20th anniversary. Hopefully more people will take the time to celebrate the game in this fashion. 
Quake2 Map Jam 2018? 
I'm considering running one. We shall see. 
Going To Start Playing This About Twenty Minutes 
@ionous: I started watching your playthrough, but it seems that you are not playing with the correct settings. There's no need to noclip through Citadel, I don't know why the elevator in External Base does not appear (the entity is func_plat2 from Ground Zero and it normally works, both in normal Q2 and Knightmare). 
Notice Me Senpai 
Andrea Rosa:

Please come to the Level Design Discord. I am looking for someone to make Quake 2 maps with and you are currently the only one besides me who is doing SP-maps for Quake 2. You can join here: 
Playing This Now 
And I keep dying in the stupidest ways. I really enjoy that the maps feel so vast and open and the variety in styles is great too, but perhaps they a bit too empty at times? Also it's weird how I got the RL before the SSG. I expected a little more "traditional" firearms upgrade progression. Maybe I have missed something. 
If You Feel The Maps Are Too Empty, 
maybe play a harder skill? 
When I saw the maps had the turrets in them I decided to go against playing on higher levels. The turrets are really unfair tbqhwyfam. 
Finally Played Through It! 
And it had me hooked all the way, which is a pretty good achievement on its own. :3

So here is my rating:

+ Use of different Strogg models
+ Clever secrets and secrets WITHIN secrets
+ HUEG maps with many ways
+ Felt rather non-linear
+ Entertaining

- Repetitive textures on organic surfaces (rockwalls)
- RJ-ing to skip the Switchyard
- Backtracking to that blue key door
- Dying from touching the three moving blocks over the laser
- Weird/uncommon weapons progression
- Some parts borrowed from official maps

Overall pretty good, and I'd really like to see more. :3 
I Just Finished This As Well. 
At the end he thanks us for playing his unit, but I'd like to thank him ;)

Thank you very much Andrea for re-releasing this. I don't play much Q2 so I never experienced the first release. It was very enjoyable.

I had some brutal moments that then triggered some darn right funny ones. BTW, the chainsaw is your friend!!! One of the hardest enemies in the game, I simply invoked the Quad, Invincibility and landed on TOP with the chainsaw... was hellarious. I tried soo many times doing it "legit" with BFG, shotty all other weapons but nope, the good ole chainsaw goteeem, errr, her?!

Anyways, this isn't mod related but I feel I would have enjoyed it more but there are certain aspects of Q2 that make playing it less fun than other games.

Thanks again, gg 
In Reply To Quakeulf 
Also it's weird how I got the RL before the SSG. I expected a little more "traditional" firearms upgrade progression. Maybe I have missed something.

Nope, you didn't miss anything. I've done it intentionally because by default the SSG and the Phalanx share the same key: since the Phalanx is a crucial weapon in the Badlands, I wanted it to be readily available to the player, instead of having to press its key twice to use it. It was done also to encourage players to use the Chainfist, as it can be used in place of the SSG to deal with Berserkers, Brains and Gladiators. A lot of players underestimate the power of the Chainfist.

When I saw the maps had the turrets in them I decided to go against playing on higher levels. The turrets are really unfair tbqhwyfam.

I hate Turrets as well. However, feel free to try harder skill levels. There aren't many Turrets in Citadel (roughly 20) and most of them are in plain sight. Also, they have 50% hit points compared to Ground Zero, so a single rocket is enough to destroy them.

RJ-ing to skip the Switchyard

Whops, you're right. Despite what I thought, it is indeed possible to do that. However it is quite difficult, it took me three attempts (in god mode) to perform the right jump. I think that very few players will attempt this trick during regular gaming, so perhaps I won't fix this (besides, one could go everywhere by combining rocket jumping with Invulnerability & Quad Damage).

Dying from touching the three moving blocks over the laser

Sorry, I don't get it. Please, can you be more precise? How did you exactly die?

Please come to the Level Design Discord. I am looking for someone to make Quake 2 maps with

Thank you very much for the invitation, but unfortunately I am not the right person to make maps with: I don't know if and when I will design for Q2 again, and Citadel may well be my last release. The only sure thing is that I've "overdosed" with Q2 for now. I think I will resume creating campaigns for RTS games, it's much less time consuming. 
In Reply To Damage_inc 
I had some brutal moments that then triggered some darn right funny ones. BTW, the chainsaw is your friend!!! One of the hardest enemies in the game, I simply invoked the Quad, Invincibility and landed on TOP with the chainsaw... was hellarious.

That was mean, LOL. Glad you enjoyed my maps! 
Going To Continue My Playthrough 
Starts in an hour. 
"Half-Life"-esque Sk_ CVars 
Are these exclusive to Citadel or do they come from the KMQuakeII source port?

I always wanted something like this to change weapon damage, spread, item/ammo amounts, etc.

Is it possible to make this a standalone mod or port it to YamagiQ2?

Thx in advance 
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