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Quake Re-release!!!
Id/Bethesda just announced a new release of Quake with a bunch of enhancements.


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*gets double barrel shotgun*

*shoots ogre from 100 feet away* 
Whoever recorded that gameplay was playing with a gamepad, and don't know how to use strafe to dodge enemy attacks. Also, they tried to get ammo boxes when already having full ammo. At 7:20, they tried several times to jump over the wrong steps on the wall, and eventually gave up. And they keep wasting non-explosive ammo on zombies...

The KEX engine only does the underwater warp horizontally, not vertically. I don't know why they didn't warp it vertically, but it seems that they doubled the amount of horizontal warping to try to compensate.

The lack of view bobbing is disturbing. Turning it off by default was a mistake.

The fog and lighting are very cool, but I'll always miss lightmapped liquids and properly lit item boxes. 
Why in gods perversion's would someone address such a absolute turdifical abomination in fucking Quake ?!?

Jesus fucking christ are you baiting Dumptruck or what ?

Do you want lens flares too ?? 
The KEX engine only does the underwater warp horizontally, not vertically. I don't know why they didn't warp it vertically, but it seems that they doubled the amount of horizontal warping to try to compensate.
I noticed that too and it looks bad. Hopefully just a bug that'll be addressed in the upcoming patch. They also changed the underwater colour from brown to blue, which also looks bad most of the time.

The lack of view bobbing is disturbing. Turning it off by default was a mistake.
This one probably has the community to blame, as switching off the view bob is something that a lot of people seem to like.

The fog and lighting are very cool, but I'll always miss lightmapped liquids and properly lit item boxes.
I'm still unconvinced by lightmapped liquids, particularly when combined with translucency. I can accept the wrongly lit item boxes so long as they're only used for items, as it does make them stand out more in the scene. When people start using them for geometry the lighting flaws are really bad though, with lack of dynamic lights on them being perhaps the worst. Kex Quake does at least put dynamic lights on them. 
Until I saw the viewbobbing option in the remaster I'd forgotten it was even a thing in Quake, mostly because when I think of viewbob I think of that godawful sea-sickness inducing side-to-side sway that a lot of inferior FPS use. Quake's viewbob is more of a phallic thrusting motion, which is much less intrusive until you start to think about it as a phallic thrusting motion that is. 
Botion Mlur 
Ok so, I'll address it in a civilized manner as it seems some education is necessary for the young ones and the older ones not quite right in their taste.

The First Person Shooter puts you, like it says on the tin, in first person.

Before we go further, dear reader, if you do see motion blur when casually moving about in daily life, please contact you doctor and get that checked.

Now, you might say if I see one thing move really fast across my field of vision it looks like a blur. That is object motion vector based blur, and that can look good and makes some sense. Its just the one or two fast moving things that blur.

What games and Quake re-release is doing is CAMERA movement based blur, and that makes no sense nor does it look "good". Like lens flares.

I shall quote a consultant on the matter to drive the point home a bit.

Camera based motion blur is unusually offensive though. It says “this camera is a camera” instead of “this camera is a person”, happily throwing away the single most fucking fundamental and compelling aspect of a first person game just to score some sweet FX wank points.

Unless the game has a gimmick like You're in the pitch black and seeing everything through your camera lens night mode or something.

But that is NOT Quake is it ? 
Maybe the medkits are having a negative effect on Ranger's vision. 
When I See An Explosive Box 
In E2M1 on the path across the pool while going for the gold keycard, I also get blurry vision. But with a strong red tint. Because it shouldn't be there. 
A very subtle detail that I really liked in the KEX lighting is that it casts a bright but small lighting around all flames. This fixes the problem of fullbright flame models with low lighting values looking out of place in very dark places.

It's not as effective as the effect I've implemented to fade out the flames, but it fixes the problem without changing the original behavior of the flames.

I can accept the wrongly lit item boxes so long as they're only used for items, as it does make them stand out more in the scene.

In that case, none of the items should get ambient lighting, including the armor, weapon and powerup pickups. It doesn't make sense for some items to get ambient lighting while others don't. Neutral lighting values for all.

And items with neutral lighting should have the same treatment of flame models in the KEX engine, with a bright but small dynamic light being cast from them, to make sense for them to be bright in dark areas.

The light in the super shotgun spot in E1M2 is an evidence that id Software originally wanted for all items to cast a small light on the environment, but they probably gave up on the idea because of technical issues: dynamic lighting on all items would impact the performance too much, and switchable lights would raise the filesize & memory requirements.

I'm still unconvinced by lightmapped liquids, particularly when combined with translucency.

That's what user options are for. 
In that case, none of the items should get ambient lighting, including the armor, weapon and powerup pickups. It doesn't make sense for some items to get ambient lighting while others don't. Neutral lighting values for all.

I'd be OK with that.

Quake 2 made lighting on bonus items pulse with time. It's also just as easy to set a minimum light level on any EF_ROTATE item.

Ultimately it's a game, and it comes down to "how does this contribute to gameplay?" Highlighting items you can pick up in some way is something I'd be perfectly OK with. (I draw the line at bouncing though, but some form of adjusted lighting is fine with me.)

You're absolutely right about the SSG spotlight in e1m2 and there's similar spotlights on the GL and SNG in e1m3. These aren't dynamic lights though, they're baked into the static lightmap. But it's definitely evidence that id did wish to draw attention to these pickups. 
Yup. All I advocate for is to have a consistent visual language, just that. 
Yup. All I advocate for is to have a consistent visual language, just that. 
Major update is out.

Just downloading now, ~700mb so it looks pretty major indeed. Haven't read the change logs yet, but word is there's quite a few fixes in this one. 
Did They Rename The Hell Knight? 
Slowly Getting There 
Correct music in the EXm5 maps, it's already something! Sadly, not everything seems to be addressed, such as MD5 versions of the SoA/DoE weapons, missing default.cfg in ID1 pak0.pak and still no colored lights for DoE.

Don't want to rant too much though, the update shows their commitment. Fingers crossed they won't stop too soon before everything is the way it should be. 
Hell/Death Knight 
Hmm... still no "add-ons" besides Quake 64. Glad to hear they restored the level 5 music, though.

And since metlslime mentioned it, does anyone know why it was necessary to change Death Knight's first name to "Hell"? He may have been referred to as "hknight" internally, but the Quake manual called him "Death Knight," and the original code said "Player was slain by a Death Knight" when he killed you. So that was the final name that Id settled on, and I don't understand the logic behind the name change in Copper or in this re-release.

Just curious. I tend to think of "Hell Knight" as a weaker, pale downgrade of the Baron of Hell from Doom... whereas the "Death Knight" is a stronger, deadlier upgrade of the Knight. 
Even in Quake Champions he is called Death Knight. 
Death Vs Hell 
Well, since all the text files are now external, you can always edit the English loca file on your own. It should be changed officially, though. 
My Review Of The New Mission Packe 
Here follows my summarie of my throughplay of the newest Quake mission packe "Dimension of the Machine". :3c

For the impatient ones, it was worth every second, and the environments look good, but the game is starting to show its age when it comes to the enemies and the weaponry:

Also please excuse the threading but it seems Twitter did something stupid here. 
Lightmapped Liquids Are Official 
Some maps in this rerelease does feature lightmapped liquids.

Despite the Kex engine itself being unable to render lightmaps on liquids, those maps will now be able to be rendered with lit liquids in all engines that supports this feature. 
Cool. I could do with some eyebleach after seeing those cartoon textures though. 
Good. Hopefully people will be able to see it now, realise it looks crap, and get this fad out of their systems. 
Except it looks great? Not sure why you're still hung up on this.
Anyone who thinks this is a downgrade is just blind... 
Re: 198 
too bad for you that most every mapper enjoys lit water. 
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