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Jobs & Mappers Wanted
Need level designers for your amazing new mod? Or are you a game developer looking to hire? Maybe you just heard about some job at some company, and want to pass it on to the gang here at Func. Or you're just doing some fun little one-man project and want a little help from a level designer. This thread is the place to announce paid positions at companies, unpaid positions on mod teams, or even just ask for a few maps for your mod.
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Hexen II Maps, Money 
Is there any chance of getting some Hexen II maps created. It's a great game - though it does have some wandering puzzles - and there's been a big effort at (mostly Linux but also Win32) recently to kill the final bugs.

Though i know it's tacky - would a $$ prize/competition make any waves.

I love this game. 
I personally MIGHT give it a shot IF all the nasty bugs were rooted out AND there was an upgraded engine that I could run it on - for example like FitzQuake. However, I personally think the game was a huge disappointment, and quit playing before I finished it, and so I'm not completely interested in mapping for Hexen 2.

Also, don't offer a Hexen 2 mapping competition (especially for $$), I don't think anyone would join it since there's close to 0% interest in Hexen 2 specifically. 
Hexen II Maps 
In H.o.T. the bugs are all gone. The main Dev has gone to riduculous lengths to kill anything that moved. including the little gamecode hiccups that occasionally pop up.

As far as upgraded engine goes - for large maps etc, I dunno about this one.

Main features are:
GL anti-aliasing, multi-textures, gl_constretch and glows, Fullscreen intermission/help-menus, vid mode switching and native AMD64 support (not trivial).

Mouse wheels are now supported (and weapon switching is nicely handled - before the stupid thing would switch to weapons with zero manna) which makes the challenging AI's more beatable. 
Oh yeah, we also have a nice 1st person camera... and Hexenworld isn't broken anymore. One of my few coding contributions was finding a illegal
nested C loop in the HW code which caused the game to segfault regularly with lightning weapons. 
I'm Interested In HexenII 
Nice big open maps from the look ;>
Should probably link to this site:
Travis has told me in the past the project isn't dead... but the website is pretty quiet. 
Beta Tester ?? 
I'm looking for a third beta tester for my latest project. Trinca and JohnXmas are already involved. Is there anybody interested ? The first who will send an email will win ;) 
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