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IT'S DONE!!!!!!!

Yes, this is the official word that DOOM 3 has been code released and has been approved for manufacturing!
It won't be long now until the anticipation ends and the PH34R begins ;-) We literally just hung up with
Activision and have confirmed that our latest release candidate has been mutually approved and is finally
GOLD. Thanks to everyone for their patience (yeah right! =) and for everyone at id, Activision and our
numerous partners for helping us create what I believe is absolutely the best game we have ever made.

So, the next question is release dates. Retailers in the States will be allowed to pick up games starting
at 12:01 AM on August 3rd. The official street date is actually August 5th in the U.S.A., but some of
your favorite stores will probably have it early for those of you who have to have it first. Check with
your local retailer for that information.

Internationally, the game will take a few more days to make it to the store shelves. The UK will probably get it first, on or about August 6th. Everywhere else will probably be Friday, August 13th (que Twilight Zone Theme) or close to that date, with just a few exceptions (e.g. Russia and Poland). This isn't
because we don't have love for you folks outside the U.S., but the localization and manufacturing process
takes a bit longer outside the U.S. where we will have JVC run 24/7 to get the units built. I guess the
European manufacturers prefer to give their employees nights and weekends off. Go figure!

The champagne is flowing here at id and smiles abound!

I'll update again with some DOOM 3 preparation tips (not what hardware to buy - you'll have to wait for
a programmer for that sort of thing). In the meantime, I want to see those "DOOM 3 GOLD!!!" threads set
new records for swamping message board servers, destroying productivity, and post counts ;-)

Recapping today's headlines....DOOM 3 GOLD!!!

Can you believe it? No -- I can't either. Pinch me, somebody.
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Upgraded Is Right 
The game is still pop around a corner, put a load of ammo into the nearest baddie, duck into cover, and repeat. But it's still fun after all this time, and the graphics are gorgeous. The story is VERY driving, I played a 5 hour stretch last night, causing me to sleep through my first class of the day today, just to get to the ending.

The DM is standard ID fare though, which may or may not be good, depends on your opinion. 
DM standard!?

Respawning explosive barrels, traps, beserk pack (!), weapons are well balenced, run speed is great, switchable lights... Doom3 Deathmatch is awesome... all it needs is better maps as the id ones are pretty much shit. 
out of all the previous id games, which is closest to Doom3 DM? 
DooM3 DM 
I'd have to say DooM3 DM is excellent, I just had a run through on a ded server and it was great. 
Kinn: Mix between Doom1/2 DM and Quake DM 
But Really... 
it's kinda a mix all of the Quake DMs and is quite good from what I've played of it. 
surely all the shadows result in everyone camping.

Respawning explosive barrels are cool though. 
nitin: it's just part of the fun now. hiding in the dark is a valid tactic, but really affords a first shot, and none of the weapons beside the bfg and beserk pack punch are one shot kills (btw... i've not seen a bfg on any of the stock id maps? could it be they decided it was far too powerful for standard dm?) 
The lack of dynamic light on weapons fire is notably absent and really hurts this game. Whilst I understand it must have been excluded for performance reasons, I feel they should have sacrificed something else and kept dynamic lights from weapons.

As for the deathmatch, it reminded me mostly of Quake2 DM, ie physics feel pretty bad, the game is pretty slow, etc. 
you know, you can enable muzzle flashes, they're just turned off by default due to performance reasons like you said.

Add (or change the values) these to your doom3 config

seta g_decals "1"
seta g_projectileLights "1"
seta g_doubleVision "1"
seta g_muzzleFlash "1" 
You are the man. :D

I just figured the option to turn it on did not exist, since it wasn't in the menu (like every other game).

Thanks, I'll try changing those variables! 
yay! got to play a bit at a friends... wow, this game is amazing -- they can have movies for textures! :o
and holy shit this game is tense. :D
reminds me of a updated system shock 2 kind of. 
That makes such a huge difference. I'm a bit puzzled as to why those options aren't in the menu. I'm also wondering why I had those options turned off when it reckons the default is ON. Probably just because I'm running on medium quality instead of high.

I can live without decals, but I do want muzzleflash and projectilelights on... what does doublevision do though? Is that the blur effect when you get hit? 
Big Command List Here 
Must be a "quality setting thing" it was all there by default for me. (high).

I started to think, hey ,whats he on about, I was getting all that stuff, then I thought I might be loosing it, I have been seeing all sorts of things in the shadows lately
Actually, The Screens 
Aren't even pre-rendered movies, from the looks of it...they're multilayered, realtime-generated movies. Even more impressive.

Anyone else's jaw drop when, at the one security station, you could turn the camera on to the one right behind the desk you were standing at, and lo and behold, you showed up on the screen? I was incredibly impressed. 
'you can have movies for textures! :o '

Check out the extension file that comes with Dark Places; you can do the same there as well. 
I Have The BFG. 
Mess wit me. 
Red & White Snow 
If anyone here with a Radeon 9800 pro has a problem with red and white pixels all over the place then you're not alone. ATI is apparently aware of the problem and installing the full 4.9b drivers do help the situation quite a bit. 
Played It For Quite A While At A Friend's House 
4-5 hours probably. It thought it was intially fantastic but the more you play, the more predictable and boring it becomes. I think this review is exactly how I feel about doom, though I havent finished it like the reviewer has.

And I hate the monster intro movies, if they had been scripted in-game events, that would have been more involving and cool (espically the pinky demon's door busting intro). 
I Should Add 
the art design and level design is fantastic though. 
pushplay, fantastic, I wondered what the fuck was going on with that (I've got a 9800XT) 
And I hate the monster intro movies

I agree that that was one really annoying aspect, and they did the monster gets really close to you as you watch helplessly cutscene trick too too many times. 
...are all whore (those who have the game already)

that is until i get back from vacation and am able to pick up my copy. I traded 3 crap old console games for it. 
Movies As Textures 
has been in q3 since the release of Q3:TA... 
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