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Film Thread.
I thought a trio of themed threads about other entertainment media might be good. If you're not interested, please just ignore the thread and pick some threads that interest you from here:

Anyway, discuss films...
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Terminator 2 
Is a sexy film but it's badly written in a lot of ways. Terminator 1 is far superior as a film. 
Go On... 
Do I Have To? 
T1 - He arrives naked, kills a bunch of street hooligans for their clothes
T2 - He arrives naked, shows up in a really busy bar and "kills" a bunch of bikers in full public view

T1- His eye needs to be removed so he disguises this fact by putting on shades
T2- He puts on some glasses in a silly nostalgia trip, no utilitarian purpose at all

T1- Tells people "fuck you", this is how humans talk
T2- Has no idea how to insult people or any concept of human behaviour (despite being a disguised murder robot from the future)

T1- Indiscriminate murdering
T2- Arnie signs agreement to not kill anyone in the film onscreen (despite being a disguised murder robot from the future), he doesn't even kill anyone before his pep-talk from John Connor

T1- No kids
T2- Bloody kids all over

T1- No smiley robots
T2- T800 needs to be taught to smile, T1000 doesn't. The T800 has "detailed files" on the human anatomy, and is designed to infiltrate and be perfectly disguised as a person (even down to the bad breath)

T1- Isn't a pinocchio story
T2- Is a pinocchio story, vomit.

T1- Doesn't have to bash you over the head with stuff
T2- Bashes you over the head with plot stuff, like when T800 showers 50 cops with bullets and grenades and then has to prove he didn't kill anyone by doing a scan (what happens if he did accidentally kill someone? Does he crash? Does he need resetting?)

Now don't get me wrong, I freaking love Terminator 2, it's a glorious film in many ways but despite how badly the special effects have aged in T1 it is still the better film in my books (and I watched Terminator 2 first, I love T1 way more, same with Aliens/Alien) 
The problem with Terminator 2 is Edward Furlong. He kills any scene that he speaks in. Dead. 
Miles DYSON... She's gonna blow him AWAY!!?!

Buet Keeeling Myalls Dyson might achewally prevent da waaarrugghhh 
if you freezeframe the T2 bluray at the exact right time you can see robert patricks balls 
Do that a lot, do you? 
That is the main plus point of T2. 
Mad Max 
the reason I liked it, at least my initial reaction to it, is that it thankfully avoids over exposition and B grade backstory that is now common in every action movie for at least the last 5 years. eg spiderman 'learnt' to web-sling by practicing at the docks, oh really how fascinating....

That doesnt mean that it cant not have a decent story/plot/script and still have glorious action scenes but right now, in the deluge of avergae superhero movies every week, I will take what I can get.

Will it stand the test of time, not entirely sure but I still think it will be a decent watch even in the future (I would personally rate it about a 7-7.5/10). It is definitely overhyped though but hey we live in the age of everything either being the best or worst thing ever. 
I think the film deserves the hype, if I hadn't have heard so much hype about it before going in I would have come out lauding it as much as everyone else.
It took me a bit of reflection to think whether it was worthy, it is.

Age of Ultron unfortunately was a big of turds. 
So is that a scientifically accurate 725/1000 rating? ;) 
no there is a variance of 50/1000 depending on how I am feeling on any particular day :) 
I liked Age of Ultron mainly for the characters. Whedon writes really good characters.

But I realized how far I've let my standards bar fall. Once I saw Mad Max, I was like ... OH right, THAT'S what an action movie looks like. 
Oh, and the Hulk. Iron Man trying to subdue an out of control Hulk was pure amazeballs.

Go to sleep!
Go to sleep!
Go to sleep! 
Ah what'd I watch the other day that was good, ah it had the rock in it... thanks imdb, it was Snitch

I occasionally stumble upon good action movies just by leaving the movie channel running. There was another good wrestler one actually I saw recently, with Dave Bautista in it - House of the Rising Sun. Aw gee, 4.4 on imdb. Well it was better than that.

The traditional action movies don't seem to make big box office numbers anymore, they just trickle in under the radar.

The comic movies we've been seeing recently aren't really traditional action. They're more fantasy-action.

Watched Oblivion a couple weeks ago, that was great. Who was saying their aren't any good action movies anymore? Or did I just make that up?

Re t1 vs t2... t2 is an action classic. t1 is just one of those dark, budget sci-fi actions from the 80s that people forget about. I certainly did and would pick t2 over it any day, even if t1 is better written. 
T2 had the T-1000 or whatever it was called. The liquid metal terminator. That, alone, made it better. 
T1 Any Day For Me 
T2 does not have anywhere near the same amount of bad ass-ness to me. The mood does it for me.

That Was A Formedable Post... 
Saw Mad Max Yesterday 
It was really good 😎👯 
Showed up on swedish national tv streaming service...

Really bad, a series of special effect scenes with bad pacing and no sense of storytelling. Didn't expect much of a story though but maybe at least some laughs or something. Last five minutes or so (from animated sequence) was ok.

If you have to see some swedish 80s-vibe kickstarter B-Movie you're better off with Dyke Hard that at least has some charm, heart and storytelling (@ 1/100th of kickstarter funds). 
inverse cost and quality law! 
Bad Movies 

Oh god this was stupid. I could feel myself getting dumber watching it, which was almost ironic given the plot.

The Colony

Even worse! 
Oh Man The Colony :( 
Indeed that was really bad. Especially annoying because I liked the setting and premise.

But yeah, utterly fucked it up son! 
Mad Max 
Obviously cos everyone is spewing about "omgzor teh best action film evar", it isn't....but definitely a good fun film, early bits were a bit like "haven't I seen enough of this in the trailer", but it got more captivating throughout, pretty damn cool overall. 
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