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I've found that adding to the Obscurus thread for Nehahra related stuff is moderately depressing, so with some substantial Nehahra releases in the future, I thought it best to give it its own thread.

This is the place to voice any comments or suggestions on Nehahra, as it is being revamped and the final official episode of the main Nehahra/Quake storyline is in development.

Progress in that department can always be found at:

It would be especially helpful to mention any bugs noticed when trying to play and/or map for Nehahra. Chances are I'm aware of it and have rectified it or intend to do so.

Suggestions for new features are welcome, even though there's already a truckload of those in the game (not to mention a lot of cleaning up -- where possible -- of wonky setups to certain features). Maybe I'll share some that I didn't share on the revamp page on here in the future. For the most part, once the release happens including the Devkit2.txt, a mapper with the intention of making a Nehahra map will have such a broad range of freedom and options that it might well result in them being committed to a local sanitarium.

Speaking of that, if anyone is working on a Nehahra map or episode that I don't know about. Clue me in. You can count on my interest. I know of several already.

The ones that I do not know the current status of are:

(what happened to this?)


(Glassman needs to answer his emails!)

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is there any way to fix this?

i've gone through the folders and removed any files/folders not related to nehahra. 
Yup, DarkPlaces adds a /* ... */ comment into save files that other engines choke on. You can open the file in your favourite text editor and just remove it (be sure to change nothing else!!!) 
now it's just saying:

First token (sv.lightstyles) isn't a brace on line 8073

i found two points where there were:


all on there own on seperate lines, so i deleted them.
not worth the hassle, really.

i can either:

1) carry on, but using the dp engine

2) restart the whole thing all over,using just nehquake.

if i'd known this would happen, i wouldn't have farted around with other engines half way through a game.

oh well, shitty lesson learned:( 
try deleting everything starting with /* and ending with */ 
i couldn't find any other parts of the text that had /* or */ in it.

i'll continue on with dp, or maybe start again.
i should be able to be up to the point i was at quite quickly, maybe? 
/* and */ are block comments, this means that everything in between those symbols must be removed, not just lines where the symbols appear in. 
Just tested this with a vanilla Fitz 0.85 build.

DarkPlaces by default adds an extra block at the end - and only at the end - of the save file. You'll be able to identify it because it begins with something like this:

// DarkPlaces extended savegame
sv.lightstyles 0 m
sv.lightstyles 1 mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo
sv.lightstyles 2 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba

So, if all that you've done is remove the "/*" and/or "*/" part(s), you can easily locate the rest of the stuff and remove it too.

Like I said, this is at the very end of the file, so find the "DarkPlaces extended savegame" part, and remove that line and all lines following it.

It also manages to contrive to use UNIX line-endings even on a Windows box, but that doesn't seem to cause any further problems. Once the main offending chunk is removed, the save game works. 
it's commented out presumably to hide it from other engines' parsers, but only darkplaces can correctly parse multi-line comments? 
I'd assume that some others can too - FTE would be one obvious example, and I know I added it to DirectQ (because of this specific issue happening to me a coupla years back) but haven't tested it in ages - but otherwise, yeah. Nasty stuff. 
Still Works 
Cheers Guys! 
So What Engine Options Are There Available To Play This 
the nehahra engine runs like a bit of a dog on my new system for some reason (choppy/jerky) 
I know aguirre's engine supports this. DP as well maybe? 
Yes DP Supports It 
Actually the first time I saw DP was in the form of DPnehahra coming bunddled with nehahra. It was way back then, almost 10 or 12 years ago. How time flies ... 
You've likely discovered the multi-core clock bug. Jerky, jerky fast, slow ...

It affects: all of Aguirre's engines, Fitz 0.85, many older engines. But not DarkPlaces, JoeQuake, DirectQ, Mark V or Quakespasm.

You might consider using JoeQuake for Nehahra, 
I dont get similar behaviour using fitz 0.85 for regular quake though? 
Nehahra Exe Source Download Problem. Download Link Request. 
Hello, everybody. And again, it's a dead fileplanet link:
Btw, i could not compile because reacc compiler give me runtime error 200 at 0002:0095 even on windows 98 SE virtual machine and even when the qc files are in another folder or deleted.

What is your goal anyways? Maybe people can recommend easier way to achieve than poking around in evil old code. 
To Spirit. Increasing Carrying Capacity. 
Hello, Spirit.

I want to increase my max health, max armor and ammo carrying capacity. I was very unsatisfied that I can carry only 100 points of health, 200 points of armor, 100 cells and 200 nails in Nehahra. In single player - there is nobody to leave ammo, health packs and armor for (on the levels)...

I know that these parameters (in original quake) are stored in .qc files named client.qc and items.qc. Darkplaces engine can display up to 9999 of ammo (of each type) and up to 1099 points of health and armor, and I'm gonna use these HUD maximums as my ammo, armor and health maximums. :)

For example in nehahra code in items.qc in function armor_touch (don't trash old armor):

Was: other.armorvalue = value;

Going to change to: other.armorvalue = other.armorvalue + value;

And delete or comment out this line:

if (other.armortype * other.armorvalue >= type * value)

In function ammo_touch and bound_other_ammo i'm going to replace values 200, 200, 100, 100, for example, to 9000.

In function PutClientInServer in client.qc
change self.max_health to 1099.
Aslo in function SetChangeParms

should be: if ( > 100 /*(not 250 but 1099)*/ { = 1099;
change in function T_Heal:
if (e.classname == "player" && > 250 /*(not 250 but 1099)*/)
{ = 1099;


And the last, function health_touch
change lines
if ( >= 250 /*(not 250 but 1099)*/) {

If they can, I will be very grateful to them. :)
Yes, it's a bit cheater thing but I really need it. :)

The more unreal the Quake is (including unreal carrying capacity), the more I like it. :)

Cheers, Alex. 
for ammo caps, check this function in items.qc:
void() bound_other_ammo =
if (other.ammo_shells > 100)
other.ammo_shells = 100;
if (other.ammo_nails > 200)
other.ammo_nails = 200;
if (other.ammo_rockets > 100)
other.ammo_rockets = 100;
if (other.ammo_cells > 100)
other.ammo_cells = 100;
Problem About Carrying Capacity, Max Health In Nehahra Is Solved. 
Necros, don't forget that we are talking about Nehahra qc. You also should increase the values in function ammo_touch in items.qc otherwise the function will return nothing and ammo will not be picked up.
Properly, the topic is here: 
oh sorry, i didn't even know it was written in pascal. 
Rtlights For Nehahra 
hi there, sorry for ressurecting this old thread. i made rtlights for the whole nehahra + some other small graphics tweaks. darkplaces isn't very popular around here, but maybe it will be interesting for somebody who would like to give nehahra another go.

more info, screens & download at the bottom of the first post here:

take care

Super Necrobump 
I was wondering if anyone would consider picking up the torch for Nehahra?

It would be super, super cool if the mod got a bit of spit and polish to make it fully compatible with modern standard engines.

The mod deserves more love and should be more easily accessible in all its glory for players new to Quake. It would also be a lovely 20th birthday present. ;) 
Yes, More Support For That Gem ! 
I was never able to play Nehara with QuakeSpasm on a Mac. I did "played" its maps but without the mod features, so most of the maps are "broken".

I never understood why Nehara can't be played with QS. Any info on this ? 
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