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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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those are some good tips sock, but how am I supposed to learn how to do lighting properly? 

Make a small map and light it. Start the game and go look around in the map. Make notes of what looks good and what doesn't. Go back to the editor and change the stuff that didn't look good. Use sock's guide to go by.

As with most things, you learn by doing. 
Another Newbie Question 
How does one make an exit trigger in TrenchBroom?

I created a brush big enough for the player to walk into, right-clicked on it, selected Create brush entity --> Trigger --> changelevel, but when I compile the map with hmap2 and play it, this brush is not there. Am I missing something? Are there certain settings I should change? 
There is a long phase at the end of a map's creation that's just tweaking some lights and rebuilding. Nature of the beast.

-onlyents is very nice to have at this phase.

Does Heretic2 have a different .map format or is it just different entities? 
... how does one create a set of doors that slide apart in TrenchBroom (instead of one panel that slides into the wall)? I've created two brushes and made them both doors, but they just slide together in the same direction. I guess there must be setting one can change somewhere, but am clueless as to what and where.

I hope this is the right thread for these absolute beginner questions... 
You Have To 
either "unlink" the doors by setting the entity flag as unlinked, or create a new key called "angle" and set them at opposite directions. 
Thanks, That Did It 
I did both -- clicked "Don't link" for both doors and gave them both a new property called "angle", and made one "180".

Thank you so much! 
Try r_lightmap 1 - it can help you improve lighting without the textures getting in the way. 
RE: Trying To Find Textures 

Trying To Find Textures
#13862 posted by RingofQuaddamage [] on 2014/06/22 16:19:30
Any good rock textures for quake? 
keep them linked if they're double doors, or they'll open separately if you stand in the right place

setting two different angles is all you need 
Thanks, Lunaran 
Any idea what I'm doing wrong with the exit trigger (post #13880)? 
You Need 
To point it at the next map - whatever.bsp or it'll not do anything. I can't remember what the key is called offhand.

Also, triggers are never visible and are only rectangles - so I big prism will still be a rectangle in game. 
Re: Lighting 
If you can stand my colour scheme (or disable styling) here's a kind of overview of lighting: 
the keyvalue is "map" ijed :)

set it to the filename of the next level, without the extension. if you don't have one, just use 'start' or the name of the same level you're already in. 
Thanks, ijed and Lunaran -- that did it. :-) 
Newbie Mappers 
Fantastic that Quake still brings in new mappers! 
More "newbie" Stuff 
Is there a way of making a secret door retract into a wall, and then go upwards? Or am I stuck with a handful of cardinal directions? 
That's What Secret Doors Do 

"open_once" once open, stays open
"1st_left" first move is left of arrow
"1st_down" first move is down from arrow
"no_shoot" only opened by trigger
"always_shoot" even if targeted, keep shootable

Maybe a negative lip allows you to reverse the first left / first down directions.

Never played with them much to be honest. 
Better Info 
I needed a door to use as a long, extending walkway. I needed it to slide out about 256 units, then up 16 units. I thought I could do it with a secret door somehow but I never could get it to cooperate. I ended up just using a func_train and used a little door hidden in the floor to provide the sound.

As far as I could tell they only go bang and pop open then slide in whatever direction they're set for. I always meant to go back and experiment with them some more but haven't got around to it yet. 
Yet Another Newbie Question 
Suddenly my map does not want to compile anymore (I've been compiling and testing every so often until now) and I get the following error message:

LinkConvexFaces: Mixed face contents in leafnode

Clearly I've broken something, but I don't know what. Can someone explain? 
Don't mix normal textures with liquid/sky textures on your brushes. 
don't have liquid brushes and sky brushes touching. 
It Was # 2 
I had a teleporter brush and a sky brush touching. Thanks so much! 
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