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New Quake Filehost: "The Shub-Hub"
Just to rise awareness as it seems not to be very known around here yet.

You may upload any Quake-related files there. Really everything (except demos): Maps, Mods, Movies, Screenshots, Tools. The password for uploading is ilovetheshubhub. Read for more detailed information.

Surely there is no guarantee that the Shub-Hub will exist in ten years (do free hosts guarantee anything?). But I will backup the important bits every once in a while and mirror SP stuff to the Quaddicted Archive of course.

UPDATE: The Shub-Hub is back at a new domain: , password for uploading is still ilovetheshubhub.
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My Question Is 
Why no demos? Using dz or what not theyre practically tiny, and theyre not that big anyways. Id like to see more matches where I dont have to download some 200meg avi of people getting the same midair rocket shots, having to look at it through some hideous ezQuake extras and synced to nu-metal. Complete match demos are a joy to watch.

However I was aware of the shub-hub and I do love it and am thankful for it and all the other efforts youve made to help the community. 
Since Pipeline Is Dead... 
I'm going to list this as a new suggested place to host screenshots.

Also: yeah, why no demos? I understand that there are other places to host demos, but do you think that allowing demos would have a negative effect on the server performance or bandwidth or something? 
awww, somebody uploaded my map! and its shit! but somebody did. makes my heart warm & fuzzy and stuff. :-) 
You have some valid points there. My thought was to keep the demos in the archives where they belong to. On the other hand there is no place for netquake demos (as far as I know) and definitely no place for normal singleplayer demos.
And the Shub-Hub rather a "huge pile of a mess" than a sorted archive anyways (and it's meant to be). Adding demos would not be an disadvantage for me or its users.
I'll think about it! 
Uploaded "Grunt Grenedin" and "Orb'sBetrayal".
Thought "The Abandon" more like a singleplayer/mod,
but that's just a formal matter.

Great Site! 
thanks man.

and yeah, everybody likes demos, although of course there's SDA :-) 
Good to know there�s more places to put stuff; cheers. 
Shub-Hub is nothing to do with me, but I'd like to see it kept relatively "clean". I don't think people should see it as an open ending dumping ground. Don't you people have your own webspace? If you start diluting a Quake file depository with crap, it instantly loses the purpose of it's existance.

Random screenshots and "" files belong on people's personal hosting... or perhaps burnt in the flames of hell. 
Picked A Bad Time 
to propose a drunken demo archive, but there it is, a proposal to keep an archive of map runs in a state of inebriation. With, uhm, screenshots. 
It is not meant as clean repository/archive! It IS meant as dump. :D 
Thanks for that service. It is a good idea.
It would be cool if you alowed to use it as a storage for quake related demos. Maybe you could create additional "demos" and "dump" folders?
I have a nice Bastion demo on skill 2 somewhere :) 
I'd like to see runs on speedmaps. The SDA gang in general can't be bothered with it, so it would be average players.

A lot of the speedmaps are really fun. I'd immediately upload some demos (and download others from this category.)

Could become a nice time-killer.

May I also suggest that a naming scheme be used for demos, including the map title and player name. 
As there is interest in it, I will add demo sections. demos_singleplayer, demos_netquake, demos_quakeworld?

I would suggest mapname_playername as filename for the singleplayer demos. In one of the usual archive formats or dzipped. Sounds good?
I don't care about the multiplayer demos, but if there is a standard, tell me and I will force it.

Ankh: Consider the misc folder as dump. ;) 
some old SP maps that weren�t in the archive, but mostly just for completeness�s sake (try burrow/shkeep first, both have 50 enemies on hard and some secrets).

(of course thanks to Spirit for all his work...) 
Those are missing in the "good" Quaddicted archive too. Thanks! 
Demos are allowed now.

Singleplayer Demos: /demos_singleplayer (for speedruns better check SDA)
NetQuake Demos: /demos_netquake (check RocketGuy's)
QuakeWorld Demos: /demos_quakeworld (check Challenge-TV,

Allowed formats are .dz or anything else compressed in some archive. 
Did you manage to beat burrow? I made it almost with a lot of saving, just one lousy zombie left and no more explosives ...

There's almost no health and probably just enough ammo to kill the 50 monsters with a lot of axing and infighting.

If anyone could make a 100% demo on this, I'd be impressed ... 
Uploaded Dm3rmx 
I will upload my other maps later after I have put the source files in the zips. 
Burrow Demo 
Third try - I'm gonna play through properly and try and get a full run.

(lack dzip access at office) 
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