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Is ready. Its a Quoth map pack with some added features, only playable in its own engines.


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the one linked in the news post. 
Stubgaard / Everyone 
SDA is not supporting Quoth based maps.

I thought recording just for fun, personnaly I like watching runs on large maps, it�s like a movie :) 
There's no explicit support for it in my engines, AFAIK there never was any such support. In GLQuake 0.97, it looks the same and you can't even change fov at all ...

I'd suggest using std 4:3 resolution.

Yeah, I've been doing that. Just wish I could play in fullscreen on my wide-aspect LCD.

It's hard to remember now, but I thought that the code to correctly calculate vertical FOV was already in the source when I started making fitzquake. On the other hand, I did do some work on that part of the code, so maybe it never really worked before I touched it.

And, I recall the fixed FOV in glquake being not a missing feature, but an existing feature locked out by an id software programmer (not carmack) who thought high FOV was cheating and decided to disable it when working on the glquake port. 
Rotated Items 
A quakec patch to calculate better boxes would be worthwhile for a pack like this where all the items are rotated.

For mappers in general working with unpatched quakec, I would suggest never rotating an item box more than about 10-15 degrees.

Note that all items in quake have their bboxes expanded in code (by 16 units i think) to make them easier to touch, including items on shelves. This compensates for any small rotation because you still can't get too close before picking it up. But if it's been rotated like 135 degrees, the 16 units won't be enough obviously. 
I'd like to see a basic progs fix, for stuff like the fish couting twice (you'll notice there aren't any in Warp)and ammo bbox box.

Then we, as a community, agree that it's the basic version that everyone should use. I gauruntee there's lots more I don't know about that could be cleaner and more efficient. I'm not sure why this doesn't already exist, to be honest, it's a logical progression when the community of ten year old game keeps playing it.

Most mods have implemented the fixes that sneaked through the playtesting phase, but there's no basic 'use this' id1 progs.

I'm not a coder. 
Widescreen Works Here... 
on my Dell 24' with run command line:
...\glwarp.exe\ -quoth -game warp -heapsize 48000 -width 1920 -bpp 32 
No Problem... 
with FOV either! (autoexec.cfg) 
Command line above should read:
...\glwarp.exe -quoth -game warp -heapsize 48000 -width 1920 -bpp 32 
chase_active 1 fov 110

appended to that - I put in a bind to 1 for autoswitch to the sword chase_active as an experiment, but it couldn't work with impuse 10 / 12 and I play with mousewheel for weapon switch.

It works good - first person close combat is shit. 
A Small Demo 
I want to see some demos on these lovely maps!

So I went ahead and recorded this as a starter; an easy run through warpe in 49 seconds. There "may" be more shortcuts than the single one I found... 
Rotated Items 
ok, just tested it again and you are right.
i never experienced this before because i was always using only small angles. everthing <90 seems to work fine.

forgot to mention btw: i liked the music ;) 
And Thus It Begins... 
Map the first (the snowy one).

Skill 2, GLWarp.exe, Quoth on, 85/87, 4/5, two deaths (one at first Smabler ambush as I was saving MHs and at 20-ish health when Smables appeared, one at end cos I was running around doing....something).

Cool map! I like it. Like the style, unusual feel. Some inside bits were quite plain. But overall the vibe was good. I like the fog and lava ball effects at the end, proper dramatic. Good secrets too. I really like the gameplay - the combination of easy Grunts, nice snipery Rocket Grunts, and mental Shamble ambushes was....quite refreshing really. It worked well and was well balanced too.

Music was okay, fitted well. The monster movement does me head in a bit although it's kinda cool on the Smablers. 
Nice demo, I also want to see clever runs on these unusual maps. Check out Sielwolf's demo3; maybe it can offer some hints on warpe. 
So <90 works well? I'll remember that.

Shambler: glad you like the maps - its a bit fanboy but I was reading the TEAMshambler archive repeatedly when putting these together. Also, Harsh Angled Edge and Final Drop are bookend maps, with the start map and Murder Mandala being secondary bookends (?). The real expansion is warpb-d.

Neg!ke: Something you liked! Heh, it's ok - I've never been a fan of speedmaps tbh, although the chain speedmaps are amongst my favourites. Like I said in another post, some people prefer hamburger to steak.

Mandel: Not bad, but do check out Sielwolf's demo3. You missed plasma jumping as well - its semi-pointless unless you have the quad, but Sielwolf's rocketpush to the crunch secret solves that. Also, these maps did have alot of clip brushes to break speedrunning, but they're all gone now. I guess warpd can be completed in less than a minute thanks to the bars helping the player to the exit via rocketjump.

Nice to hear comments, thanks. 
The Code 
Here's a chunk of code that corrects the bounding boxes. It's not as optimal as it could be, lots of ugly if statements, but since it's not called often it doesn't really matter.

void setsizerotated (entity targ, vector b_min, vector b_max)

local vector y_ang, rotmin, rotmax, pt;

//only consider rotation in y axis
y_ang_y = targ.angles_y;
//get the unit vectors in local axes

//correct for opposite orientation
v_right = v_right * -1;

//set initial min/max points to transformed bottom right coord
rotmin = rotmax = v_forward * b_min_x + v_right * b_min_y;

//point 2
pt = v_forward * b_min_x + v_right * b_max_y;
//compare to current min/max componentwise
if(pt_x < rotmin_x)
rotmin_x = pt_x;
if(pt_y < rotmin_y)
rotmin_y = pt_y;

if(pt_x > rotmax_x)
rotmax_x = pt_x;
if(pt_y > rotmax_y)
rotmax_y = pt_y;

//point 3
pt = v_forward * b_max_x + v_right * b_max_y;
//compare to current min/max componentwise
if(pt_x < rotmin_x)
rotmin_x = pt_x;
if(pt_y < rotmin_y)
rotmin_y = pt_y;

if(pt_x > rotmax_x)
rotmax_x = pt_x;
if(pt_y > rotmax_y)
rotmax_y = pt_y;

//point 4
pt = v_forward * b_max_x + v_right * b_min_y;
//compare to current min/max componentwise
if(pt_x < rotmin_x)
rotmin_x = pt_x;
if(pt_y < rotmin_y)
rotmin_y = pt_y;

if(pt_x > rotmax_x)
rotmax_x = pt_x;
if(pt_y > rotmax_y)
rotmax_y = pt_y;

//z unchanged, assuming rotation in y only
rotmin_z = b_min_z;
rotmax_z = b_max_z;

setsize (targ, rotmin, rotmax);


To use it, simply replace the call to setsize in the item's spawn function to call setsizerotated instead, the function takes the same parameters. Note that this function should not be used everywhere! Monsters for instance already have a bounding box large enough to accommodate their rotation, so you'll end up with monsters facing odd angles having larger bounding boxes if you use this. Similarly for weapons, although it's less important, it's not worth making a change for the worse. Just change it on ammo/health packs.

On a unified progs with fixes: I've thought about this before, but I don't know that it would work. There's a line to be drawn between what's a bug-fix and what's a feature, and it's not easy to do. If I wanted a bug-fixed source I'd start with aguirRe's source, which has some obvious ones like the fish count, and also some more subtle crashes/problems. But whether this rotation code counts as a bugfix is debatable to me, certainly none of the original quake maps rotate the items, so allowing rotation of items is kinda like a new feature.

We should probably start a different thread for discussion of this, or at least take it to mapping help. Stop derailing this thread, Preach! 
And I watched demo1 and demo2 but not demo3 :) 
i didn't say i hated all the rest. it's just that the map sizes and monster counts were suboptimal for my attention span. 
i'm not saying it doesn't allow a widescreen resolution. I'm saying that when the resolution is widescreen, the vertical fov is not set correctly, resulting in everything looking wider and shorter than it should. Or, if you play with a tall skinny window (which i did as a test, ) everything looks tall and skinny. 
On a unified progs with fixes: I've thought about this before, but I don't know that it would work.

There is already something like this, it's called the "Ultimate Regular Quake Patch" and nobody uses it. :) 
The 4 shamblers in tight space after gold key was a bit wtf, otherwise up till now (2nd level) im fucking loving it! 
I had a 'quick' god run through to check the whole and am now working my way through 'properly'. I'm very impressed with the number of options available to the player at start. This and the emphasis on breaking as many limits as possible for most engines ;)means the need for a specific .exe file. Despite the fact I don't like the look and/or feel of any of them I believe it to be a fair trade off.

The first level was bland but the second is, as nitin said, an instant classic. I despise quoth polyps but the're so appropriate in this level! I'm quickly learning to conserve my cells and use the lance on them ASAP. Structurally complex, architecturally appropriate, chock full 'o' gibs, yay! My only beef thus far is that the mix of Rubicon and Oblivion textures is quite jarring in places.

I think you were beating yourself up too much about the music during development ijed. I like what you chose and how you've processed it. Your choice of music for level preceding 'warpe' means that my track doesn't stand out like dog's balls...well done! 
Fragile little things . . . as I say in the readme the Nehahra version is preferred since its got a few more graphical effects, although the red light from the blue plasma burst is an anomaly I never got round to changing.

Dis - I don't remember if you heard the old music or not. Whats there now is much better fitting, also solves the problem of protubent canine testes. 
Holly shit! This was great! I have recorded a demo on skill 1. I was very carefull after the experience of warpa. Unfortunately I died at the first gug :(
The architecture, lightning and atmosphere were sooo good in this map! Gameplay was great also. I kinda like the "impulse 250" weapon but I still have my problems with the quoth monsters. 
7 MB DZip 
I'd suggest not to use dzip for any demos from these big maps, it can't handle the format or edict amount. At the very best it'll just default to std zip (i.e. no dzip compression) or more likely, it'll crash or make the dz corrupt.

Use 7-zip, rar or std zip utility instead. 
nice demo! I can't believe how you managed to play that far in one go. You were extremely low in the beginning though - 3 health ...

As for the gug fight, it might be easier to leave the zombies in to create a potential diversion for him. Although I've modified the gug code slightly so he doesn't get totally stuck on zombies anymore. 
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