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Replacement KNIGHT.MDL
Replace that ugly old knight with a slightly newer ugly knight. Now with something resembling "feet" and "a head", and not just weird pointy things!

Includes knight.mdl and h_knight.mdl with several skins for including in your fancy new mods and levels, as well as the same files in a PAK2.PAK if you want to plop them in /id1/.

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New Ogre 
was never released AFAIK, and if it has then I want it. 
It goes without saying this model is awesome! There's plenty of attention paid to making it a good Quake model, like the way the idle animation is slightly exaggerated so that the imprecise vertex format doesn't detract.

However, I couldn't resist tinkering with the skin, as I've often thought the skinmap to the original knight was very wasteful. Not only is there acres of blank space, but the just-larger-than-powers-of-two width and height means it wastes 4 times as much memory in glquake-based engines. So here's Lunaren's model with a Widescreen skin... 
Thanks, Preach! 
I wanted to use original skins without having to do a lot of tinkering or splitting verts, but it did make for a 272x140 skin that would go up to 512x256 in GL quakes. my response to this was basically 'ehh fuck it' but preach found an elegant way to fix it. 
Why Is It Called 
Widescreen fix? Sorry I dont understand how what you said above correlates with widescreen. 
It's a tongue-in-cheek way of saying the new skin is a lot more wide than it is tall. 
it seems like we've got a pretty good collection of from-scratch replacement models that match the original quake aesthetic -- there's a player model, grunt, this knight, plus didn't sock make a new hell knight and some other models?

At this rate we might actually be able to have an open source content pack that can be distributed without copyright issues, and allow people to play custom maps without owning quake.

(i realize sound effects are still a huge hole in this plan.)

This is a very exciting concept. Wouldn't you still have to distribute the game code though? Or could you get round that by using darkplaces or something?

This model is FANTASTIC by the way... far better than the Capnbubs ones in my opinion. Somehow makes mowing down knights 10X as enjoyable. 
Back In The Day 
Re: original models looking bad. As well as being products of their time, let's also remember that this is what quake looked like for everyone playing it back then:

All monsters ended up as crude blobs of pixels anyway, so the dodgy texture mapping or janky modelling wasn't really gonna be scrutinised. 
True. Motion would be more apparent, though.

This model is FANTASTIC by the way

thank you! 
This Is Badarse 
Great Stuff 
A really good and fitting continuation of what Capnbubs started with his first few model remakes. I hope that this wasn't everything yet, though. Vore, Shambler and Ogre would be my favorite candidates for future releases, but ofc we all know nobody will be satisfied until all ID1 models are done (and then there are still those of the mission packs). For the time being, this knight joins my collection of must-have Quake assets. Thanks a lot for this one, Lunaran! 
I Lament 
The release of the 10 million dollar knight, but salute the work released.

Just don't let the axe make it too easy. 
Thanks Lunaran... 
...I've just run through Arcarnum with your Knight and Sock's Pak1, very enjoyable. 
What's Sock's Pak 1? 
I Think Sock's Pak1 
Is the pak file that more or less always comes bundled together with his map releases, which replaces some default models like shell box and the like to make them more Medieval compatible in terms of their looks.

If you have installed any of Sock's maps, you most likely have got it already. 
Yeah It's The Pak 
with ammo replacement models.

but more importantly, what is ijed's post? And lun's reply :) 
I have a combo of all the fixed models, additions and tweaks in one .pak file.
Fixed weapons, capbnbubs improved dog/grunt/player, this knight, socks improved quad damage/ring model and the original grenade model from the quake beta (looks way better than all other replacement grenade models IMO, I think it's the same one as in quoth)...

I'd use socks improved ammo boxes too if there was a way to have them flip between medieval and futuristic in the same way as key models work. I'm sure there is a way for this to be done. 
I'm sure there is a way for this to be done.

It's "QuakeC 101" easy. It does require custom progs though. 
Ah Coding... 
my old nemesis.

Seriously, I tried so hard to learn how to code between my last job and this one and I don't have the brain for it. 
An Open Source Content Pack 
I made my nailgun exactly for this purpose, but now I doubt that I'll make any other weapons in foreseeable future. Drowned in other "dream projects", etc. 
Will There Be Support For Quoth? 
Just Use Pakscape And Qme 
Or Change The 
Pack number so it doesn't conflict. 
well, no, not exactly. since kell made a new skin for the quoth knight to make him better fit in with the rest of the *knight monsters, it wouldn't be a straight up drop in.
otoh, it was basically a re-colour, so it wouldn't be that difficult if you know what you're doing. i think? 
Make Preach Do It! 
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