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<Daz_> two minutes until were all DOOMed
<Daz_> and Marty Stratton can let out that huge fart hes been holding in during all the promo spots

Doom 4, aka DOOM (2016), is finally out:

Figured that a clean break might be a good idea, considering how the other thread has became monstrously huge and full of Bad Posting.

The questions at large:

- Is it a success for id, or the bitter end?
- Is the final boss a sprite of Marty Strapon's head? Or is it Willits?
- Will Friction spend another 12 years on a SnapMap?
- How many more words will it make Kinn add to his Trouser Thesaurus?
- Has than's wishlist for DOOM 4 from over 8 years ago come true?

*more enemies active at once
*better, more satisfying weapons
*COOP < most important thing
*larger environments
*more evilness
*more varied environments
*better level design
*no cutscenes
*heavier monsters used early on
*no shitty zombie commandos that can do somersaults and backflip behind cover. I don't mind the mutant ones with whip arms etc. but the regular z-sector ones were so annoying and not fun to fight.
*better AI on the more significant hellspawn creatures.
*mutant owl neck syndrome toned down
*monsters have finishing moves when they kill you, like in the first doom 3 leaked shakycam footage where the hell-knight eats the player's head. That kind of thing.
*the ability to use a flashlight and proper gun at the same time.
* No shit story involving an evil scientist. I can't believe they didn't realise how amazingly cheesy this idea was.
* Don't give it to Raven to develop.
* Properly fucking visceral weapons. Remeber the super shotgun in Doom 2? Fucks sake. Look at the weapons in Half-Life 2. Listen to the sounds they make. Take notes.

Anyway, discuss DOOM 4...
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I'm damn sure that Carmack has had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with gameplay design since Q3A time. Whether or not he was still with ID is irrelevant. 
Replace "Carmack" with "Romero" and I agree. 
Carmack Is A Quitter? 
The CEO of Oculus Rift is a quitter? Need I remind you that Romero was the one quitting after Quake? 
Carmack prefers to be on the cutting edge of research.

In the 90s, cutting-edge research meant things like realtime 3d graphics. This was cool, and Carmack was the man who could make this happen.

Then after quake it meant "real-time lighting everywhere", which was kind of cool but constrained the type of game you could make (corridor game that takes place in very dark environments).

Then it meant "unique textures everywhere", which was kinda cool as long as you have a bajillion gigs of storage space and a bajillion artists to place unique scratches on each brick, and players that are paying enough attention to notice and appreciate it. The law of diminishing returns is kicking in quite a bit now though.

I think it's best for id to just crack on and make games using what we have, instead of waiting for Carmack to come up with the next big tech innovation. 
My last comment was a total joke, but I liked the responses. (^_-) 
Just Finished 
*Possible Spoilers*

Purchased during the steam summer sale (40% off!)

Beat the game on UV and wow was that a good time! Haven't had this much fun with a game in a while. Combat was visceral and always satisfying, rune challenges are a nice intermission from the regular gameplay and exploration was actually pretty enjoyable as well!

One of my largest complaints with DOOM 3 was the lack of Hell based levels. There really is only one, and while it was superb it was just too much of a tease! Here, we have FOUR levels set in Hell and they are quite beefy at that! Favorite part of the game would be Titan's Realm/Necropolis as this is the largest batch of Hell you get to play in.

Still, I can appreciate the VEGA level due to the sharp change in base setting (Arctic Base).

Haven't played multiplayer yet and just dabbed into Snapmap which seems like a great concept but poorly executed.

Going to give Nightmare a spin without using the Rich get richer rune. (Bit OP if you ask me.)

If anyone was on the fence about 2016 DOOM, I fully recommended it...even at the full price! 
I Don't Know 
what's gotten into me, but I am actually starting to really like Doom multiplayer (playing on PS4), with the expected patch that is supposed to bring back classic deathmatch, it's going to be a great shooter. 
Finished It. 
Final arena was kinda boring - didn't really ramp up the cool Hell style, but the final boss was tolerable, and the ending was pretty neat enough.

Overall, really cool game. The action is solid, the blend of modern FPS tricks with classic Doom homages is good, and the designs and atmospheres are cool, I really like the amount of cool scenes.

As a Doom reboot, it's what Doom3 always should have been. It's a bit of a compromise but it just works well, and should restore some faith in id and this style of FPS gaming.

Mission pack hype now! 
"and should restore some faith in id and this style of FPS gaming"...
Quake Champions 
That's an irrelevancy to anyone and everyone. Doom shows they - and hopefully others - can still do it. 
I'd hold fire on dismissing Quake Champions as potentially crap. Lots of people dismissed Doom 4 as crap, right up to release, and it was only after people actually played it that they realised it wasn't. There's threads here containing rants that turned out to be flat out wrong. One could end up looking rather silly.

That doesn't mean it'll be great; let's not exclude the middle. Willits doesn't exactly have a great recent track record either. But let's just be cautious about declaring that it's going to suck, eh? 
I'm mostly just wondering/worrying whether id will do much on the game or whether it will be all Saber Interactive. 
Quake Champions is being marketed as a multiplayer shooter, that alone is reason enough to ignore it for most people here, who just don't care much about that. 
Mod Support 
It'll be very interesting to see what kind of mod support QC has. Every Quake title (excluding 4 I suppose) has flourished due to its modding scene and I really hope QC ships with something more substantial than SnapMap.

Time will tell I suppose :) 
oh god, is QC really the abrieviation we're going with here? QW was annoying enough, but at least that usually got an ET prefix! 
Well What Would You Suggest Lol? 
Wait. QW = Quake World or (Enemy Territory : ) Quake Wars? 
Has a nice ring to it. 
Anyway, Killes Is Mostly Right About QCMOBAFPS2017 
It does look unspeakably, astronomically awful in any described or potential aspect. If someone had announced it as an April Fool's, you'd think it was too OTT garbage to be a good joke....let alone it actually being a serious thing. And the whole thrust of the latest Willits video completely misses the point of a bog-standard MPFPS like Q3A/Live, let alone any of the other Quakes that were actual proper games. No even Q3A was not in the slightest bit about the arbitrary character models you stocked the fucking thing with. Champions? Wankpions. 
So, Today.. 
Steam's just like 'I'm gonna download and install this 12GB DOOM patch. Hope you weren't planning on streaming any video's when you got home from work...'. I guess I shouldn't complain but I don't use Snapmap or the multiplayer component of 'DOOM'. 
Video Is 
a grammar nazi 
Good Call. 
Auto-updates disabled now. 
Yeah Same Here 
The Patch 
is 14,07gb on PS4, heh 
Two New Multiplayer Modes 
neither of which is deathmatch. neat.

the constant crash to desktop is fixed now, so that's sweet. big gold star from me. 
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