Even Though...
#26 posted by Snaga on 2002/12/26 22:22:15
a small touch of jungle theme had been exitingly fresh! ;)
#27 posted by czg on 2002/12/28 08:08:45
There so has to be a link to go back to the main forum page down here by the reply box, because it's a minor hell every time I have to scroll up to the top to go back...
#28 posted by nonentity on 2002/12/28 14:06:36
See the home key.
Press it.
 I'm Glad To See That I'm Not The Only One Who Doesn't Like A Good UI
#29 posted by anonymous user on 2002/12/30 15:50:34
 Oh, Fancy...
#30 posted by wrath on 2003/01/04 10:59:37
I like.
But IE:mac croaks sometimes...
nice job metl.
 Oh, Metl.
#31 posted by wrath on 2003/01/04 11:08:35
why can't titles be empty, it's really stupid to have a title for your yes or no posts.
 Good Job Nonentity
#32 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/05 15:02:44
some ppl prolly never use the home key.
cmon guys, you NEVER use it for typing? did you take it off from the keyboard.
well then, put it on a separate little interface like the ctrl alt del when you used to run win98!!
ps this is VERY close to old qmap. i feel all warm now
 1 Million Ruble Question
#33 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/05 15:32:22
(no offence to russians but the italian lira is now extinct...)
how many still use the qmap.peej.co.uk? are ppl comfy with switching totally or will it be a bit of both?
i'll give you my attorney's number if you win the prize because i dont have 1m rubles. i spent it on the mars bar i'm eating atm
 Custom Tex
#34 posted by GibFest on 2003/01/05 18:19:45
How do you use them in GTKRadiant? Where do I put them and how do I load them in GTKR/
 Wrath Uses A Mac?
#35 posted by grahf on 2003/01/07 02:10:52
I never woulda guessed.
good'ol homey qmapness
#37 posted by Auhsan on 2003/01/08 06:14:01
 Regarding Titles
#38 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/01/08 18:23:46
In the old QMap, if you left the title blank (that is, you cheated and used a space instead of a character) and then used QMap's search function, if that post contained information relating to your search, it was impossible to view that information.
That is to say, QMap tried to make a link, but since it used a space instead of a character, you couldn't click on it. Until now I hadn't thought of checking the source code for the URL, but it's still stupid to have poor functionality just to appease those who are too lazy to type in a title.
#39 posted by Scampie on 2003/01/09 11:58:03
maybe I don't want my post serachable.
#40 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/01/09 21:09:39
With your typing/spelling, who'd want their post "serachable"?
 Chickfight! Chickfight!
#41 posted by czg on 2003/01/10 08:22:40
You go girls!
 Space, Blank, Emptiness, Loneliness (do Emotions Count?)
#42 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/11 11:37:56
rpg has a point
scampie gets a sarcasm point (what colour dyou wannit scampie?)
chick-fight ended. next on qmap deathmatch mac users tell pc users who the daddy is
round 976: "who originally stole the idea from xerox"
#43 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/11 11:39:23
ARE there or WHERE there any chicks in qmaps bunch of lions?
 Who Got Lost
#44 posted by daftpunk on 2003/01/11 11:42:44
are fingers and other lads posting with different names, secretly or just aint got time?
#45 posted by g0ofball[FX] on 2003/01/11 12:38:26
#46 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/01/11 14:23:57
It woiks!
 "wrath Uses A Mac?"
#47 posted by grahf; on 2003/01/11 17:41:31
"I never woulda guessed."
well, yes, I do. I got a chance to lease a computer through work, and opted for an ibook. I have a PC system at home as well as at work, but 2.2 kg together with apples solutions for laptops sounded really nice.
oh, wait - were you being caustic just there?
 That Was Me
#48 posted by wrath on 2003/01/11 17:42:28
#47 was me.
what the flying fuck happened?
#49 posted by wrath on 2003/01/11 17:44:16
#50 posted by wrath on 2003/01/11 17:46:46
if I use safari for osx, I can't even log in.
carry on.