Question For The Sages
I tend to recall that .dem files can ignore some kill counts under specific conditions. Am I dreaming? We have a map in Map-Center Retrojam1 that has a spawn closet that should be killing remaining monsters once conditions are met.
I screened a demo file of this and the kill count seemed off. The map author used trains to crush the monsters. Not sure why a door wasn't used but that might have something to do with it? Here's the entity:
// entity 0
"classname" "func_train"
"targetname" "summon_block2_crusher"
"speed" "100"
"dmg" "69420"
"target" "summon_block2_crusher_path1"
// brush 0
coords here
#32525 posted by
Jaromir83 on 2024/08/27 18:15:16
so with Official DOOM Eternal modding tools out do u plan to map for DE now somebody pls?
#32526 posted by
Jaromir83 on 2024/08/30 20:09:35
how do I download/install/run new custom DOOM Eternal maps pls? thanks

Vondur Jam
#32527 posted by
PuLSaR on 2024/09/02 03:56:27
I think that you all know who Vondur is. He's a legend of Quake mapping. He's recently spent his 50th anniversary. I believe that it's a good reason to make a Vondur jam. Just to make your old and lazy maps that use 90-degree angles only.

QD Still Alive
The Quaddicted revamp is getting closer to completion. Here's a thread on the forum that will show off new features.

Merry Christmas!
#32530 posted by
metlslime on 2024/12/25 10:15:14
Hope everyone has a good one.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!
#32531 posted by
generic on 2024/12/25 16:02:09

Best Classic Software Engine?
#32532 posted by
ranger on 2024/12/27 13:05:11
Is Quakespasm the best software render looking engine?
In terms of modern PC compatibility, and stability?
#32533 posted by
gila on 2024/12/28 11:44:26
It all depends on what do you mean by "software render looking". Is it pixelated (non filtered) textures? Is it square (not round) particles? Is it imitation of low resolution so everything is super pixelated (render scale)? Is it lack of model movement and animation interpolation?
Quakespasm, vkQuake and Ironwail can all be configured to be in varying degrees of closeness to the look of original software rendering of Quake. vkQuake and Ironwail also have their own means of emulating the software rendering color palette. Out of these three, Ironwail can get you the closest, it even has an option to render 2D elements like HUD and messages slightly stretched vertically as it was in original Quake's 320x200 being displayed on 4:3 monitors.
#32534 posted by
mh on 2024/12/30 10:21:35
In my opinion a lot of what people consider the "software Quake look" is quite misguided.
Quake is actually pixel art, on a par with some of the great 2D side-scrollers. Adrian Carmack packed a huge amount of pixel-level detail into those tiny 64x64 textures.
That deserves to be seen at it's best.
So you don't blur it, you don't filter it, you don't blend it with colours that were never there in the first place, you don't smudge it or smear it.
But you also don't reduce it to even lower resolution, you also don't introduce huge amounts of noise and aliasing, and you definitely don't take the areas where software Quake was objectively worse and celebrate them.
It's perfectly possible to set up a hardware-accelerated renderer that preserves all of the crisp pixel-level detail and presents it in all it's glory.

#32535 posted by
ranger on 2024/12/31 07:52:44
doesn't work on my pc? says i need vulkan?
#32536 posted by
gila on 2024/12/31 18:26:48
Yes, vkQuake requires GPU with Vulkan API support.

Quakespasm Might Actually Be The Best Choice?
#32537 posted by
ranger on 2025/01/03 11:05:11
just tried qrack - laggy and water looks bad

Is This An QS Engine Thing, Or A Quake Thing?
#32539 posted by
ranger on 2025/01/12 08:39:59
but seems certain audio wavs sound different ingame than playing the wav files manually?
if it matters the sounds are usually 22k or 44k and i have the "-sndspeed 44100" command line