#797 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/02 15:59:00
Theme: Decay
When/where: Saturday, November 6th, 2004.
gamesurge.irc.net, #speedq1, 3:00 pm central.
Oi then.
 Just In Case...
#798 posted by Megazoid on 2004/11/04 20:05:28
You got an email address that 100% works Zwiffle? I'm not saying I will have time, but your supplied email address last time did reject my worthless submission.
P.S. Pimped on QuakeTerminus.
#799 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/04 22:46:55
zerglingxx@operamail.com <-- normal address
zerglingxx@ameritech.net<-- normal address 2
sanewton@uwm.edu <-- college address
#800 posted by Megazoid on 2004/11/05 05:48:23
#801 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/06 17:59:34
I didn't get any emails from anyone yet, so I'll assume that I'm the only one mapping today. So, in any case, here's my map today.
#802 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/06 17:59:51
 I Was Also
#803 posted by PuLSaR on 2004/11/07 02:54:50
making a speedmap last night, but someone turned off the electricity:( Now I woke up and the electricity is fine, so I think I'll finish it (I think I saved it)
 Mine's In The Trash
#804 posted by Megazoid on 2004/11/07 05:58:31
...where it belongs
 Thanx, Zwiffle...
...very nice map.... liked a lot the overall feeling and gameplay... Good theme(ruins and books, nice!), maybe worth developing in a full blown map... it's good to see that someone still cares about good Qsp maps and speedmapping. Keep it up!
Me, on my side, I'm still trying to learn some mapping in my spare time. The results better be kept in the lowest lava pits...
#806 posted by PuLSaR on 2004/11/07 07:39:26
Well, it's done.
But it doesn't fit the theme good (read 'I think it doesn't fit the theme at all')
But here it is:
Also it is mailed to Zwiffle, cuz there may be problems with my site
#807 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/07 10:33:41
Awesome map. I saw you clip-brushed some of the ledge at the start, but you can easily jump across the patio areas. From there it's just avoiding certain death, but I'd like to see some speedruns of that. Sweet job, Pulsar.
#808 posted by PuLSaR on 2004/11/07 10:43:02
I tryed few times to jump across there, but I didn't reach the another side. Probably I just absolutely suck as a speedrunner ;)
 Tough But Fun
#809 posted by aguirRe on 2004/11/07 10:54:06
and good-looking maps. Zwiffle's was too bright and had too little ammo though; I had to slowly axe the shambler or sneak by with 8 health.
PuLSaR's was just spot-on. I also tried to walk the ledges but was clipped off. Jumping across seems possible, but it short-circuits the map so it's pretty pointless except for running.
Keep it up, guys!
#810 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2004/11/07 13:51:12
Two small nice maps.
I had the same problem as aguirRe with Zwiffle's map - no ammo! So I gave myself the luxus of 100 nails by cheating!
PuLSaR's map - well what can I say just perfect for a short blast!
It looks like speedmapping is taking off once more.
 Both Maps Available Here -
#811 posted by Megazoid on 2004/11/07 19:37:20
It's the least I can do. Both maps are a good crack - thanks for making them ;)
#812 posted by distrans on 2004/11/09 01:58:03
#813 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/10 15:12:25
Theme: Babylon
When: Saturday, November 13th, 2004, at 3:00 PM Central
Where: gamesurge.irc.net, #speedq1
 I Dare Someone To Do A Babylon 5 Theme
#814 posted by pushplay on 2004/11/10 20:37:06
 That Would Be..?
#815 posted by necros on 2004/11/11 01:14:51
sci fi?
 Babylon 5 Map
#816 posted by LTH on 2004/11/11 08:06:48
Made entirely of garibaldi biscuits!
 Of The Rouge Maps
#817 posted by HeadThump on 2004/11/11 10:56:57
Tempus Fugit is representative of that style, right?
#818 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/13 15:45:32
Email to: zerglingxx@ameritech.net
or zerglingxx@operamail.com
#819 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/11/13 18:35:52
#820 posted by Megazoid on 2004/11/13 19:59:43
Zwiffle has not soiled his reputation with this map.
You know soiled... cos it's a garden. Anyway. Ah, this is gravel, okay? Gravel. This is uuh... that's more gravel. Okay, oh, this is a shell. That.. to me, this is just me talking. It looks like a helmet for a mouse. Now, that sounds crazy, right? But, if you ask the mice about it they don't say nuttin'.
#821 posted by aguirRe on 2004/11/14 05:04:21
textures and theme, but lighting was very digital and gameflow a bit tedious (only one route and the underwater passage wasn't very obvious). Enough ammo to do the trick, but I still exited really low on health.