HDD Crash Buddies!
#61 posted by starbuck on 2004/01/16 17:09:40
thanks again
#62 posted by wrath on 2004/01/16 21:05:16
Chris vrenna probably did a better job than trent...
Calling you Sally, face-fucking you with a five gallon fire-extinguisher...
#63 posted by starbuck on 2004/01/17 07:09:07
drunkk postnig?
#64 posted by wrath on 2004/01/17 08:07:51
I resent that implication, sirrah. Fisticuffs at dawn!
#65 posted by MisYu on 2004/01/20 01:53:28
I'll go down on someone if he gives me the Enclave Soundtrack in mp3.
 Point Of Order
#66 posted by starbuck on 2004/01/20 19:47:21
to be fair, you'd go down on someone if he didn't give you the Enclave Soundtrack in mp3.
#67 posted by . on 2004/05/25 08:35:40
I liked the darker stuff in Hitman 1. I also downloaded the entire Deus Ex 2 soundtrack at official site, good stuff too. I've got some various stuff from Summoner 1, 2... Descent Freespace 1, 2, Hitman 2 and 3... several dev's release the music online free.
#68 posted by Kinn on 2004/05/30 06:48:42
Quake 1 = best game soundtrack ever. Also I thought Dungeon Keeper had really good music and ambience, as did Unreal 1. Half-Life had some great moments - especially the initial train ride. Doom also had its moments, but some of the music was a little bit out of place.
I guess Alice had pretty good music/atmos. as well, but I didn't play past the first few levels as I found the game so tediously boring.
Also I really liked the ambience in the N64 port of Quake, although the added coloured lighting was a bit sloppy.
I also second the notion that the music in both Quake II and Quake III is complete garbage ;)
#69 posted by necros on 2004/05/30 12:01:04
all great songs. ^_^
 For What Quake 2's Songs Were..
#70 posted by . on 2004/05/30 14:28:40
I liked them. But I prefer music less in-your-face for games, especially if audio cues play a part in the gameplay, which they don't necessarily do in Quake 2, but either way I prefer something more ambient.
#71 posted by Kell on 2004/06/04 16:51:09
Also I thought Dungeon Keeper had really good music and ambience
Definately. I still spin the DK disc from time to time when I need to chill out a bit. The opening 'pastoral prelude' track is one of the most soothing pieces of music I've heard and the rest are all Tolkienesque and cartoon-cavernous :)
AM's Alice music was some of the best design in the game I think. Long after completing it, I still listen to a couple of the tracks for mood.
#72 posted by DTH on 2004/06/14 05:58:48
Where can i download these TA soundtrack
#73 posted by starbuck on 2004/06/14 08:53:58
i'm not sure if you can. I ripped it off the TA disc though, and thats probably a good bet. If you don't own TA, you can probably pick it up for almost nothing now, and you get an awesome game and a nice soundtrack for your money.
amazon has it for $8.99 new or $2.90 second-hand.
#74 posted by Lilla on 2004/06/22 16:29:31
Hello . Where can i get Enclave soundtrack in mp3. Can You help me guys ? :)
#75 posted by MisYu on 2004/06/22 18:22:13
 Doom's Running From Evil
#76 posted by Kernel on 2004/06/28 03:28:21
Running from evil has a kicka$$ solo on it.. Bobby Prince is the man... Also Alice, Retrun to castle wolfenstein and diablo
#77 posted by Kinn on 2004/06/28 04:36:26
Yay for midi guitar solos!!1
 In The Same Order...
#78 posted by JPL on 2004/06/28 04:52:12
... if you look for a good sound like heavy-metal with guitar solos, just listen to Nightmare Creatures I and II games music .. It really increases insecurity feeling in this horror, black and weighty ambiance FPS game..
I don't know if someone has yet played this game, but it was terrific !!!
#79 posted by Kinn on 2004/06/28 09:39:28
I think guitar music in games largely sucks. Try playing Painkiller with the 'battle music' turned off - it makes for a much more cohesive experience. It's a shame they stuck that heavy metal stuff in PK - you'd be quite happily walking around, admiring the spooky ambience and getting creeped out when suddenly "JUN JUN JUN JUN JURRRR - OH NOES TEH MONSTERS ARE COMING!!1" Even if the 'battle' consists of shooting a solitary skeleton creature in a small room, you still get the stupid guitar music.
 Battle Music
#80 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/06/28 10:01:11
Even if the 'battle' consists of shooting a solitary skeleton creature in a small room, you still get the stupid guitar music.
LOL yes. Silly. I kind of remember a similar thing from Serious Sam though, but I seem to remember that case it was comical in that game. You take out a small horde of monsters with the battle music, then the music fades almost to nothing, then it comes back strong again for all of 1 second while a lone skeleton jumps out and you cap it with a double-barrel shotgun blast, and then it fades out.
#81 posted by necros on 2004/06/28 10:03:19
does turning down the fight music still mean the ambient music is cut off when monsters are awakened?
if so, maybe someone will h4x0r the scripts or whatever to get rid of that later...
#82 posted by Kinn on 2004/06/28 10:32:08
no, the ambient music continues even during fights. I think setting 'battle music' to 0 also has the effect of saying "use ambient music all the time", which is cool.
#83 posted by necros on 2004/06/28 10:59:11
sweetness! i have to try this!
#84 posted by Kinn on 2004/06/28 11:58:26
and i jacked up the ambient music to 100, to further enhance the evilness
 Soundtracks Of The Games
#85 posted by John on 2004/07/29 08:41:27
You can use AvRack program to record soundtracks "from the PC screen", I did so to make squeeze soundtracks out of Enclave game, for example, or NFS Underground. Try it yourself...