#12 posted by
R.P.G. on 2003/12/25 14:23:01
Thanks to metlslime for making this fine board, thanks to Peej for supplying the base, and thanks to everyone who posts here for making it a place worth visiting.

#13 posted by
PuLSaR on 2003/12/25 16:10:39
it's great that quake map community is still alive and new q1 mappers still appear
Thanks metl for this board

#14 posted by Harbinger of Fish on 2003/12/25 17:05:36
So what the hell is Quake?

#15 posted by
nonentity on 2003/12/25 17:53:37
nd thanks to everyone who posts here for making it a place worth visiting
And wrath
#17 posted by
. on 2003/12/25 19:50:50
. o O ( First anniversary map-pack celebration? )
Awesome, keep it goin metl!
#18 posted by
- on 2003/12/25 20:50:55
so tomorrow do we get the 'welp, that was fun, time to shut 'er down!' post?

#19 posted by Blitz on 2003/12/26 01:29:05
Thanks for keepin' it going metl. Even though I'm sure you had better/other shit to do besides look after this pathetic gaggle of vertex manipulaters, you did it anyway. You da man =)

Heres To Many More
#20 posted by Rcktrob on 2003/12/26 13:23:11
rock on dude!

#22 posted by
wrath on 2003/12/27 11:38:32
I'd like to thank the academy.

Dancing Ogres . . .
#23 posted by
HeadThump on 2003/12/27 12:51:59
anyone up for some ClubShub dancing?

#24 posted by
starbuck on 2003/12/27 14:52:57
if that's anything like TeamSmab dancing

#26 posted by
- on 2003/12/27 19:32:47
he's insulting your mother.

ClubShub People! Rawk The House Down!
#27 posted by
HeadThump on 2003/12/28 01:01:01

#28 posted by inertia on 2003/12/28 04:09:29
WOW has it been a fun ride, thanks
actually, i hate quake =;[

#29 posted by
wrath on 2003/12/28 08:22:53
oh, ok. that's fine then, carry on.

#30 posted by
nitin on 2003/12/29 05:30:54
ETF, how come you didnt thank your agent and your director for his vision.

#31 posted by
wrath on 2003/12/29 10:02:54
I take direction from no one!

#33 posted by Scragbait on 2003/12/30 15:05:07
For being here and picking up where QMap left off. It has a clean simple layout and works great. This is where I go to see what's up in the Quake scene.

my site celebrates its 14th month anniversary in 2 days!