I Dunno
#2 posted by
Zwiffle on 2004/01/05 13:35:28
Architecture and layout looks really good, very unique texture style, but I haven't played it DM so I don't know how it plays. Anyone willing to host a game of Sole Survivor for me to test it out?

#3 posted by
GibFest on 2004/01/05 15:13:28
Nice map Prod, You haven't lost it :)

Good Map
#4 posted by MisYu on 2004/01/06 01:32:54
Good work, ProdigyXL!
I liked the wasted/slums/urban theme, the pipes, organic designs and all of the ceiling designs.
You rok!

About The Map
#5 posted by Trinca on 2004/01/06 14:37:04
Good work! i like it much but the map just have the ring powerup!!! it was much more fun if the quade is present not ring...in my opinion of couse!!!
#6 posted by
om9zer on 2004/01/07 21:50:49
Very fast, brutal, pretty, and, in short, good.

#7 posted by
ProdigyXL on 2004/01/08 17:27:58
Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm happy everyone seems to think its a quality map.