At Least MadFox Finishes Maps
#17 posted by . on 2004/08/30 17:13:33
unlike myself. That, I admire.
rocketman must be your hero, then.
#19 posted by starbuck on 2004/08/30 17:47:47
he """finishes""" maps, yes.
#20 posted by starbuck on 2004/08/30 17:48:32
that second three "s in a row made the board explode
#21 posted by aguirRe on 2004/08/30 18:00:37
 For All...
#22 posted by JPL on 2004/08/31 02:19:33
... I was not supporting MadFox for pleasure, I was just supporting him because he try to do his best, like everybody here, and he made many efforts on this map (while everything is not perfect, I agree..): I remind everybody we are here to learn from each others... For pro mappers it seems to be a waste of time (because they know "all about all"), but for beginners (like me) it's very important to have feedback about our work. Good or bad comments are welcomed and sure we have to use them as much as we can to know what to do, or not to do, in our future releases..... BUT, I fully agree with RPG point of view: we are not here to flame, disrespect, humiliate, or degrade other mappers... Just think about it...
So, I just think MadFox is on a right way, he have just to choose a better tool (regarding last aguirRe post), a better methodology, take much more care about what he does, and learn from other mappers... that's all...;)
 Old Map
#23 posted by Bazzu on 2004/08/31 02:35:23
What I don't understand is - Why does Madfox continue to release the same maps?
This map was also included in the "sixpack" Madfox released last year, together with the two maps he released a month or two ago!
How about releasing some of the new stuff he has shown pics of!
 I'm Confused
#24 posted by Morfans on 2004/08/31 05:44:15
This teleport that takes you to different places. It's the one at the bottom of the deep, deep pit, yes?
I ask because the first time I was working through the map I quicksaved just before it and it took me to a place with a bunch of monsters (ogres and enforcers, I think) which ended in a door that made a "plingy-lingy-ling" noise (like when you find a secret) and you were back in the outside area. I had to stop the game at that point and quit without saving. Now when I quickload the teleport seems to take me to a SNG and some railings that overlook the gold key. And I can't find my way back to the plingy door thing. Or maybe it's just my lack of sleep.
But about the map: it's a huge step forward but still overly convoluted and aimless. If you could just sort out aligning textures and get over your "must use every inch of space and make the player backtrack through each area at least six times" fixation I think you'll make some nice maps.
It felt like a much more playable map than your previous efforts and looked tons better but I'm still hopelessly lost and will never finish it.
Keep trying... I hated the first draft of this map when you released it in that pack but this was a million times better. Only another million to go... :-)
#25 posted by aguirRe on 2004/08/31 05:56:13
Maybe MadFox can explain the details but for me the tele went to two places. The first time to some area in the upper part of the map and the second time to the otherwise inaccessible lower cave part of the map. The cave section is mostly rock textured so it's easy to recognize.
Compared to an earlier version of the map, the entire lower and better-looking cave area is new and the upper part significantly retextured in a better way.
#26 posted by Megazoid on 2004/08/31 06:05:54
Kind of got bored with this map. No bad, but could find the exit. Keep mapping MadFox :)
 To Mr� Fribbles And Who Want!
#27 posted by Trinca on 2004/08/31 07:38:39
a tribut to this great mapper!
all electric fish series 1 to 13 in frogbots! Parboil�s version
all the qc files of the maps are in this small rar 253 kb
Note: only work under fuhquake,Zquake and Ezquake
Thanks, Trinca : )
#29 posted by Trinca on 2004/08/31 08:41:36
thks you for your great maps...
but i must edit :( efdm2 got a error server crach :( it wasn�t me how made that qc file bust repair that tomorow will be fine!
#30 posted by Kinn on 2004/08/31 13:56:31
Good I didn't finished it with a praxinoscope, I might see Shub-Nigurath giving me a wink
I swear to God this sentence kept me awake last night.
(perhaps it was some kind of punishment for me being such a meanie. ;) )
aguirRe, thanks for the linky; that explains a lot.
MadFox, you really should consider using a nicer editor - GTK, Hammer, even the old Worldcraft are good choices.
#31 posted by necros on 2004/08/31 14:39:34
how can shub niggurath wink? she has no eyes.
 Shubs Big Fat Flatulating Vagina
#32 posted by HeadThump on 2004/08/31 15:26:36
That is how she winks;
I may never sleep again either
#33 posted by starbuck on 2004/08/31 15:34:16
wasn't that the plot to insomnia?
 In Alien Flesh
#34 posted by HeadThump on 2004/08/31 16:07:40
A man haunted by visions of Xenophilic sexual activity goes berzerk, grabs a shotgun and shoots everything in site.
Inner Peace through superior fire power!
 Whoops Grammatical Gaffe
#35 posted by HeadThump on 2004/08/31 16:11:58
shoots everything in site.
I meant, 'everything on the premises.'
#36 posted by starbuck on 2004/08/31 18:00:36
Inner Peace through superior fire power!
are you quoting something there? I like the sound of that :)
 A Wink To Shub-niggurath
#37 posted by madfox on 2004/08/31 19:21:59
You made me almost stop mapping, Kinn , but I keep on going, cause it's just a funny thing...
The remotely valid reason is because the maps are already compiled and I can't hardly change a bit.
I am polishing them up, because I love Quake and don't want to relay the good arguments you all give me...
...so I release maps, Bazzu, and don't want to make them look as if I self never played them.
Memyself am already glad to play it, and it has never been my intention to make them look as Q1-standards, for which the contribution to this board sometimes feels as blunt. It only learned to see the stupid texture /clipping mass I made.
I understand it by relating to it, I had a good lot of average Quake1 maps for play.
Now I get good advices , for which I am gratefull, but lose the opertunity to past them into the maps , because of allready done mapping thing.
But to keep up with the answer, the well has four directions, two to the cave, and two at the same height.
And when you feel sleepy , you shouldn't play these beta maps or you fall in a wrong collision between a maniakQuake1 supporter with amaturistic humor and a proffesional Game Designers Team with promotional editors magazine survival...\
couldn't follow that one, Trinca,
but youre welcome Fribbles
#38 posted by HeadThump on 2004/08/31 19:47:10
That was a one line quote from an e-mail review of Max Payne 2 my brother wrote to me when that game came out. So it is really his.
I played around for around 15 minutes. Most of the time just running around looking for something to kill. Got pretty lost, and I never figured out the proper way to get the gold key. So in the end I just grenadejumped to it and found the exit shortly after. I basically like maps where you have a general idea of which way to go next. This way you never get bored, there's always something more to kill around the next corner. Fill a map with enough interesting and challenging gameplay and it doesnt really matter much how it looks (to me anyway). Of course when you get full package with great vistas and interesting gameplay, it feels great. This map falls short of that. It was interesting for a while, but then it got tedious. And I get fed up pretty fast when I have to search hard to find out where to go next.
Still, I like to try out new maps, and I hadn't tried any of the earlier versions, so it was fun for a while.
#40 posted by necros on 2004/08/31 22:00:17
wait, are you saying all the maps you are releasing lately are maps that you've worked on from a long time ago?
 Maps From The Acient
#41 posted by madfox on 2004/09/01 01:04:11
When you arrive in the center room with the well there was this message: several jumps several destinies.
I did this because mostly one passes a teleporter once. This one leads to different places.
Sorry for being not clear about this, but giving a point of direction isn't my strongest side. Indeed you had to explore the level.
Necros, do you think you were betatesting for nuts? The maps are finished, and were a great joy to me. I am just polishing them up with your kindly know-how, to actually see what a mess I made.
I received a message of Aguire, who told me that none of the maps were extracting on the new compilers! It seems you got an antique rare-bit here...