#1 posted by
Vondur on 2005/04/09 00:09:41
the map is rather nice
though, the symmetrical layout might be confusing w/o strong visual aids

#2 posted by
zorius on 2005/04/09 14:29:50
Thanks man!
I think this is my first visually truly consistent level design. Of course, the simetrical layout is boring; maybe the next one will be more interesting.
At this stage I just wanted to get the skill of finishing a map in time: it took about 20-30 hours to create.
And at the other hand: I wanted to be one of the firsts who create maps with high resolution textures for new q2 engines like Quake2maX, etc.
Anyway, thanks for the comment!
#3 posted by
czg on 2005/04/09 15:48:24
it took about 20-30 hours to create.
By all means, take your time.
If you work as a level designer in some company, then I guess there's a need to hurry up. If not though, 20-30 hours is a awfully short time!
Haven't tried the map tho. The screens look nice.

#4 posted by
zorius on 2005/04/09 16:42:07
Sure, I'm not working for money. And the 30 hours are the net time. It wasn't made in one day of course. And I meant "finishing in time" that I have to learn feeling when is a level done, and not to wanton with the details, but working by a preconception.
My earlier map took about 1 year (gross) to finsish, there were tons of versions which went to trash, until it was done after hundreds of workhours.
That's what I wanted to learn already, to plan and to create a level in an acceptable time.
Thanks anyway, and try it out with an engine mod if You'll have the opportunity!
#5 posted by
R.P.G. on 2005/04/10 17:35:41
The screenshots do indeed look cool. Perhaps the lighting is slightly flat, though.
Sorry I can't say more, but symmetrical Q2DM maps aren't quite my thing. Good job on what you've done, and I'll be looking forward to your future maps.

To R. P. G.
#6 posted by
zorius on 2005/04/15 23:16:17
The overall looking intended to be (not flat but) 'simple'. And the level was born in just a few hours, and after seeing the quick progress, I decided not to make it so difficult.
The simmetrical layout was also becuase the quick born: this was an experiment with high resolution textures for top class Q2 engines, and finally, it become a complete map! And many people loved it so I decided to release.
Don't You all find the design a bit Quake-ish? That's why I came here to announce it.
Anyway, thanks your comments, I highly appreciate it!