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Nexuiz Released
The Nexuiz Deathmatch mod has been released. The download is a hefty 157 MB, but there's a ton of stuff in there, everything is new: models, textures, weapons and levels are all original works. Enjoy!

[Note: this is a standalone game, not a mod, so you don't need Quake or anything else to play it.]
just finishing and releasing something of this scope is impressive, so congratulations. 
Havent played it or seen screenshots but to release something like this is a fair effort. 
Congratz For The Good Work! 
What can i saw! i thought will be a game more like qw but it a lot diferent but(guess the mais objective wasn�t to have Quake game play), so many thks for the work u gays have, i�m prety sure u learn many things on this and i hope u guys one of these days get a job in a good company games! about playing online nexuiz! hummmm maby i will try a few times :) but is hard to change the opinion of a Quake fanatic since 1997, even the best games like Hl2 and Doom3 these days didn�t bring me much atencion as Quake did! 
Congratz For The Good Work! 
What can i saw! i thought will be a game more like qw but it a lot diferent but(guess the mais objective wasn�t to have Quake game play), so many thks for the work u gays have, i�m prety sure u learn many things on this and i hope u guys one of these days get a job in a good company games! about playing online nexuiz! hummmm maby i will try a few times :) but is hard to change the opinion of a Quake fanatic since 1997, even the best games like Hl2 and Doom3 these days didn�t bring me much atencion as Quake did! 
it's great in it's own right although it's too colorful to my taste. and player models are ugly. :) but the leves are great, loved 'em. overall - great job! 
I've been spending some time playing this online. It's probably not as bad as you think, but I'm gonna spend a fair amount of time bashing it anyway. So here's my uber-boring review.

Firstly, the models are whack. They are just awful. Not all of them, but obviously you can tell from the screenshots there are bad ones. I guess really the problem is the skins. They just don't work most of the time. Some of them are good. The one I use is class.

Okay, now for meat.

The levels are a bit odd. It seems either they look good or they play well, but they don't do both. Which is a shame. There are 3 good levels which I think play very well:

The Basement
These maps seem more Q3 inspired.

The rest of the maps, excluding Evil Space and Dismal, seem more UT inspired, and expectedly they suck ass. The worst map of all is Silver City. That map looks bad AND plays worse. Most of these are rather amatuerish.

Those 3 maps are really a lot of fun though. They're fast and there are plenty of options for manuevering through the map, while the rest don't seem like very good death match maps at all, and indeed some are not. Most have long halls that connect to each other - in other words there are LOTS of areas with 2 exits out, and as we know, that's not a good thing really. But I'm no DM-mapping expert, and I haven't played all of them, but STAY AWAY FROM SILVER CITY!!! It's awful.

The weapons - Some are OK, some make no sense at all. They got the standard fare, Rocket Launcher, Machine Gun, Shotgun, Railgun, Mortar etc, but they got this really slow electro gun thing like Enforcers have, and this other weapon which is really cool: the Hagar. That and the Mortar are about the only useful weapons in the game. The shotgun is weak, the Machin gun is also weak, the railgun does what a railgun does, the electro gun is useless most of the time, the Rocket Launcher is SLOW (REALLY REALLY SLOW) but the Hagar and the Mortar are top-notch. The Hagar is like the Devastator from Duke3d - except I think it's like instant-hit, so it's even better.
So obviously, there's some balance issues that need to take place - or I just suck (which I've won most of the matches I've been in, so I don't think it's really that.)

BTW - The servers suck ass. The lowest ping I could get was ~70, the rest were 200+ to around 3500. Choppy gameplay.

The sound and music are laughable. Just plain laughable. The music tries to be Quake 3-ish techno, but I was listening to one of the tracks and it sounds really happy and lame, like an opening theme for a kids' show. I started laughing on the spot. The sounds aren't that much better, but I guess they're going for "arcadey" instead of "cool explosions" or someting.

Still, the game is really fun. There are a lot of options to tweak when setting up a server, like gravity to player acceleration to damage a shotgun blast will do (I think) but I haven't played with em all. The game right now, as you can tell, is quite amatuerish, but it's fun (honest), and I hope later versions improve/include fundamental qualities that this game lacks. Quite an achievement though, so good job with the game.

Oh, and I had to turn all the graphics stuff down to get it to run! Otherwise it just froze my computer! Boooooo!! 
Func Is Out For Summer! Drinks On The Board! 
A mixed bag, definitely. Bin playing this online a bit, getting used to the feel, the levels and the weapons.

It's not exactly thrillingly fun, but it's not horribly bad either. Something to do, for sure. For all its flaws, it's a nice change from various other games, or studying, or work. I hardly think that I'll keep coming back to it though. Still a few things to fix and tweak.

Levels - Again, a mixed bag. Space levels, or the ones I've played, are horrendous, which is not really all that surprising. The jumppads don't work too well, since it's too easy to just fall to your death even when doing nothing. Or perhaps that's just the problem? Should I be constantly steering myself while in the air?

The others, the non-space ones, have seemed to be a lot better. The looks are generally pretty good and smooth, with good twisting connections, so you can run around and not get bored while you're brain is starting to make a mental map of the whole level. Scale seems to be an issue here, though. Could use some levels aimed for bigger player loads, and could use levels with scale better suited for the player speed.

Sounds & music - Not a lot to say here. They're... passable. The music is something I would've turned off pretty quickly, but found out that it's nice to have at least something in the background. Could use the radio for this. The sounds are pretty generic, average, easy to forget. Needs more distinctive sounds for different weapons, item respawns, item pick-ups and the like. They lack, so to say, any meat or flavor.

Graphics - Here, you have A Generic Futuristic Weapon. And here's another. Look, there's a third! While the weapon models are quite nice and good to my eyes (though they're very, very static), they're, again, just too generic and average. I mean I've seen the same weapons in hundreds of other games and movies.

The graphics, as a whole, are not bad, save for the player models, which are, from what I've seen, deserving of a shotgun blast to the face.

Gameplay - First thing that comes to mind is the awful servers, and, indeed, what seems to be like a pathetic netcode. I'm lucky to find servers with ping below 300, and even if the game announces my ping to be below 100, it's still extremely lagged. Perhaps the game physics are part of this. In general, they just feel too unresponsive. There's no blood, there's no pain sounds, there's nothing to tell me that I've hit my opponent. This is very, very, very bad. Enough reason to stop playing. Also, the guns need a better muzzle flash, and much better sounds.

We skate around each other in a duel to the death, like ballerinas on the stage, as if our movements have been choreographed beforehand, and blasting away with our shotguns (spouting so many pellets that even John Woo would be proud), or nexs, or elexuiz-hippy-blaster-blue-ball-gun or what have you, and I have no idea if my mouse clicks are registered on the server, let alone on my side. It's like that opening scene from Three Kings (excellent movie, by the way).

"Are we shooting?"
"Are we shooting people or what?"
"Are we shooting?"
"That's what I'm asking you?"
"What's the answer?"
"I don't know the answer! That's what I'm trying to find out!"

I can feel that every single time I try to shoot a weapon in the game, the player and the gun have a discussion like that.

Verdict, ending, conclusion, or something - Oh, there's stuff to fix. There's stuff that so badly needs fixing. But the majority should have not been broken in the first place. Little things, elementary things, like feedback to the player.

Also, like Mr Zwiffle, I had to turn some of the graphical options off for the game to work properly. Not only that, but my computer is spankingly new. 
There's loads of blood! Make sure you have the particles and decals on and you'll see it's pretty damn gory. 
There's loads of blood! Make sure you have the particles and decals on and you'll see it's pretty damn gory.

I checked, and I do have them on, but they don't seem to be working properly. That, or I just got the wrong effects turned off. Will need to look into this.

If there, however, is enough blood to give the player some proper feedback, one of the original complaints is void. 
I Vaguely Recall... 
a q3-style beep sound to confirm each hit. Maybe i'm confused; i played it almost two weeks ago. 
Never ! 
I will not download this mod who was directed by a ... human.
Even if i like the work of Zombie13. 
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