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Imp3dm1 Released
Noted Quake mapper Biff has just released imp3dm1, "Massaggio Galore," his first (and reportedly last) Quake 3 level.

info and screens:
havent played it yet, but on first glance there's too many teles IMHO. Architecture/lighting's pretty cool though and layout seems very QW-ish. Dunno if it'll work in q3 though.

Oh yeah, I get a missing texture femhead3.tga 
vewy vewy nice map!
it's cozy and clean.
a pity indeed femhead3.tga file is missing, so the female head is w/o texture, fix that biff.
and another point, maybe if you'll release fixed version of the map, could u add more sounds there? sometimes there's absolute silence in places, that kills the atmosphere, you know ;) 
IMP3DM1 Update: 
Got the femhead.tgas in place now -- sorry 'bout that. I believe both megaman and Blackpope mentioned this to me, but I forgot ;) 
Saw it in at least four places. Texturing is a bit boring and the map suffers imo from looking to similar everywhere so you don't really know where you are.

Some nice places for good action with different elevations. 
That's A Paddlin' 
looks old skool, like some of biff's quake maps. I like it.

In fact, I like it so much I'm gonna finally learn radiant so I can make some q3 stuff. good work, this definately made me biff. 
good: solid, proportional arch
bad: killblock texture allover the place 
Me Likes 
me likes, sure it may use a very repetive texture just suits the map. It plays very well w/ 1v1 and 3ffa

nitin: you gota be on crack... too many teleports? theres just one linking tele from bottom to topfloor , there are others but they are just to get out of secrets. Quad/MH

nice work biff

good: solid layout, lots of room to manuver and plenty of weaponry ammo.

bad: ambience is a little quiet as mentioned above. Would of liked to see some challenge pro mode support in it aswell. 
I hate how you hid the quad. How do you get it anyways? 
And Also, 
is hiding the quad in this way a good thing, or a bad thing? and what would make it so that pushplay doesn't have to ask these types of questions? 
Just Found Func_Msgboard 
Yeah, just found the Func_Msgboard forum today, found this thread, decided I am going to comment on imp3dm1... IT SUCKS ASS!

Nah, I'm just fucking around, very very nice biff, good job man. 
Nice Map 
It feels very quake 1 like. Nice looks and feeling but hard to find way round without definative texturing in different areas. I've not played it yet, but will soon as possible. Very nice Biff. 
The amount of unnecessary clipping here is ridiculous. You can't get close to walls and stuff because some huge clip brushes prevents you from doing so...

and yet if you feel like it you can rocket jump out of the top of the map and break the art, camp, get stuck, walk through walls, whatever you like.

So there's a whole lot of excessive and annoying player clip in there, while stuff that should be clipped out, isn't. 
Ah Frib, with the harsh yet constructive criticism. Always a pleasure. =| 
Polygons Face? 
I can't play this map yet because I ain't got a decent computer
to even run Q3. But I can give my P.O. on those 2 screenies and
yes it feels quake 1 like. I love that white light coming out
from the floor (or something), on 15_1.jpg that huge face on
the wall is just a texture or it is polygon made?

I'm sure the level play good and I expect to see lot more
nice map coming as this is Biff first Q3 map released.
Keep up the good work Biff! 
Polygons Face? 
I can't play this map yet because I ain't got a decent computer
to even run Q3. But I can give my P.O. on those 2 screenies and
yes it feels quake 1 like. I love that white light coming out
from the floor (or something), on 15_1.jpg that huge face on
the wall is just a texture or it is polygon made?

I'm sure the level play good and I expect to see lot more
nice map coming as this is Biff first Q3 map released.
Keep up the good work Biff! 
Inertia, that was my first impression of the map. What do you want from me? 
Frib's Only Being Fair 
i get touchy about dodgy clipping myself, but it was a very impressive first Q3 map in general 
Thanks for coming to my defense inertia, but I took Frib's comments as constructive. I agree with what he said, or at least understand where he's coming from. This map was a learning experience, if anything, and I had a lot of fun building it, but it's not like I'm going to take any criticism of it personally.

btw, thanks to everyone for your comments =) 
Don't you guys know anything? You can never critise another map (unless you can do better of course :) 
And If You CAN Do Better... 
you're an elitist. 
and if you stab your critics in their ugly, DirTy FFACES, With those EYES that stare at you;; AnD you take their EArs with RAZORS razors, they call you c r a z y ! ! !! o o o 
played it and I take back the tele comment. The layout's actually pretty fine but it just seems more suited to QW, especially in regard to weapon respawn times. ATM, with the q3 times, it's just chaotic around the bottom RL area. Also, the repetitive texuring does indeed make it diffcult to discern where you are most the time. 
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