There's No Love For Willits
#17960 posted by killpixel on 2016/12/30 04:58:09
not even in the doomworld forums. How much of the id old guard remains anyway? cloud, willits... is that it? I suppose stratton should be counted too.
#17961 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/31 14:01:47
How do you remove wind ambient sound in vanilla Quake?
#17962 posted by Kinn on 2016/12/31 14:09:03
add -noambientsky to the vis command line
 Thank You~
#17963 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/31 14:38:33
 How Do I Compile Maps In Trenchbroom Mac OS X
#17964 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/01/02 23:53:34
Help me! i have no clue O_o
i've been compiling maps in console with windows, and now im tired of rebooting my computer everytime i want to map.
i need a total beginners guide, step by step.
 Did You Read The Manual?
#17965 posted by SleepwalkR on 2017/01/03 00:28:53
#17966 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/01/03 01:00:23
it didnt help me, its alot easier on windows to create a .bat file :/
please, i need help
#17967 posted by khreathor on 2017/01/03 03:11:35
Have you tried using Automator to generate simple batch file?
 Nope, Whats That?
#17968 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/01/03 03:29:59
please tell me more.
 What About The Builtin Compilation Support
#17969 posted by SleepwalkR on 2017/01/03 07:07:18
in TB2? Shouldn't that do what you want?
 I Dont Understand
#17970 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/01/03 15:32:38
 Look For The Section In The Manual
#17971 posted by SleepwalkR on 2017/01/03 16:33:44
TB2 can launch your compilers for you, so you don't need to create a batch file or shell script. You have to set it up though, it's under Run > Compile in the menu.
#17972 posted by Naitelveni on 2017/01/03 16:41:20
The pathing was all screwed up, the automatic system didnt work for some reason, and I had to rename all the parameters in the runtools.
Thank you Khreathor for helping me! :)
#17973 posted by anonymous user on 2017/01/03 16:48:30
You're welcome :)
We figured it out through TB2, as you suggested.
 How To Make Landscape For Quake Map?
#17974 posted by DOOMer on 2017/01/03 18:18:19
In modern level editors (e.g J.A.C.K. or TrenchBroom v2).
#17975 posted by mjb on 2017/01/03 18:21:33
If you mean things like rock walls and bumpy ground then this is a great guide:
You can use the same tutorial for ground terrain, just make it less pronounced.
#17976 posted by topher on 2017/01/03 19:05:28
and with tyrutils-ericw light.exe you have phong too!
it really helps like sock says
#17977 posted by muk on 2017/01/03 19:08:09
I was soooo confused by landscape until TrenchBroom and its Vertex Manipulation came along.
Everything clicked after that.
#17978 posted by DOOMer on 2017/01/03 19:15:37
@Bloughsburgh, thanks for link.
@topher, thanks for note about tyrutils-ericw. Yes, I use this compilers.
@mukor, now i trying use Trencchbroom2 for create simple structure, but while it turns out badly :( This editor is very hardly for me.
 Wanna Try J.A.C.K Editor?
#17979 posted by Newhouse on 2017/01/03 19:20:55
 Enemy Combos?
I've been creating MP maps for a long time but SP is a new world for me and I do enjoy it. Wondering what enemy combos work more effectively and which ones don't work for other mappers? I have the tendency to combine a bunch of monster types but I'm not always happy with the results. Especially after seeing demos of my retrojam map.
Infighting is cool but I think it gets in the way of gameplay a lot so I need to keep learning about monsters placement and combos. Any input is appreciated.
#17981 posted by DOOMer on 2017/01/03 19:35:41
I used J.A.C.K in past year. This good replace for classic WorldCraft1.6 and GtkRadiant 1.5.
#17982 posted by muk on 2017/01/03 19:43:53
The basic idea in creating worthwhile battles with multiple enemies is mixing enemies of different attack types. ie projectile and melee or land and flying enemies.
sorry for being so brief, im on my way out the door. just wanted to get something out there in case conversation picks up in my absence.
#17983 posted by Newhouse on 2017/01/03 20:59:50
In AD mod at least you can check "noinfighting", that is something I am going to use also.
I was unaware of that. Nice. I haven't even gotten to 1.5 yet. :(