Yet Another Mirror
#6 posted by vb on 2006/03/24 18:12:35
 Very Nice Map Ankh
#7 posted by nitin on 2006/03/24 18:39:43
impressive stuff. Quite moody and atmospheric and the skybox adds a lot to it. Not too much of a fan of the layout but its still quite a blast to play and looks impressive.
#8 posted by Shellaur on 2006/03/24 21:53:52
Do anyone know, is there is any speed demos of this map?
#9 posted by HeadThump on 2006/03/25 01:35:36
Going to take some time to build up some speed first.
Maybe by tommorrow someone will have the layout mastered.
I haven't finished it, but its proving to be an entertaining level so far, Ankh.
#10 posted by lodis on 2006/03/25 02:53:43
here's a quick speedrun for you, 24 secs, you get the route idea.
 Great Map
#11 posted by Megazoid on 2006/03/25 04:26:06
I really enjoyed it. I was pretty chuffed with myself for getting the hidden quad, and it sure made things easier. The map is much better on hard, and looked great in Joequake.
I'll play it again tonight I think. :)
#12 posted by bal on 2006/03/25 05:54:34
Very nice map Ankh, I quite enjoyed it. =)
#13 posted by Trinca on 2006/03/25 06:45:36
great map ankh :) real fun and hard is real hard...man what a feast!!!
 Great Stuff...
#14 posted by generic on 2006/03/25 08:22:58
It had good gameplay and good architecture throughout with a couple of great set pieces, e.g. Scrags funneling down a long hallway and the final door area looking really good.
I wasn't even put off by any of the read and blue texture mix at all :)
It did suffer slightly for lack of ammo in some places and it had a few genuinely odd moments -- is that really an outhouse that you start in? If so, don't you think the seat is somewhat large? ;p
Also, I managed to find 4 out of 6 secrets and flew around to the rest, but I still haven't a clue to how I was supposed to reach them in the first place. Maybe you could give us a few hints, like how the hell do you get the Pent with the secret message?
Anyway, great work, Ankh -- you should be very proud of this one!!!
 /me Is Proud :)
#15 posted by Ankh on 2006/03/25 09:01:49
Generic: yes, it is an Ogre outhouse and as everybody knows ogres have a big fat ass, much bigger than the quake guy's :) So you have to be very careful when using it :)
There are 6 regular secrets, all can be reached by standard movements. There are also some hidden places and you have to be very agile to reach them (one is maybe the quad found by Megazoid). And there is the Pent. You have to shoot 4 evil faces to get it.
About speedruns: the run can be done in a few different ways. Maybe lodis foud already the best route. I'm really waiting for a 100% demo. There are 3 quads you know, and 1000 routes :)
Thanks for the warm feedback so far. Also thanks for mirroring the file. My site was down for 5 times now during last 20h. Maybe a moderator could add the quaddicted link to my initial post?
#16 posted by nitin on 2006/03/25 17:05:48
 Mean Level.
Obviously above average. Great layout. Great gameplay... keeps you on the edge. A huge improvement on your previous level, great stuff!!!
There are a number of things to be said, in my opinion:
Overall strange feeling... First impression is of a HUGE mutha, and more so as you progress... but as you face the lava gateway, you'd expect to be teleported to another section and have lots of carnage ahead... Then you look at monster count and realize you've come to the end.. strange feeling... first time it occurred to me.
Secrets and items placement is a bit strange, most of them are useless, because you get to get them when you're already done with the monsters, like the YA, there are a lot of items that are not marked as secrets (and have no use by the time you get them) but seem to be more of an encouragement at trying trick jumping (final quad, pool on rooftop). These would be great if you either had the chance to use them or (as is the case for the RL at the end) the level was part of an episode.
Some secrets are very hard to come by, even and I'm not sure if the route i followed is the one you meant...
Anyway, these are just 1st run impressions... Played on normal... Only got 78/86 monsters, and did not manage to find the last "evil face" to get the pent, guess that spawned some more...
Maybe later I'll record a 1st hard run and send it to someone who can mirror it, being the Silent a poor sap without a site to host things on...
All in all, keep it up... it's agreat piece!!!!
#18 posted by lodis on 2006/03/26 08:19:24
I cleaned it up a bit and got 22 secs
as you can see from the decimals 0:21 isn't far off and I guess 0:20 or 0:19 would be optimal with this route.
anyway, this map is sexy. I want it to have my babies. Great work ankh!
 Really Impressed...
#19 posted by here on 2006/03/26 21:24:14
I'm going to test it today
The brushwork is really nice. Textures are beautifull. The ambience is really good.
And I love the apocalyptic sky.
I'm glad to test it.
 Fun, Challenging, Goodlooking
#20 posted by Sielwolf on 2006/03/26 22:13:46
Frantic beginning, very good use of vores through the entire map, though The Silent is right, after the big outdoor area I too was expecting even more epic to come, but that was not really a disappointment(great sky box also).
The secrets are generally very fun and very doable with careful observing, except that one "vore lift" leading to ammo/health, it lowers only once and the stairs lower only when touching the edge of the platform, annoyed me a bit..
Great map Ankh and also great demos lodis :)
 Demo =)
#21 posted by here on 2006/03/26 22:59:08
only 2 secrets in skill 0 =(
and 52 /61 monsters ! ! !
#22 posted by Ankh on 2006/03/27 00:25:18
Thanks for comments.
Siewolf: the vore lift can be lowered more than once, you just have to find the button, and you don't have to stand on the edge of the platform for the stairs to show up. If you have downloaded qdqstats you can use "impulse 111" to see the triggers. Thanks for the demo. I will watch it when I'm at home.
Lodis: cool demos. I wasn't expecting the ER time to be below 23s.
Here: thanks for the demo, I like watching demos :)
The Silent: The RL, YA secret and hidden places are designed rather for speedrunners than normal players. I hope I will see some speedrunning action with 100% demos. If you play the map for a second time you will find all secrets very usefull. Even the last YA can be usefull for those who want to do some rocket jumps to explore some more places.
First I wanted to design the end a bit different, without a teleport. I wanted to make the ending behind the door something like the e2m2. But after some trying I gave up. Also I didn't want the map to have more than 100 monsters, and adding another big fight at the end would make 120+ monsters. I also don't like teleporting big numbers of monsters too much. So the end is as it is. You can dose the fight to acomplish your needs if you are carefull. Also while playing the map you can always escape in any dangerous situation and then come back to kill the monsters one by one. In my opinion though you should stand there as a man and kill everything on the place without escaping :)
I think that the map plays the best on hard skill. There is simply more action and more fun. But you may consider playing normal skill for the first time and after that try hard skill. Ammo and health is the same in all skills.
Oh, and don't complain about ammo shortage. There is a GL and you have to use it :)
 Nice Work
#23 posted by metlslime on 2006/03/27 00:38:36
good length, fun combat, solid theme.
#24 posted by negke on 2006/03/27 01:10:13
nice map.
although i haven't played it again, i think you should have left the vore below the button on normal skill, as the hell knight doesn't make up for it.
the trick jumping compability (with the additional items) is a nice feature that i haven't seen very often in other maps. of course, i can't use it as intended, so i'm expecting a proper 100% demo, too. ;)
#25 posted by MaTi on 2006/03/27 03:51:24
well... i only saw some screenshots but i can say this thats nice map :> i will look for cd with Q1 and play map as soon as posible :)
pozdrawiam :)
 I Love Quake
#26 posted by iART on 2006/03/27 09:31:46
nice screens. the blood running down the stone pavers... i like that a whole lot.
 The Fifth Time I Played It
#27 posted by Fern on 2006/03/27 12:35:11
I managed to survive for a whole five minutes and six seconds.
 Awesome Improvement...
#28 posted by distrans on 2006/03/27 18:12:35
...as already stated,
Plus side:
- Solid theme garnered from a variety of disparate sources. Often hard to pull off, but well executed in this level
- excellent use of water
- excellent use of vores (I played normal)
- I soon clicked that ammo distribution meant I had to make use of the GL early, a nice device to challenge normal weapon usage patterns
- the bloody texture at the end was great
- sky box was well implemented
- the "return to previously seen but inaccessible" sections worked well
- having the rails behind the Ogre dunny angled just right for a player to climb with care was beautiful.
Some downs:
- once one got past the gold door, too much of the combat involved triggering monsters then luring them back to the lift area so one could sit up in the lift section and pump them wuth impugnity
- texture misalignment, especially brickwork in the high sections...angled bricks on one face and straight aligned brickwork on another. Also, large brickwork on suspended walls with small angled brickwork on the underside visible from water. Why not "render" some surfaces where it's difficult to match texture lines. One door-jam was out of wack too.
Fave bit:
- finding the LOTR reference!!!
 After Some Testing...
#29 posted by Fern on 2006/03/28 05:44:10
The reason I had trouble with this map is that I couldn't get the quicksave function to work. It kept producing corrupted save files. If I reinstall Quake, saving works fine... until I load hdn.bsp, at which point saving is ruined both for this map and for all others. wtf.
#30 posted by Ankh on 2006/03/28 05:55:08
I can't help much here. We need aguirRe :)
What quake client are you using? Are you using a non-standard progs file maybe? I have never observed such behavior and no one of the testers reported something like this.