#1 posted by Blitz on 2006/07/10 07:04:53
Interesting architecture, lighting looks a bit flat though. I guess you can't do too much more when trying to make a nice outdoor/island looking structure in Q2 though. The decals have obvious "boxes" behind them (again, just a limitation of Q2 I assume but these are the things that happen when you try to push the limits of an engine :))
 Wow, The Pics Are Splendid
#2 posted by HeadThump on 2006/07/10 11:07:40
I didn't think the lighting appeared flat, but that must be the case 'cause the overhang and the floor are evenly lit in the last picture, but otherwise I would not have noticed if it wasn't pointed out.
#3 posted by Maric on 2006/07/10 11:21:32
I didn't know until just now that someone posted about it here... Howdy!
This map is (more than less) a technical disaster with ridiculous r_speeds. It was a "for-fun" kind of thing only. I doubt it will play well across the web with Q2's engine limitations.
This is more or less what it looks like on the "build" machine...
#4 posted by metlslime on 2006/07/10 11:46:54
it is pretty impressive how far you guys have pushed the q2 engine in some of the maps of the past couple years. It makes me want to say "go find a better engine" except I know you guys are stuck on quake2 for the same reason a lot of us are stuck on quake -- because we like it a lot and it's familiar.
#5 posted by Maric on 2006/07/10 13:35:13
Maric:it is pretty impressive how far you guys have pushed the q2 engine in some of the maps of the past couple years. It makes me want to say "go find a better engine" except I know you guys are stuck on quake2 for the same reason a lot of us are stuck on quake -- because we like it a lot and it's familiar.
Thanks, Jester's stuff is the real standout. He should be slinging brushes professionally.
I have started more Quake SP maps then I care to remember (Q1) and have yet to finish them due to one bug or another. I am pretty hooked on the terrain-based stuff but it's tough to get what I like making, to work out well in Quake.
One day maybe...
 Re: Flat Lighting
#6 posted by Blitz on 2006/07/10 14:57:32
Specifically in the first shot...it looks almost unlit. There is no shading anywhere and you would think there would be at least *some* kind of light sourcing that would be casting shadows.
#7 posted by pope on 2006/07/10 15:52:22
#8 posted by Spe on 2006/07/10 23:43:09
er. and where did my comment go
I was asking what engine do you need to run this? (obviously standard q2 wont cut it)
#9 posted by Maric on 2006/07/12 10:45:25
Specifically in the first shot...it looks almost unlit. There is no shading anywhere and you would think there would be at least *some* kind of light sourcing that would be casting shadows.
You hurt my soul deeply =(
 Another Nice One
#10 posted by Xtyfe on 2006/07/12 14:09:54
Gotta say, this isnt half bad :)
could use some armor though i think, and maybe bit more health and it certinly could be used on a server
how do i get the bfg anyways? i tried rocket jumpin, but i couldnt fit :p
#11 posted by Lunaran on 2006/07/13 11:03:40
maric, it's okay to have parts of your map that aren't fullbright. :)
Don't light to illuminate every surface. Light to contrast them.
 Doubt If That Is Fullbright
#12 posted by HeadThump on 2006/07/13 11:46:55
Maric likely had ArghRAD bouncing the raytrace at a high level to simulate tropical lighting, thus the saturation. Maric knows what he is doing, and has been doing it for a long time.
#13 posted by Maric on 2006/07/13 13:03:27
The map is not full-bright, I promise =). But I did use a -minlighta setting of "8" which more than less eliminates the odd pinkish-hue that is cast by transparent textures (255) on occasion. I did use the light surface setting for the sky. I believe thet it is set to 150. I also do not care for the sun_angle for Dm, it usually results in almost Doom3-ish shadows and black patches. I'd prefer hearing the criticisms about flat lighting (well deserved in some case, even this one maybe ;-)then ending up with maps that have extreme contrast but in the end I'd hate to play.
I have no idea where those three screen caps in the news release came from. I didn't even know until a day or so after the news item that it was posted here. In fact I do not even know who siekiera is though I do appreciate his interest and his willingness to advertise new Q2 releases. (please take no offense siekiera)
I seldom even open an editor anymore. The ol'ady and I have started a couple new small businesses and we are polishing off a novel atm.
Ain't a lot of time for mapping anymore.
#14 posted by Lunaran on 2006/07/14 23:52:03
I'd prefer hearing the criticisms about flat lighting (well deserved in some case, even this one maybe ;-)then ending up with maps that have extreme contrast but in the end I'd hate to play.
Well, yes, but those aren't your only two options :)
#15 posted by siekiera on 2006/07/16 12:42:15