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New Q2DM By Maric
New Quake 2 deathmatch level in topping graphic frame and about very curious construction. Integrity is called "The Muridae's Fuzzy Fundament" by Shon Shaffer "Maric"


Interesting architecture, lighting looks a bit flat though. I guess you can't do too much more when trying to make a nice outdoor/island looking structure in Q2 though. The decals have obvious "boxes" behind them (again, just a limitation of Q2 I assume but these are the things that happen when you try to push the limits of an engine :)) 
Wow, The Pics Are Splendid 
I didn't think the lighting appeared flat, but that must be the case 'cause the overhang and the floor are evenly lit in the last picture, but otherwise I would not have noticed if it wasn't pointed out. 
I didn't know until just now that someone posted about it here... Howdy!

This map is (more than less) a technical disaster with ridiculous r_speeds. It was a "for-fun" kind of thing only. I doubt it will play well across the web with Q2's engine limitations.

This is more or less what it looks like on the "build" machine... 
it is pretty impressive how far you guys have pushed the q2 engine in some of the maps of the past couple years. It makes me want to say "go find a better engine" except I know you guys are stuck on quake2 for the same reason a lot of us are stuck on quake -- because we like it a lot and it's familiar. 
Maric:it is pretty impressive how far you guys have pushed the q2 engine in some of the maps of the past couple years. It makes me want to say "go find a better engine" except I know you guys are stuck on quake2 for the same reason a lot of us are stuck on quake -- because we like it a lot and it's familiar.

Thanks, Jester's stuff is the real standout. He should be slinging brushes professionally.

I have started more Quake SP maps then I care to remember (Q1) and have yet to finish them due to one bug or another. I am pretty hooked on the terrain-based stuff but it's tough to get what I like making, to work out well in Quake.
One day maybe... 
Re: Flat Lighting 
Specifically in the first looks almost unlit. There is no shading anywhere and you would think there would be at least *some* kind of light sourcing that would be casting shadows. 
er. and where did my comment go
I was asking what engine do you need to run this? (obviously standard q2 wont cut it) 
Specifically in the first looks almost unlit. There is no shading anywhere and you would think there would be at least *some* kind of light sourcing that would be casting shadows.

You hurt my soul deeply =( 
Another Nice One 
Gotta say, this isnt half bad :)

could use some armor though i think, and maybe bit more health and it certinly could be used on a server

how do i get the bfg anyways? i tried rocket jumpin, but i couldnt fit :p 
maric, it's okay to have parts of your map that aren't fullbright. :)

Don't light to illuminate every surface. Light to contrast them. 
Doubt If That Is Fullbright 
Maric likely had ArghRAD bouncing the raytrace at a high level to simulate tropical lighting, thus the saturation. Maric knows what he is doing, and has been doing it for a long time. 
The map is not full-bright, I promise =). But I did use a -minlighta setting of "8" which more than less eliminates the odd pinkish-hue that is cast by transparent textures (255) on occasion. I did use the light surface setting for the sky. I believe thet it is set to 150. I also do not care for the sun_angle for Dm, it usually results in almost Doom3-ish shadows and black patches. I'd prefer hearing the criticisms about flat lighting (well deserved in some case, even this one maybe ;-)then ending up with maps that have extreme contrast but in the end I'd hate to play.

I have no idea where those three screen caps in the news release came from. I didn't even know until a day or so after the news item that it was posted here. In fact I do not even know who siekiera is though I do appreciate his interest and his willingness to advertise new Q2 releases. (please take no offense siekiera)

I seldom even open an editor anymore. The ol'ady and I have started a couple new small businesses and we are polishing off a novel atm.

Ain't a lot of time for mapping anymore. 
I'd prefer hearing the criticisms about flat lighting (well deserved in some case, even this one maybe ;-)then ending up with maps that have extreme contrast but in the end I'd hate to play.

Well, yes, but those aren't your only two options :) 
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