#129 posted by JPL on 2007/03/21 16:29:38
I've never even made a Q1 map
Shame on you...:P
 Gotta Say...
#130 posted by cheshire on 2007/03/21 17:48:13
This sounds fantastic. I have sent through an email to the address and I really hope that this project gets off the ground.
Now, if only I could find my signed-by-iD Quake 2 Extremities box... then I could then have two things by which to justify the countless hours of neglecting my friends and family so that I could stare deep into Worldcraft's interface while sitting in a dimly lit room.
#131 posted by pope on 2007/03/21 18:08:11
pjw (and others)
all 3d shooter games are welcome. The reason its so heavily Quake focused is obviously due to my ties with the community. I do have a couple non quake contributers so far. But would encourage more.
Once I have more to show, I will recirculate a lot more diligently to other communities in an effort to get more variety.
That reminds me. Age won't be included, i nixed that idea a while ago. However the games one maps for perhaps is a wiser idea, and far more relevant.
chesire: welcome, so glad to see an old face show up from the woodwork!
#132 posted by MaTi on 2007/03/21 20:19:19
how about including comments from other mappers/review writers
 Good Idea
#133 posted by JPL on 2007/03/21 21:14:08
For Quake map: there is Underwolrdfan's website at http://underworld.planetquake.gamespy.com/
#134 posted by MaTi on 2007/03/21 21:58:29
also you can look on MPQ for some nice pieces of text expressing map style/feel...
#135 posted by Spirit on 2007/03/21 22:09:40
I want to see the brushwork. Not read what others thing about it.
 No Reviews Please
#136 posted by gone on 2007/03/22 09:25:45
They dont describe the brushwork much (if at all). Dont shift the focus
#137 posted by JPL on 2007/05/20 09:40:20
Regarding the "schedule" given on your website, you should be, more or less, in the latest steps of your editing process... Could you give us any feedback please ? What is the status as of today ? I ask just because I'm curious ;)
 Yeah, Schedule...
#138 posted by pope on 2007/05/21 07:05:59
book landed on the backburned with some delays in contacting a few of the first people. It's still active, but with a few other things on the menu, combined with my A.D.D. it's been stalled a bit. There HAS been work done, but nothing really worthwhile updating things with.
I'm still looking for a decent typeface that's affordable. Last one I liked was $600 ... i must have expensive taste.
#139 posted by JPL on 2007/05/21 08:46:02
I'm glad to see things are going forward: I thought a minute the project has been canceled ;)
I'll stay tuned and I'll look forward for new post from you here, in order to keep informed !
Keep it up !
 It Shant Be Canceled...
#140 posted by pope on 2007/05/23 07:02:42
unless i die.
so there's a 50/50 chance
 Humpty Bumpty
#141 posted by Lunaran on 2007/07/31 06:38:52
I wanna see my name in print
#142 posted by metlslime on 2007/07/31 07:49:13
you mean in a context that doesn't involve Dave Matthews and a bus and a bridge?
 I Don't Think He Was Ever Namechecked In Those Articles
#143 posted by pope on 2007/07/31 08:25:59
Sorry lads, I know there's no good 'real' reason for lack of news. I'm just getting my life back onto some solid ground. It's no excuse, just a reason for my ineptitude.
#144 posted by JPL on 2007/07/31 08:34:02
You don't have to give any excuses for that: real life is more important than our "virtual" life here. So it is not ineptitude, it is just management of priority: we all know that very well ;)
#145 posted by DaZ on 2007/07/31 17:14:34
@ #142
That still makes me laugh even today :)
 Pope ?
#146 posted by JPL on 2007/12/11 18:58:48
How things are going on your side ? Any news to share ?
#147 posted by M. on 2008/01/25 19:33:37
doh, pope will not made it i guess...
maybe I can continue his idea?
#148 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/01/25 20:00:19
I was just looking at this the other day. I would buy this book instantly if it ever got finished.
#149 posted by M. on 2009/01/01 17:14:00
dead topic? :(
#150 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/01/01 17:34:10
Yeah, I was really hoping this would go somewhere. :-/
#151 posted by M. on 2009/01/03 01:41:50
so I can continue that idea. It's not a problem for me to prepare pages for printing, I'll watch for some cheap book printers and when I'll have more details I'll inform you all.
#152 posted by megaman on 2009/01/03 13:07:16
I'll watch for some cheap book printers
Hide your stiffy, or they might feel offended.
#153 posted by M. on 2009/01/03 20:42:33
sure, and quality it more important than very low prize.