I Have No Moves At All
#1 posted by
starbuck on 2007/09/26 10:43:43
but I'm looking forward watching those people who do.

Spirit Ultra Star!
#2 posted by deurk on 2007/09/26 16:17:04
Thank you LOTS to you Spirit, it has been 2 difficult weeks for you to get that map going under my will :P
Great job again.
BTW: I am looking for somebody else to make me a special map... Please contact me if interested :D
#3 posted by
Trinca on 2007/09/26 20:07:40
spirit = sexy
map = sexy to
:p look great ;) will try some bunnys tonight!!!

Good Work
#4 posted by
bambuz on 2007/09/26 22:03:10
nice and clean. Good that a mapper cares about qw trickjumpguys. :)
#5 posted by vb on 2007/09/28 04:36:41
A contest after my own heart.

#6 posted by
Sielwolf on 2007/09/30 20:09:42
I have always wondered what the secret is behind those crazy jumps (except skill obviously); super high fps or something, practice til your hands fall off ?

#7 posted by
Spirit on 2007/09/30 21:01:34
QW physics for some stuff. Practise for the others. Just like the speedrunners do.
There are quite some demos at
http://contest.quakeonline.net/ now. Impressive tricks!

Great Map
#8 posted by mushi on 2007/10/10 17:37:36
this is a great map and instagib is fun there! ffa or duel