#1 posted by
metlslime on 2011/06/24 19:36:42
Screens look cool... but isn't "Dimension of the Doomed" the name of quake episode 1?

#2 posted by
Zwiffle on 2011/06/24 19:50:46
I was a bit ambitious in what I wanted to do, sort of inspired by the mini-quake episode themed speedmap talk going on. I wanted to mash up the different episode 1 styles into a single map with a bit more exploration and slightly less linearity, but I ran out of time/space and didn't incorporate the metal theme. The whole thing fell apart really. Fffuu. D:<

#3 posted by
Zwiffle on 2011/06/24 19:51:34
I swear I uploaded it to the singleplayer maps directory on Quaketastic. Dunno why it went to the root. Fffuu. D:<

#4 posted by
metlslime on 2011/06/24 20:09:36
that explains the two URLs... i just deleted the one that doesn't work.
#5 posted by negke on 2011/06/24 20:11:29
I posted the other one so there was still a workling link in case Willem moved the file to the correct location