Missing Xen
#1 posted by
quaketree on 2012/09/16 11:25:44
is a feature as far as I'm concerned. It really didn't fit in with the rest of the game. There were a few good spots but overall it seemed pretty disjointed to me.
Now if only someone would port Opposing Forces and Blue Shift over to the Source engine.
#2 posted by
Spirit on 2012/09/16 11:32:02
I am trying to play RemakeHalfLife with Wine but the installer craps out. Can I just extract the 7z somewhere?
The best thing to do with Blue Shift is catapult whoever decided to release that rubbish into the sun.

Intro Video
#5 posted by
DaZ on 2012/09/16 16:58:07
Up to where you get your hazard suit. Very impressed so far! :o

Not Bad, But Also Not Impressive
#7 posted by
RaverX on 2012/09/16 18:25:17
I've been waiting for Black Mesa for too long now and I had big expectations, some screenshots released years ago looked impressive. Maybe that's why now I'm a bit dissapointed. Or maybe after playing HL Source, HL2+ep1,2 it's hard to be impressed.
I've played a bit and I like it, I'm a big fan of the original game and I liked HL2 even more. But this doesn't have anything new, maybe if I didn't played HL Source a while ago... maybe...

I Like It.
#8 posted by
Text_Fish on 2012/09/16 19:08:44
It doesn't have the polish of a triple A game, but it was never going to. What it does do well is recapture the feel of HL1 whilst adding a few fun new features, such as the flares, and being able to have more than two NPC's in your squad.
It's also ridiculously fun to repeatedly bash a scientist round the head with a metal tray.