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SM174: Castle Madfox
A tribute or something.

Sort of an impromptu speedmapping session using the textures from Madfox's iconic entry for SM59.
Scampie made a small weirdo map in a properly short time, I got carried away/derped and took forever. Interestngly enough, we both had the same fishy idea independent of one another. Best thing about it: we mapped, yay. Now back to slacking!

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clearly if you'd both spent two hours everything would have been perfect! 
- I'm up for another speedmap session to compensate us for not announcing this one so your map would stand out more, negke :D. Abstract is a good theme, but QTWMFD is even better. As long as it is after two weeks, i'll have time for it around that.

About sm174:

- They are good speedmaps, and fun to play, but clearly you haven't nailed Madfox's style, he/she uses some crazy layout and gets the most of blockiness. Maybe Scampie's, if it were a bit larger to see where it is heading for. �Who cares! �They provide some fun, that's all that matters!

- Negke's has a very good layout and some enjoyable combats, and the purple texture fits the towers well, in an otherwordly sense.
It reminded me of sm169_jackfapoff.
You can see that i acted strangely when i got the nailgun, i though the ceiling would crash on my head, or any other surprise. But the biggest surprise was THAT THING at the door!

- Scampie's is a bit strange in the good sense, it is a pity you haven't got more time to work on it.
I suppose that i played it on the way it is supposed to, but i got a doubt: It is that Satan's trick a reference to something or it is just that i had to pay more attention to the messages (i never noticed them till the second attempt), if i wanted to not fall for the trap? 
#23, #27 
nice little pack, thanks guys...
1� demos! 
Neither had I announcements, but I'm not on #tf
and would have liked the participation, just like digs.
At least it isn't my wad file.

I start feeling like DonQuichot who believes
someone has stolen his appartment.

Here are my demo's:

scampy: indeed speed map.

negke: good layout, has a good grip, intriging.
What's that F_Die() head at the door?
It lacks every bouncing box, I hate hellspawn!

Thanks for the maps! 
Madfox doing QTWMD would be a bit redundant ;)

Well, you can compensate yourself with sm175. you have till the 9th of June to submit something. More details on the speedmapping thread. 
By The Way, MadFox 
You know you can press Shift to run in Quake, right? Or even turn on "always run" in the options. 
@cocello- sorry, what's qtwmd? I'm rather abscend minded.

@negke- I'm a scary player, I like to see my oppenent. 
The Theme Of This Speedmap Session 
Quake the way Madfox did. you can see it repeated along this thread. 
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