Whoever Finds Where The Title Of Mine Comes From Wins Shambler Dung
Arrrcee: I really liked the aesthetic of that one. It's a tad blocky but the textures work well and convey a very malevolent feel, something you'd see in Doom pretty often for instance. Fits the theme the most with WarrenM's. It's quite challenging because of low amount of health kits.
Fifth: Man I'm glad you decided to release it because it's a lot of fun. Good use of Lunaran's IKWhite textures and very interesting arena overall. It gets nasty pretty fast especially with all these Vores up high (and that one a bit below too). Clipping is a bit agressive in the alcoves but that is a nitpick. I'd have made the lower platform with the shell box an elevator, but that's about it. Had a lot of fun with that one.
Hypnos: Excellent first release. Welcome to the world of Quake! I love that foggy aesthetic and that castle looks pretty ominous in the white mist. Good use of the rusty water slime thing too. It's probably the most interesting arena with ijed's, and it is incredibly brutal and hard. I made it to wave 9 on my first run but didn't record a demo sadly. There are a couple of tiny issues with it, the most annoying being some sort of borked collision when descending to the small nail box from the golden backpack pad, which almost always results in you falling the slime. It's the only issue I have with it though!
ijed: Super interesting arena with various playstyles. It feels like an oldschool DM map and it's just a lot of fun. Reminded me of E3 on acid. I like the fact that the only healing source was a mega (at least in the style I played).
mfx: Insanely good, mate. Not a single nitpick except maybe the fact that the lava textures are misaligned BUT I don't think you can do anything about this. In any case I loved every second of it, especially the quad area in the sky arena. Bloody brilliant map.
Scampie: That one feels so cozy. It's like Unreal meets Spyro. Love the different arenas. Rocky Rapids is really fun and you are a vicious bastard throwing in Shamblers there. :p
The crusher/bars arena is pretty cool too but it would've worked better with A LOT more monsters imo.
WarrenM: LOVE the aesthetic of that one. It feels incredibly evil and fits the theme perfectly. I had throwbacks to both Doom and Warpspasm with that one. I've had monsters that didn't aggro properly and stayed where they were, which made me go treasure hunting. You still have some skip surfaces too. Other than that it's great. I like the armor mechanic too.
Skill 3 demos: