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Explore Jam 1 Released
Two experimental Q1 SP maps made in two days by Sock and PuLSaR.

No monsters. 1024 cube.

Run. Jump. Explore.



Don't forget to record a demo.
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That Was Fun 
You Should Follow Him On Twitter. 
My Demos 
first time I've submitted demos. 
Really Great Concept

Pulsar: Lovely little tutorial to start off the jam! I liked the many ways to find buttons and transverse through the area. I could not figure out how to lower the last button's platform however as you will see in the demo.

Sock: Very nice looking design, the entire level flows and it was good fun finding all of the buttons. I found "2" parts of what must be the secret but failed to find anymore. I will have to go back in and search!

If anything, these levels give great ideas for secrets in regular maps. Nice job you two! 
Looks cool, too bad it was announced here, I love exploration maps. Not sure what the point of keeping it secret was? 
Awesome Idea. 
I like that kind of secrets and neat jumps to get there.

Almost gave up on Pulsar's map. Was searching in all the wrong places. Platform lowering hidden switch was a bit too dark imho. Wasn't hard to find, but hard to see.

Not saying it wasn't fair, probably just me being blind, but I searched for last button for far too long to really enjoy second half of session.

Sock's map after that was a walk in the park. Wherever you go - there is a button waiting 8)
And much more ramp jumps that isn't very hard to execute, but look cool and make you feel like a defrag pro.

Fun Little Thing.. 
I spent a few hours making a map myself but it was trash. Then I had a second idea but I had no time left.

I made some demos, should be easy to understand which is which - 
Watching Demos 
Bloughsburgh: are you sure that you gave the link to the correct file? That button is very close to that platform near, you just have to look down.

DeeDoubleU: It was a complete surprise to me that the last button, that you couldn't find for a long time was hard to find. I supposed that there could be problems with finding button that lowers the platform, but not the other one.

It turned out that me and Sock took completely opposite directions for this jam. Sock's map is a calm sandbox filled with buttons that can be reached in any order, while my map has a strict route with some nasty jumping puzzles (I anticipate Daz's pain) that are necessary to proceed. I really like that Sock's map doesn't require to find all buttons to finish the level. I probably should have done the same in my map for the final part.
Also my map feels more agressive than Sock's one even in visual style and selected audio track.

Overall it was fun to make something different from the common quake gameplay. Thanks Sock for this little jam. Follow him on twitter to not miss any new jam in future. 
Thanks Pulsar for letting me know, that was indeed...not the correct file.

This is:

I don't know how I missed that last button! I guess maybe it was a wee bit too dark. 
Really cool maps, would be cool to see more trickjumping/defrag type maps being made! I haven't played Quakeworld a long time so i butchered a lot of the jumps and they took me a few tries to get down properly :) 
Cool little maps. No clue about the secret in sock's map though. I had a centerprint telling me I found it, but I didn't find any proper secret area.

Just A Guess 
I think the secret is to find all of the buttons. It looks like you don't need all of the buttons to reach the exit. I found this when I pushed what I thought was a "secret" button but got the usual counter towards the end goal.

Pretty neat idea! 
liked Sock's more brushwise. would love to see proper action coagula map with monsters done in this style! 
would love to see proper action coagula map with monsters done in this style!

Check Sock's map from this jam.

Now I can easily find all secrets in that map. 
That is a lot of demo's! Maybe because the maps are short and there is less chance of death that so many recorded! Thanks everyone, it was good fun to watch. Especially as some people were unaware of ramp jumping to start with and discovered it during play.

My map is very much about trick (ramp) jumps with the classic 45 degree slope and the half pipe for greater vertical movement. Its certainly something that can be added to combat maps to give alternative routes and puzzles challenges.

The secret in my map is about finding all (13) buttons instead of just 10 to open the portal. There is no special secret room at the end, I ran out of time, jams events are always about a fixed time (Sunday-Monday) frame. I used the brushwork style from my Sky Eater map to speed up the building process.

If anyone wants to take part in my future projects or spontaneous jam events, follow my twitter and join the chat. Its no secret, my twitter account is very much public domain! 
nah, i don't use twitter. func is the center for quake mapping anyway. 
I'm stalking you on twitter. You can run, but you can't hide. 
Viva La Revoluci�n 
nah, i don't use twitter
Well obviously that is your choice, but there is a lot of people from this community on twitter who do share they personal mapping projects, videos and views on current topics or trends around the internet. 
Less Chance Of Death... exactly what worked well in this jam. 
I Still Died. 
the shame... 
Loved It! 
Awesome idea and executions. I think Pulsar nailed the mood, it's all industrial and brutal with all metal and computer hummm. Couldn't find secret on Sock's yet.

We gotta have more of these. 
Is there a download mirror? 
HOW?? That is a work of genius! Repeated falling damage? Getting crushed by a lift? Telefragging urself? 
He amused himself to death. 
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